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mbanjo - Posted - 11/27/2012:  14:21:58

Alaina - Posted - 11/27/2012:  14:22:23

It's green???????

mbanjo - Posted - 11/27/2012:  14:25:13

Not green in the mug.....

Alaina - Posted - 11/27/2012:  14:31:50

Ohhhh ok. That looks yummy! Is it hot?

mbanjo - Posted - 11/27/2012:  14:34:55

The hotter the better...I have a cup every night before bed

Alaina - Posted - 11/27/2012:  14:37:46

That sounds delicious

TheLastWord - Posted - 11/27/2012:  15:12:15

While Alaina and mbanjo discuss hot chocolate, I sneak in and grab the last word.

Alaina - Posted - 11/27/2012:  15:14:34

But see, what you failed to realize, Daffy, is that this hot chocolate gives me super ninja powers. So I wait until you have just almost locked mbanjo and me in together before snagging the last word and pushing you into the dungeon before locking the door and going on my merry way.

TheLastWord - Posted - 11/27/2012:  15:18:08

Super ninja skills? well, I have like nunchuku skills, bow hunting skills, computer hacking skills...

Alaina - Posted - 11/27/2012:  15:19:12

My super ninja skills encompass all of that big

TheLastWord - Posted - 11/27/2012:  15:21:05

Not so fast....

Alaina - Posted - 11/27/2012:  15:23:29

I don't have to be fast. I am precise. There is a difference.

Edited by - Alaina on 11/27/2012 15:24:07

mbanjo - Posted - 11/27/2012:  15:49:19

as long as you're not loose..............

Alaina - Posted - 11/27/2012:  15:50:45

Ha. Ha. Ha. No. Not loose.

MWBailey - Posted - 11/27/2012:  16:08:52


Alaina - Posted - 11/27/2012:  16:09:40

You missed.

MWBailey - Posted - 11/27/2012:  16:10:49


Alaina - Posted - 11/27/2012:  16:11:33

How did that piano feel dropping on your foot?

mbanjo - Posted - 11/27/2012:  16:14:14

Last Word for today............................Bye!

Alaina - Posted - 11/27/2012:  16:14:29


ErikH - Posted - 11/28/2012:  02:46:41

You had the last word for Tuesday (in the U.S) it seems, but the game goes on............

OM45GE - Posted - 11/28/2012:  04:47:14

...and on...

hexx - Posted - 11/28/2012:  07:51:30

until when times is halt for the last word train.

Alaina - Posted - 11/28/2012:  07:58:48

Which is today. Right now. With this current post that you are reading. The last word is going to hide now and only I know where he is. Muahahahaha

OM45GE - Posted - 11/28/2012:  10:52:23

We need to talk about setting appropriate expectations.

Alaina - Posted - 11/28/2012:  14:14:26

Nope, still have the last word!

ErikH - Posted - 11/28/2012:  14:31:37

You had it.  It ran away with a dangling participle.

Alaina - Posted - 11/28/2012:  14:36:10

That was a hologram of the last word. The last word has been here the whole time.

ErikH - Posted - 11/28/2012:  14:48:48

Never saw a hologram drive a car before.

Alaina - Posted - 11/28/2012:  14:49:28

The car was a hologram too.

mbanjo - Posted - 11/28/2012:  15:50:04

I just grabbed the last word while you were all deliberating...............all Mine big

Alaina - Posted - 11/28/2012:  15:50:36

Nope, that was the decoy. The last word is long gone and hidden again.

mbanjo - Posted - 11/28/2012:  16:00:33

Last Words have  mastered the uncanny knack of escapology .......

Alaina - Posted - 11/28/2012:  16:01:27

Especially when he wants to be with me but random people continue trying to kidnap him.

mbanjo - Posted - 11/28/2012:  16:15:21

That is only natural.....he is very popular

Alaina - Posted - 11/28/2012:  16:20:33

So he created many doppelgangers to confuse you all in order for him to be free with me

mbanjo - Posted - 11/28/2012:  16:26:25

How can he be free if you want him all to yourself..........he should be free to choose indecision

ErikH - Posted - 11/28/2012:  16:50:35

The LW has chosen to get out of Dodge.

mbanjo - Posted - 11/28/2012:  21:51:07

and into another vehicle by Chrysler.................MY very own Jeep!

ErikH - Posted - 11/29/2012:  02:16:17

They used to make Jeep Libertys right here in Illinois.  Matter of fact, I think they still might, along with the new Dart.

TheLastWord - Posted - 11/29/2012:  03:55:49

Last word - made in Florida!!

OM45GE - Posted - 11/29/2012:  05:30:20

I wonder what they used for raw materials.

Alaina - Posted - 11/29/2012:  09:18:11

Alligator poop!

OM45GE - Posted - 11/29/2012:  10:13:03

So you're saying the last word is crappy?

Alaina - Posted - 11/29/2012:  10:32:55

No, I'm saying it is a recycled element. At the San Diego zoo, they sell books made from elephant poop. So the last word is like a book, just made from alligator poop instead of elephant poop.

OM45GE - Posted - 11/29/2012:  10:54:36

The Book of Poop. I sense a best seller.

Alaina - Posted - 11/29/2012:  10:59:16

No, that's a different book called "Everyone Poops"

mbanjo - Posted - 11/29/2012:  14:18:19

and that's a 'Best Smeller'

Alaina - Posted - 11/29/2012:  14:24:54

Kids love it though!

mbanjo - Posted - 11/29/2012:  15:00:07

This lady is collecting, so the kids will have something to play with

Edited by - mbanjo on 11/29/2012 15:01:11

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