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banjoscotty - Posted - 08/22/2014:  14:54:23

96 degrees here

OM45GE - Posted - 08/22/2014:  15:02:55

It's getting downright chilly here, We're down to 65 degrees.

chuckv97 - Posted - 08/22/2014:  15:27:39

Chance of frost last night in Meadow Lake

OM45GE - Posted - 08/22/2014:  15:33:27

That's chillier than here. Last word decided to stay with me.

TheLastWord - Posted - 08/22/2014:  16:51:01

You guys are killing me with frost and chilly talk.  Stop it!! smiley

chuckv97 - Posted - 08/22/2014:  17:03:47

It gets late early out here

banjoscotty - Posted - 08/22/2014:  17:22:49

LW put on his winter coat,,,in Florida

ErikH - Posted - 08/23/2014:  04:55:18

It was 90 in Chicago yesterday..........

banjoscotty - Posted - 08/23/2014:  06:54:16

It's getting a good start on high temp here this morn. ICED TEA TIME!!!

OM45GE - Posted - 08/23/2014:  10:24:37

72 and sunny.

TheLastWord - Posted - 08/23/2014:  14:02:56

It's 5:02 and 97 degrees!!!!

banjoscotty - Posted - 08/23/2014:  14:22:01

OUCHIE!!! That hurts

TheLastWord - Posted - 08/23/2014:  15:57:38

Scotty, we got some relief with a thunderstorm. It's been raining for about an hour....last word.

OM45GE - Posted - 08/23/2014:  17:56:05

Just got back from a motorcycle ride with Last Word. 62 degrees out. It was almost chilly on the bike.

TheLastWord - Posted - 08/24/2014:  03:27:05

May the chilly winds and the last word blow south all the way to Florida.

banjoscotty - Posted - 08/24/2014:  04:27:58

Purtty Please on that request!!

ErikH - Posted - 08/24/2014:  05:17:22

We're supposed to get a break midweek.  This is the hottest its been in Illinois all summer.

OM45GE - Posted - 08/24/2014:  10:50:30

We're having a heat wave, it's up to 75 F.

banjoscotty - Posted - 08/24/2014:  14:01:28

LW is back in Fl.right now.

OM45GE - Posted - 08/24/2014:  15:59:46

Right then.

chuckv97 - Posted - 08/24/2014:  18:12:27

Hard Right Turn, and heading for the Northern Plains,he is.

ErikH - Posted - 08/25/2014:  02:12:17

Probably better off in the Great White North than in Illinois today.  It's supposed to be pretty dang uncomfortable.

OM45GE - Posted - 08/25/2014:  03:58:40

Last Word is enjoying another fine day in the Bay State

banjoscotty - Posted - 08/25/2014:  04:32:49

Tampa Bay that is

OM45GE - Posted - 08/25/2014:  04:51:52

No, Cape Cod Bay

Scaggs7 - Posted - 08/25/2014:  18:30:39

where shall we go , here or there

banjoscotty - Posted - 08/26/2014:  01:39:47

We're in trouble now.LW has fallen in love with the first word.

ErikH - Posted - 08/26/2014:  02:13:34

I don't think it will last.

TheLastWord - Posted - 08/26/2014:  03:54:17

We'll need to keep them separated. I'll keep the last word here and you can keep the first word.

banjoscotty - Posted - 08/26/2014:  04:52:30

I think this is going to get confussing.

OM45GE - Posted - 08/26/2014:  05:54:15

Lots of little words on the way?

banjoscotty - Posted - 08/26/2014:  07:09:19

OH NO,,I can see welfare getting involved!

OM45GE - Posted - 08/26/2014:  11:50:52

Maybe they're a hard working industrious Word family.

banjoscotty - Posted - 08/26/2014:  12:05:48

But he doesn't want to get married!!

OM45GE - Posted - 08/26/2014:  12:20:17

So the little ones are illegitimate?

banjoscotty - Posted - 08/26/2014:  13:30:07

LW just confessed.He's not in love and there are no little ones.
I have grounded him for 3 minuits.Then I'm sending him to you
for a while.WHEW,,the nerve of that little feller!!!

OM45GE - Posted - 08/26/2014:  13:36:26

Do you think three minutes is long enough after what he put us through?

banjoscotty - Posted - 08/26/2014:  14:20:33

He squalled all the time he was grounded

OM45GE - Posted - 08/26/2014:  14:30:53

What a brat. What are we going to do with him?

banjoscotty - Posted - 08/26/2014:  15:25:06

Maybe he will get better?

OM45GE - Posted - 08/26/2014:  16:22:30

Let's keep an eye on him.

TheLastWord - Posted - 08/26/2014:  16:49:19

He's in time-out until someone else makes a post.

Corby - Posted - 08/26/2014:  16:56:32

Little last word!..So upset, says it ain't him that 'spose to have did it..

Scaggs7 - Posted - 08/26/2014:  17:08:52

say it ain't so

Corby - Posted - 08/26/2014:  17:14:52

..I'll ask..

ErikH - Posted - 08/27/2014:  02:18:33

The Last Word is going to cut my grass.  That should keep him out of trouble for a little while.

banjoscotty - Posted - 08/27/2014:  03:44:03

That's it Eric!! We'll keep him in something to do.
And my driveway needs pressure cleaned.

OM45GE - Posted - 08/27/2014:  04:08:43

When he's done that he can wash my cars and motorcycles. The spokes should keep him busy a while.

Corby - Posted - 08/27/2014:  04:24:07

Last word is penciling you all in for Friday pm, being very busy over here right now.

OM45GE - Posted - 08/27/2014:  05:08:01

Sorry, I need the bikes clean before Friday. LW is here with me now.

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