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TheLastWord - Posted - 05/18/2018:  05:06:19

He sure is. He's closed the door, but I can hear a hammer, chainsaw, drill, table saw, and a blender (I'm thinking margaritas).

OM45GE - Posted - 05/18/2018:  05:12:10

I'm pretty sure mixing margaritas and power equipment is a bad idea.

chuckv97 - Posted - 05/18/2018:  07:33:17

Isn’t he woodshedding?

OM45GE - Posted - 05/18/2018:  12:00:25

Did you see Richard's post about the power equipment? We'll have to call him La Wor after he lops off a few characters in his drunken power tool orgy.

chuckv97 - Posted - 05/18/2018:  12:06:31

That’s despicable.....

OM45GE - Posted - 05/18/2018:  12:34:21

Indeed it is.

TheLastWord - Posted - 05/18/2018:  16:27:52

It's all quiet in the shed. Me thinks LW is taking a nap.

chuckv97 - Posted - 05/18/2018:  18:01:58

Is that allowed by the Union Agreement?

OM45GE - Posted - 05/18/2018:  18:15:12


TheLastWord - Posted - 05/19/2018:  07:08:56

LW emerged from the shed this morning covered in saw dust. After washing off with the garden hose, went straight to bed and hasn't moved since.

OM45GE - Posted - 05/19/2018:  08:26:39

We may not see him for a while.

TheLastWord - Posted - 05/20/2018:  12:14:35

I'm thinking the same. Unfortunately, he's locked the shed.

OM45GE - Posted - 05/21/2018:  03:32:21

Do you have bolt cutters?

TheLastWord - Posted - 05/21/2018:  03:57:37

No need, he unlocked the shed during the night and it's now clean as a whistle. What I can say is I still have the last word.

OM45GE - Posted - 05/21/2018:  04:28:45

You have the sawdust - I've the Last Word

banjoscotty - Posted - 05/21/2018:  07:04:44

You guys just dream on,,,,,,,

OM45GE - Posted - 05/21/2018:  13:22:50

I shall

TheLastWord - Posted - 05/21/2018:  16:55:54

LW and I enjoy a good laugh at yall's expense.

OM45GE - Posted - 05/21/2018:  17:30:28

Are you smoking the sawdust?

banjoscotty - Posted - 05/22/2018:  02:36:04

That's why his eyes are crossed

OM45GE - Posted - 05/22/2018:  03:22:37

I think it explains a lot

TheLastWord - Posted - 05/22/2018:  03:45:12

Ha ha ha ha ha...

OM45GE - Posted - 05/22/2018:  05:14:02

Including sudden, inappropriate laughter

chuckv97 - Posted - 05/22/2018:  06:48:01

I’m also laughing - he who laughs last laughs best

banjoscotty - Posted - 05/22/2018:  14:34:34

That's what they say,,,,

TheLastWord - Posted - 05/22/2018:  16:43:59

They have decided the LW stays in Florida.

banjoscotty - Posted - 05/23/2018:  01:51:57

I vote for that

OM45GE - Posted - 05/23/2018:  04:12:23

Sorry, you lost in the electoral college

banjoscotty - Posted - 05/23/2018:  05:32:26

That place should be illegal.

OM45GE - Posted - 05/23/2018:  13:51:29

It doesn't matter, you lost in the popular vote as well.

TheLastWord - Posted - 05/23/2018:  15:10:09

Recount put LW back in Florida.

OM45GE - Posted - 05/23/2018:  16:09:26

Sometimes you just have to accept the election results no matter how much you think they suck.

TheLastWord - Posted - 05/24/2018:  14:55:51

It's another LW day in sunny Florida.

OM45GE - Posted - 05/25/2018:  03:39:42

Loud Watercraft?

TheLastWord - Posted - 05/25/2018:  03:54:39

LW says to guess again.

OM45GE - Posted - 05/25/2018:  04:04:47

Lunatic Ward?

TheLastWord - Posted - 05/25/2018:  14:35:54

No, your getting colder.

OM45GE - Posted - 05/26/2018:  05:01:10

Lawn Watering?

TheLastWord - Posted - 05/26/2018:  10:00:26

Colder still.

OM45GE - Posted - 05/28/2018:  03:31:02

I’ve got it, Lady Watching!

TheLastWord - Posted - 05/28/2018:  05:39:11

LOL Yes, that's it.

OM45GE - Posted - 05/28/2018:  09:15:52

Just another day at the beach!

TheLastWord - Posted - 05/28/2018:  18:08:28

LW has landed back in Florida.

banjoscotty - Posted - 05/29/2018:  02:55:40

Pt.St.Lucie to be exact

TheLastWord - Posted - 05/29/2018:  03:52:10

Not even close Scotty. LW is in G'ville as always.

OM45GE - Posted - 05/29/2018:  06:54:03

Last Word and I will sit back and watch you two duke it out.

banjoscotty - Posted - 05/30/2018:  03:24:00

Duke it out you say.No,we're more refined than that.
We toss dynamite charges at each other..

OM45GE - Posted - 05/30/2018:  05:37:53

All the more reason for LW and I to stay safely out of range here in Massachusetts

TheLastWord - Posted - 05/30/2018:  14:56:57

As usual, Bill has no clue he's actually with Larry Wilcox and his motorcycle.

OM45GE - Posted - 05/30/2018:  14:58:15

Larry and Last Word send their regards

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