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ErikH - Posted - 05/26/2013:  16:20:24

I never found out any of them were witches until much later, unfortunately.

janolov - Posted - 05/26/2013:  22:58:23

The pretty witches are more dangerous than the ugly.

mbanjo - Posted - 05/26/2013:  23:13:14

Now you tell me.............

banjoscotty - Posted - 05/27/2013:  02:46:12

Did she give you a magic potion?

ErikH - Posted - 05/27/2013:  05:45:43

Did she leave you spellbound?

janolov - Posted - 05/27/2013:  11:27:22

She spelled me with the last word.

ErikH - Posted - 05/27/2013:  11:54:51

Was the last work abracadabra?

janolov - Posted - 05/27/2013:  11:58:40

No. there are a lot of other spells that are more effective.

mbanjo - Posted - 05/27/2013:  15:06:37

There should be a law against angry witches riding broomsticks........they might fly off the handle......

ErikH - Posted - 05/27/2013:  16:09:14

Maybe that's how they wind up looking they way they do.

Edited by - ErikH on 05/27/2013 16:09:45

dmiller - Posted - 05/27/2013:  16:12:50

banjoscotty - Posted - 05/27/2013:  17:18:20

Johnny Cash told a cafe waitress that if she didn't start being nice to the band,
they were going to hide her broom and she would have to walk home.

ErikH - Posted - 05/27/2013:  17:55:37

You would think modern day witches would ride vacuum cleaners.

mbanjo - Posted - 05/27/2013:  18:37:41

They suck when they are turned on.....

ErikH - Posted - 05/28/2013:  02:25:34

I think I'll pass on that one, tempting though it is.

banjoscotty - Posted - 05/28/2013:  08:09:25

Is it possible for a witch to wear out
a sucking vacuum cleaner?

janolov - Posted - 05/28/2013:  10:07:48

mbanjo - Posted - 05/28/2013:  14:04:31

I wonder if she got the vibes......

banjoscotty - Posted - 05/28/2013:  14:17:06

shouldn't she be riding side saddle?

ErikH - Posted - 05/28/2013:  14:39:32

I'm afraid I'm not well-versed on vacuum riding etiquette.

mbanjo - Posted - 05/28/2013:  15:47:21

I wonder if its plugged in?

janolov - Posted - 05/28/2013:  23:37:16

Probably it has rechargeable batteries.

mbanjo - Posted - 05/29/2013:  00:41:03

My battery needs recharging........

janolov - Posted - 05/29/2013:  01:05:53

You may plug in on your computer adapter.

ErikH - Posted - 05/29/2013:  02:19:56

Not sure if that is the answer he was looking for.

banjoscotty - Posted - 05/29/2013:  04:38:11

do you suppose he already knows the answer?

janolov - Posted - 05/29/2013:  09:52:36

Here is the answer:


mbanjo - Posted - 05/29/2013:  12:55:48

If that's the answer......what was the question?

ErikH - Posted - 05/29/2013:  16:00:13

I've been so busy trying to get the last word that I don't remember the question anymore............

janolov - Posted - 05/29/2013:  23:53:54

I have got the last word a lot of times.

ErikH - Posted - 05/30/2013:  02:19:03

Does anyone really get the last word?

mbanjo - Posted - 05/30/2013:  13:35:28

I keep forgetting what it is

ErikH - Posted - 05/30/2013:  14:46:49

There are many false last words.

banjoscotty - Posted - 05/31/2013:  03:14:40

Here is a true last word,,,,,,,AMIGO

janolov - Posted - 05/31/2013:  04:31:07


mbanjo - Posted - 05/31/2013:  13:49:47

One of the better known last words..........


ErikH - Posted - 06/01/2013:  05:44:38

It's only done with one finger on this side of the pond.

banjoscotty - Posted - 06/01/2013:  07:11:02


ErikH - Posted - 06/01/2013:  12:32:52

Of course, the meaning is the same.

mbanjo - Posted - 06/01/2013:  14:25:42

I wonder which version is more effective...............we do it differently again down here


ErikH - Posted - 06/01/2013:  16:46:00

It's a very popular gesture while driving,  here in the U.S..

banjoscotty - Posted - 06/02/2013:  03:50:59

I wonder if that gesture happened in "horse and buggy days " too???

ErikH - Posted - 06/02/2013:  05:15:31

I never thought about that.  Stagecoach drivers flipping each other the bird! big

banjoscotty - Posted - 06/02/2013:  14:14:15

Yeah,,,your horse pooped in my horses stall

ErikH - Posted - 06/02/2013:  14:25:47

........and the horse you rode in on, pal............

banjoscotty - Posted - 06/03/2013:  03:32:39

I wonder if "The Duke" had to put up with this sort of stuff?

ErikH - Posted - 06/03/2013:  15:33:44

Maybe two fingers is better so the Duke doesn't know which finger to shoot off?

mbanjo - Posted - 06/03/2013:  17:14:19

Just wondering..........what was he the duke of?

ErikH - Posted - 06/04/2013:  02:16:13

I don't have the faintest idea how he came by the nickname. Probably something John Ford or Howard Hawks came up with.

banjoscotty - Posted - 06/04/2013:  06:01:33

Anyway,,I think he was a good Duke.

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