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MWBailey - Posted - 01/13/2016:  20:55:27

Is LSD Low Stress Drinks?

OM45GE - Posted - 01/14/2016:  03:35:13

Do I have to answer?

chuckv97 - Posted - 01/14/2016:  06:36:37

Will it incriminate you if you do?

OM45GE - Posted - 01/14/2016:  11:33:03

Couldn't answering that incriminate me as well?

banjoscotty - Posted - 01/14/2016:  14:01:11

LW is not going to like this

TheLastWord - Posted - 01/14/2016:  16:06:28

and he's holding his breath again.

OM45GE - Posted - 01/14/2016:  17:54:19

I've warned him about that. 

chuckv97 - Posted - 01/14/2016:  18:13:11

He might turn blue

OM45GE - Posted - 01/15/2016:  03:29:47

He's going skiing with me today. He'll have to breathe then.

banjoscotty - Posted - 01/15/2016:  04:25:37

I don't know about that,,,They say the sights will
take your breath away,,,,,,,,,

OM45GE - Posted - 01/15/2016:  15:24:38

It was a pretty day on the slopes.  

Edited by - OM45GE on 01/15/2016 15:24:55

banjoscotty - Posted - 01/16/2016:  02:14:16

How did a day manage to get on the slopes?

chuckv97 - Posted - 01/16/2016:  05:56:08

Doris Day was on the slopes?

OM45GE - Posted - 01/16/2016:  07:52:57

She had some nice slopes of her own. 

banjoscotty - Posted - 01/16/2016:  08:21:43

You must have had snow blindness

OM45GE - Posted - 01/16/2016:  09:31:25

I think not. 


chuckv97 - Posted - 01/16/2016:  10:46:23

I had a boyhood crush on her- I guess my inner masculinity was coming out at 9 yrs. old

OM45GE - Posted - 01/16/2016:  11:41:35

Lovely lady. 

banjoscotty - Posted - 01/16/2016:  12:43:24

Please don't eat the daisys.

chuckv97 - Posted - 01/16/2016:  13:23:57

Don't tell LW from G'nsville that

TheLastWord - Posted - 01/17/2016:  05:39:42

To late.

OM45GE - Posted - 01/17/2016:  07:34:36

Chilling in Andover. 

chuckv97 - Posted - 01/17/2016:  09:08:45

Heading for the Quebec border

OM45GE - Posted - 01/17/2016:  12:02:17

Came to his senses and returned to Andover

banjoscotty - Posted - 01/18/2016:  12:06:56

Sam Adams,popcorn,and Swiss cheese

OM45GE - Posted - 01/18/2016:  13:01:17

Yes, we've got all three.

banjoscotty - Posted - 01/18/2016:  13:30:57

You're just saying that

OM45GE - Posted - 01/18/2016:  13:32:38

No, I was telling the truth. However, LW just plowed through it all so I have to run out to the store.

banjoscotty - Posted - 01/18/2016:  17:39:32

That's a good boy

OM45GE - Posted - 01/19/2016:  03:33:14

Quite an appetite. 

banjoscotty - Posted - 01/19/2016:  04:18:56

Who,,you or him?

OM45GE - Posted - 01/19/2016:  04:23:37

LW, honestly, I'm a little concerned. He seems to be packing on a few pounds. 

banjoscotty - Posted - 01/19/2016:  06:41:52

Maybe he'll start to wrestle if he gains some more lbs..

OM45GE - Posted - 01/19/2016:  07:49:57

I wouldn't have called it "wrestling", bit I did see him in some interesting holds with First Word.

banjoscotty - Posted - 01/19/2016:  08:12:09

Well then,,maybe she will gain some lbs?

chuckv97 - Posted - 01/19/2016:  09:34:13

Uh, the stork on its way?

OM45GE - Posted - 01/19/2016:  12:11:36

Well, it's not really possible to have lots of little Last Words running around is it?i

banjoscotty - Posted - 01/19/2016:  14:59:07

LW said Not to worry

OM45GE - Posted - 01/19/2016:  16:28:19

I hope that's not false bravado.


banjoscotty - Posted - 01/20/2016:  02:25:14

I said "not to worry" and we ended up with 6 sons.

OM45GE - Posted - 01/20/2016:  03:20:42

That's what I'm talking about. 

banjoscotty - Posted - 01/20/2016:  03:49:08

But by dingy dongy,,we had fun.

chuckv97 - Posted - 01/20/2016:  05:11:34

Life happens when you've made other plans,eh?

banjoscotty - Posted - 01/20/2016:  07:58:38

We had no plans,,we lived for the minute.

OM45GE - Posted - 01/21/2016:  02:30:17

Last Word has spontaneously come to Andover. 

banjoscotty - Posted - 01/21/2016:  07:37:58

We had better keep LW moving because the FBI are searching for him and us!!

OM45GE - Posted - 01/21/2016:  09:56:43

What did we do now?

chuckv97 - Posted - 01/21/2016:  10:43:17

RCMP are not happy either

OM45GE - Posted - 01/21/2016:  12:48:53

This is sounding serious.

chuckv97 - Posted - 01/21/2016:  14:27:03

If I were you ,Bill, I'd put LW on the next greyhound to Buffalo- nobody'll want to go look for him there

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