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ErikH - Posted - 07/30/2013: 15:51:22
I really used to like to have coffee with the cookies my grandmother used to make.
ErikH - Posted - 07/31/2013: 02:23:44
I think my mother has the recipe, but to my knowledge, she has never attempted to make them.
banjoscotty - Posted - 07/31/2013: 03:36:41
I have a recipe on "How To Make Love"
I might write a book
TheLastWord - Posted - 07/31/2013: 04:23:38
Originally posted by banjoscotty
What are Biscoff cookies?
Cookies usually given out on a plane. Publix carries them.
banjoscotty - Posted - 08/01/2013: 03:17:44
That explains my not knowing,,No plane and I usually shop at Winn-Dixie
ErikH - Posted - 08/01/2013: 03:25:02
Being from the North, I know not of these places of which you speak.
banjoscotty - Posted - 08/01/2013: 10:27:21
Winn-Dixie is a large food chain company like Publix.
But I think it is mostly in the south.
mbanjo - Posted - 08/01/2013: 23:57:23
I've never heard of either.......do you have Coles stores in the US?
ErikH - Posted - 08/02/2013: 05:30:53
There used to be a chain of grocery stores in the Chicago area called Kohl's.
banjoscotty - Posted - 08/02/2013: 08:45:38
How about Fulmers, Krogers, and Albers?
They were in Ohio,,my home state
ErikH - Posted - 08/02/2013: 14:53:22
We have Food 4 Less, which is owned by Kroger. I know there are Kroger stores farther North, too but none around me. The big stores around here (aside from Walmart) would be Jewel and Dominick's, although they are both in financial straits. Jewel used be owned b Albertsons, but sold the Chicago area stores to SuperValu, I think. Dominick's is owned by Safeway.
mbanjo - Posted - 08/02/2013: 19:39:19
quote:Coles is the same as woolworths .......we also have Target, safeways and Jewels
Originally posted by banjoscottyDon't know Coles. Is it food store?
banjoscotty - Posted - 08/03/2013: 04:29:57
Reading this stuff has made me hungry.
I'm gonna toast a bagel with cream cheese and black olives.
Then I'm gonna eat it!!
ErikH - Posted - 08/03/2013: 04:30:47
Woolworths in the U.S. was a chain of five and dime and department stores. They closed up back in the early 90's, I think.
mbanjo - Posted - 08/03/2013: 16:37:42
They must have all moved to australia.....they are everywhere here....even got there own petrol (sorry gas) stations
ErikH - Posted - 08/03/2013: 18:33:41
I checked wikipedia--it seems there is no relation between the two Woolworths.
MWBailey - Posted - 08/04/2013: 19:42:56
I had an aunt who worked at Woolworth's in Austin, at the soda counter. But that was back before I was born. She died a couple years ago, but not in Australia.
banjoscotty - Posted - 08/05/2013: 04:31:39
Just finished practicing my quick draw for the county shoot-off
ErikH - Posted - 08/05/2013: 16:18:53
I remember my mother never wanting to stop at the soda fountain at Woolworths. Money was tight for us then, but I was too young to realize it.
banjoscotty - Posted - 08/06/2013: 01:45:46
Mom would save pennies and nickles to buy paint for the kitchen,One quart at a time.
Times were hard for Mom and Dad,and us kids too. There were no dimes or quarters.
The money was used for our survival and was spent down so there weren't too many
pennies or nickles to put in Moms jar either.
ErikH - Posted - 08/06/2013: 02:26:05
We had money for food on the table, and we had a black and white television, so we weren't destitute or anything. We just didn't have money for luxuries.
banjoscotty - Posted - 08/06/2013: 06:06:32
Yeah Eric,We had TV too.I remember well when Dad brought it home.A giant wood cabinet
with doors on front.I think it was 12 inch.I worked in summer time at dairy farm and bought my
own school cloths.We did ok but money was tight.I remember Dad putting tv anntena up next to
living room window so he could just reach out and turn it to best reception while look at tv for himself.
mbanjo - Posted - 08/06/2013: 15:56:36
They were funny tvs in those days, the screens were more round than square I remember. I rented one for a while that had a box on the back that you had to put sixpence in to get an hours viewing time. I soon figured out how to bypass that lol
ErikH - Posted - 08/07/2013: 02:22:55
And no remote control. The remote control in our house was my father telling me or my brother to get up and change the channel.
banjoscotty - Posted - 08/07/2013: 08:26:18
My younger brother still has the familys old 1942 Philco all tube floor model
radio and it still works and has never had to be repaired for anything.
ErikH - Posted - 08/08/2013: 02:21:17
I wonder if you can still find replacement tubes? I remember they used to have tubes and a tube tester at the hardware store when I was a kid.
banjoscotty - Posted - 08/08/2013: 04:42:26
I think you can find them.The reason I know this is I mess with older
tube guitar amplifiers.In some cases,if you can't find original,there may
be a tube that is compatable with the number you are looking for.
ErikH - Posted - 08/08/2013: 14:24:42
I didn't even think of tube amps. Mine is solid state. I would love to have a Fender tube, even if it was a new one instead of a vintage.
mbanjo - Posted - 08/08/2013: 14:30:15
I wonder how many tubes you would need to build a computer with the same capabilities as the tablet I am using here? :-) ........and how big would it be?
mbanjo - Posted - 08/08/2013: 14:48:31
I wonder how many tubes you would need to build a computer with the same capabilities as the tablet I am using here? :-) ........and how big would it be?
ErikH - Posted - 08/09/2013: 02:22:22
Your tablet probably has more processing power than UNIVAC, and that was this size of a building, wasn't it?
banjoscotty - Posted - 08/09/2013: 03:41:45
Eric,,I believe you're right about that but how
big was the building?
ErikH - Posted - 08/09/2013: 14:14:24
According to Wikipedia, it occupied 35.5 square meters of floor space.
ErikH - Posted - 08/09/2013: 17:57:37
I think so. I think it was the one that predicted Eisenhower's landslide election victory, too.
banjoscotty - Posted - 08/12/2013: 16:06:43
Yes, Thanks Eric,,I remember seeing that picture many years ago.
banjoscotty - Posted - 08/13/2013: 02:38:54
Probably the biggest problem then was
getting it turned on
mbanjo - Posted - 08/13/2013: 18:56:46
Must have been a female....some of them are hard to turn on:-)
ErikH - Posted - 08/14/2013: 02:22:44
I imagine the operator's manual must have been quite large, too.
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