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ErikH - Posted - 03/13/2014:  02:17:57

That would be a chilly ride from up here.

OM45GE - Posted - 03/13/2014:  03:12:24

Here too, slippery as well. It rained all night and then the temperature dropped 10 degrees in an hour.

banjoscotty - Posted - 03/13/2014:  11:37:29

It's cool here today. 62 degrees,,,HA,HA,HA,HA,,,

ErikH - Posted - 03/13/2014:  14:48:39

If it was 62 here, I'd probably open the windows and put on a pair of shorts.

OM45GE - Posted - 03/14/2014:  04:47:03

That would be a 50 degree improvement over where we are this morning.

ErikH - Posted - 03/14/2014:  14:28:07

We actually hit 50 today, but it was 10F Yesterday morning.

TheLastWord - Posted - 03/14/2014:  15:51:41

Ringing the LW bell.

OM45GE - Posted - 03/14/2014:  17:44:32

You rang the Last Word's bell?

ErikH - Posted - 03/15/2014:  03:59:52

Did you hide in the bushes when it came to answer the door?

TheLastWord - Posted - 03/15/2014:  04:27:47

No, we went out to dinner, then a movie.

banjoscotty - Posted - 03/15/2014:  04:54:50

LW's diet is comas,periods,question marks,exclamation marks,hyphens,
quotation marks,ect.

OM45GE - Posted - 03/15/2014:  05:40:39

Does that mean last word is punctuated or punctual?

TheLastWord - Posted - 03/15/2014:  07:48:12

Yes, she's punctual and like the peas.

OM45GE - Posted - 03/15/2014:  07:57:59

Does she put the peas in a blender?

TheLastWord - Posted - 03/15/2014:  11:40:39

Not sure, let me check......

No, she doesn't like whirled peas.

OM45GE - Posted - 03/15/2014:  13:08:02

Can I come down and visit Last Word?  It's supposed. To get really cold up were again tonite. 

TheLastWord - Posted - 03/15/2014:  13:33:44

Sure, come on down. It's 76 and sunny.

ErikH - Posted - 03/15/2014:  15:05:41

Sounds nicer than the snow flurries and weather in the low 20's were supposed to get this evening.

OM45GE - Posted - 03/15/2014:  15:29:04

Pretty much what we're getting. Florida sounds like a big improvement. 

TheLastWord - Posted - 03/16/2014:  05:30:32

Another day, another last word.

banjoscotty - Posted - 03/16/2014:  07:25:17

And so,,,,,that's that

ErikH - Posted - 03/16/2014:  10:03:53

Was the last word out celebrating St. Patrick's day?

TheLastWord - Posted - 03/16/2014:  13:29:45

Waiting until tomorrow, then the party starts.

roxygrl - Posted - 03/16/2014:  14:07:40

.."shake hands with Uncle mike ,,,me boy!,,{hic!}.."say hello to your sister Kate!.{hic}"your as welcome as the ..??..something?..last word..

ErikH - Posted - 03/16/2014:  15:01:35

I hope the LW doesn't drink too much green beer.

banjoscotty - Posted - 03/17/2014:  03:06:46

It's probably ok,Eric. LW will be here when all of us are gone.

TheLastWord - Posted - 03/17/2014:  04:03:54

Long gone.....last word.

banjoscotty - Posted - 03/17/2014:  14:52:47

LW still in Florida

ErikH - Posted - 03/18/2014:  02:12:26

It's gonna be 50 and muddy here.  May as well stay in Florida.

OM45GE - Posted - 03/18/2014:  03:07:39

Erik, you've got to stop sending your crappy weather my way. If the weather woman is right, that's on tap tomorrow and Thursday.

banjoscotty - Posted - 03/18/2014:  03:24:35

LW and me had a conversation yesterday and He got the LW.

OM45GE - Posted - 03/18/2014:  04:29:04

Funny thing about that...

banjoscotty - Posted - 03/18/2014:  06:58:35

Not so funny! He has met up with the First Word and they wanna get married!!

OM45GE - Posted - 03/18/2014:  08:04:08

That could cause some major problems.

ErikH - Posted - 03/18/2014:  15:00:44

I think that would be a short marriage.

OM45GE - Posted - 03/18/2014:  15:05:43

I wonder what the kids would look like.

TheLastWord - Posted - 03/18/2014:  15:10:20

Vowels and consonants.

OM45GE - Posted - 03/18/2014:  15:38:49

Dangling participles...

banjoscotty - Posted - 03/18/2014:  16:18:32

What conversations could they have?

OM45GE - Posted - 03/18/2014:  16:27:56

Could they discuss conjugation?


ErikH - Posted - 03/19/2014:  02:18:02

The LW usually cuts conversations pretty short.

banjoscotty - Posted - 03/19/2014:  02:37:57

The FW,being female,is used to getting LW every time.
Poor LW will be getting got many times,,,,,,maybe?

OM45GE - Posted - 03/19/2014:  02:55:21

I wonder if they had a prenuptial agreement.

ErikH - Posted - 03/19/2014:  14:50:59

Isn't it kind of like the scorpion and the frog, the last word is just part of the LW's nature?

OM45GE - Posted - 03/19/2014:  15:32:23

We've been assuming that Last Word is the male and First Word is the female. What if we've got it all wrong?

banjoscotty - Posted - 03/19/2014:  19:51:33

I already saw LW in shower.He is a HIM!!

ErikH - Posted - 03/20/2014:  02:17:19

At least it wasn't a dirty word.

banjoscotty - Posted - 03/20/2014:  03:04:17

LW has a job down at the feed store

OM45GE - Posted - 03/20/2014:  03:17:04

What's he do there?

banjoscotty - Posted - 03/20/2014:  05:26:23

Sells farm supplies and farm animal feed. He likes the job very well.

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