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banjoscotty - Posted - 05/17/2016:  04:30:30

There is also average

OM45GE - Posted - 05/17/2016:  04:42:52

Content with being average. 

chuckv97 - Posted - 05/17/2016:  07:08:29

LW told Bill he's on the wrong game

Edited by - chuckv97 on 05/17/2016 07:09:15

banjoscotty - Posted - 05/17/2016:  09:32:07

LW is shooting possums out on Judge Adams ranch right now.

OM45GE - Posted - 05/17/2016:  10:57:45

I wasn't in the wrong game. I was just observing that LW was content with being an average last word. He also doesn't shoot possums.

banjoscotty - Posted - 05/17/2016:  13:26:09

I taught him how to shoot possums right smack dab between the eyes.

OM45GE - Posted - 05/17/2016:  13:44:58

I don't think so. LW thinks possums are the last word in marsupial evolution and therefor relatives of his.

janolov - Posted - 05/17/2016:  22:53:43

What is the difference between average and mean?

banjoscotty - Posted - 05/18/2016:  02:02:19

I don't know,what is the difference?

OM45GE - Posted - 05/18/2016:  03:17:52

Last Word is more interested in the median than the mean or average. 

Edited by - OM45GE on 05/18/2016 03:19:42

TheLastWord - Posted - 05/18/2016:  04:27:01

LW has decided to end the game right here and stay in Florida.

OM45GE - Posted - 05/18/2016:  05:33:32

The Gainesville Sun reports that Daffy Duck has progressed from just being daffy to seriously delusional about Last Word's whereabouts. 

banjoscotty - Posted - 05/18/2016:  08:28:26

Oh that's just normal everyday stuff.

OM45GE - Posted - 05/19/2016:  02:55:29

Must be a slow news day in G'ville. 

TheLastWord - Posted - 05/19/2016:  04:03:04

As usual, the Gainesville Sun has no clue what's going on.

OM45GE - Posted - 05/19/2016:  05:22:42

So they haven't reported that LW has taken up permanent residence in Andover, MA?

banjoscotty - Posted - 05/19/2016:  13:57:36

That would be publishing false information

chuckv97 - Posted - 05/19/2016:  15:10:20

LW doesn't like University towns like G'sville, so he's hightailed it to Hawgtrawf, Alberta.

Edited by - chuckv97 on 05/19/2016 15:10:44

OM45GE - Posted - 05/20/2016:  03:42:08

Ha ha ha. 

banjoscotty - Posted - 05/20/2016:  07:26:23

You mean that little bugger has left the country again?

TheLastWord - Posted - 05/20/2016:  09:16:55

Oh great, the LW just adopted a dragon and named him Pete.

OM45GE - Posted - 05/20/2016:  10:53:06

I wonder if he knows how to train a dragon.

banjoscotty - Posted - 05/21/2016:  13:56:32

What would he train him to do?

OM45GE - Posted - 05/21/2016:  17:29:21

LW is here in Andover celebrating World Whiskey Day with me. 

chuckv97 - Posted - 05/21/2016:  18:07:54

I didn't know whiskey needed its own day for celebrating

banjoscotty - Posted - 05/22/2016:  04:07:59

The whiskey doesn't need a day to celebrate,,,
Bill needs a day for whiskey

TheLastWord - Posted - 05/22/2016:  17:31:01

LW prefers Florida.

chuckv97 - Posted - 05/22/2016:  17:37:20

  • You mean Floral, Saskatchewan, birthplace of "Mr. Hockey", Gordie Howe

Edited by - chuckv97 on 05/22/2016 17:43:05

banjoscotty - Posted - 05/22/2016:  20:31:21

NO,,It's Floral City,Florida

OM45GE - Posted - 05/23/2016:  03:10:23

Last Word is in the map section of the Andover Memorial Hall Library trying to figure out why you guys are so confused about geography. 

banjoscotty - Posted - 05/23/2016:  03:29:00

I'd be interested in what he finds

OM45GE - Posted - 05/23/2016:  03:45:01

So far, he's fund that he's not in Florida. 

chuckv97 - Posted - 05/23/2016:  08:05:12

Is he looking for a cute first word there?

banjoscotty - Posted - 05/23/2016:  09:28:49

I'm not surprised at that

TheLastWord - Posted - 05/23/2016:  16:37:42

Cute first word spotted in Book a Million in G'ville with the LW in hot pursuit.

OM45GE - Posted - 05/24/2016:  03:31:06

Hot and bothered

banjoscotty - Posted - 05/24/2016:  04:18:37

Get your mind out of the gutter

chuckv97 - Posted - 05/24/2016:  05:27:44

Is LW at the bowling alley?

banjoscotty - Posted - 05/24/2016:  06:21:45

He was untill he came back to Ft.Pierce

OM45GE - Posted - 05/24/2016:  06:51:05

No gutters huh?

chuckv97 - Posted - 05/24/2016:  07:11:36

No downspouts either?

OM45GE - Posted - 05/24/2016:  08:25:55

Not many basements either. 

OM45GE - Posted - 05/24/2016:  08:26:32

...and, I feel compelled to add - no Last Word either. 

banjoscotty - Posted - 05/24/2016:  08:33:19

no snow either.

OM45GE - Posted - 05/24/2016:  09:19:48

Good point. Of course, this past winter, neither did we.

chuckv97 - Posted - 05/24/2016:  09:33:20

Very little snow on the Rockies - LW figures the grizzlies will have Slim Pickens this year....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

OM45GE - Posted - 05/24/2016:  10:48:53

I was in Colorado one winter with very little snow. The snowshoe hares had all turned white and stuck out vividly against the brown earth.

chuckv97 - Posted - 05/25/2016:  06:03:13

Oops,,wrong camo

OM45GE - Posted - 05/26/2016:  02:58:45

Last Word doesn't mind standing out. 

banjoscotty - Posted - 05/26/2016:  13:02:24

He's like a sore thumb

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