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ErikH - Posted - 10/27/2013:  07:15:46

Well............maybe if you say please...........

banjoscotty - Posted - 10/27/2013:  07:39:43

Don't Make Me Go To Bed and I"LL Be Good

MWBailey - Posted - 10/27/2013:  21:49:44

AHAA! Too late.

ErikH - Posted - 10/28/2013:  02:17:17

They say it's never too late...............

banjoscotty - Posted - 10/28/2013:  02:53:14

or "better late than never"

ErikH - Posted - 10/29/2013:  02:21:41

Yep, that's what they say.

banjoscotty - Posted - 10/29/2013:  06:04:18

Just for saying it,does that make it true?

ErikH - Posted - 10/30/2013:  02:16:11

I don't know.  They say alot of things, don't they?

banjoscotty - Posted - 10/30/2013:  02:39:07

Yes they do,,,,,Eric,,who are THEY?

RandyZ - Posted - 10/30/2013:  13:02:55

they are the ones that always hang with them....

roxygrl - Posted - 10/30/2013:  15:28:44

..isn't  that except 'Hank Solo'. he looks over at them.?.

ErikH - Posted - 10/31/2013:  02:12:50

Do you mean Hank is one of them, too?

banjoscotty - Posted - 10/31/2013:  02:31:32

Is Hank one of those that get credit for
governing all of them

RandyZ - Posted - 10/31/2013:  07:46:13

does Hank Solo's Millenium Falcon run on unleaded gas ?

banjoscotty - Posted - 10/31/2013:  09:18:41

No,,,It runs on the pavement

RandyZ - Posted - 10/31/2013:  09:56:12

well, may the force be with him...

banjoscotty - Posted - 10/31/2013:  10:09:25

What,,centrifugal force?

ErikH - Posted - 11/01/2013:  02:20:04

Hank is on the police force?

banjoscotty - Posted - 11/01/2013:  02:30:08

Does he actually get paid?

ErikH - Posted - 11/01/2013:  02:32:03

I don't know.  I thought he just hung out at the coffee shop all the time.

banjoscotty - Posted - 11/01/2013:  02:50:39

Does he weigh 310lbs too?

roxygrl - Posted - 11/01/2013:  07:50:50

wouldn't this effect take off ?

banjoscotty - Posted - 11/01/2013:  08:53:13

You mean "Into The Wild Blue Yonder"?

ErikH - Posted - 11/03/2013:  03:54:04

Wouldn't that be difficult at 310 pounds?

banjoscotty - Posted - 11/04/2013:  02:45:53

Is he still trying that in a Piper Cub?

RandyZ - Posted - 11/04/2013:  05:18:06

is that piper lauries son?

ErikH - Posted - 11/04/2013:  14:30:16

I thought it was Roddy Piper's pet bear.............

banjoscotty - Posted - 11/05/2013:  04:49:41

pet "bear",,,Piper "cub" Yes,that's it!!

RandyZ - Posted - 11/05/2013:  07:39:39

that cant be it....Roddy dosnt own a bear. its an oversized rat.

banjoscotty - Posted - 11/05/2013:  14:06:17

and he tells the cat what to do

ErikH - Posted - 11/06/2013:  02:21:32

Is it a union rat?

banjoscotty - Posted - 11/06/2013:  19:54:25

Probably a Teamster

ErikH - Posted - 11/07/2013:  02:20:26

I didn't know Roddy was a union man, but that would make sense, I suppose.

banjoscotty - Posted - 11/08/2013:  02:48:56

I Didn't know Roddy was union man either
I didn't know Roddy
I didn't know
I didn't

ErikH - Posted - 11/08/2013:  06:34:38

I never thought to ask to see his card.

roxygrl - Posted - 11/08/2013:  07:09:27

what if it was a Baseball card??..yeh!..what you goona do 'bout thet!!..yeh!..

RandyZ - Posted - 11/08/2013:  07:11:16

can i have the gum that goes in the pack?....huh? can i?

roxygrl - Posted - 11/08/2013:  07:16:26 beg to Erik?..ain't he tha' union guy around hwer..?.

banjoscotty - Posted - 11/08/2013:  08:25:13

Yeah Eric,,I have some stuff to report.Get your pad and pencil.

RandyZ - Posted - 11/08/2013:  09:57:02

yeah....and the union book....i have a grievance to file myself~

banjoscotty - Posted - 11/08/2013:  12:10:50

Eric,,The musicians union upholds that we have a right to grieve..
And I'm grieving Eric,,,I'm grieving.Write that down and I'll sign it.

RandyZ - Posted - 11/08/2013:  12:40:41 can grieve just for grievings sake....unless its real....i mean real grieving~

banjoscotty - Posted - 11/08/2013:  19:37:00

One time this grieving musician was grieving a grief that was submitted to the grieving committee where
the grief grievencess are submitted and the grievence committee threw the grieving musicians grievence
out of the grievence committee causing that grievjng musician much grief.

ErikH - Posted - 11/09/2013:  05:45:27

Good grief.

banjoscotty - Posted - 11/09/2013:  05:56:33

All he wanted was for everyone to stay in tune,,,

roxygrl - Posted - 11/09/2013:  14:58:58

Good grief? that all!...good grief!!..

banjoscotty - Posted - 11/09/2013:  19:41:02

he is now conductor of the orchastra..
maybe he can fix it?

roxygrl - Posted - 11/10/2013:  14:02:50

huh?..has Erik dropped his baton?...

banjoscotty - Posted - 11/11/2013:  03:02:05

OH! Good Grief!,, No,,make that Bad Grief!

roxygrl - Posted - 11/11/2013:  03:41:23

can't you imagine that,,,.the most awfullest thing?

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