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MWBailey - Posted - 09/26/2014:  21:12:27

If you catch another mule kickin' in yer Stahl...

banjoscotty - Posted - 09/27/2014:  02:42:38

LW just won a set of bagpipes!!!

TheLastWord - Posted - 09/27/2014:  03:59:44

Bagpipes?!?! Cool, but what will the neighbors say?

ErikH - Posted - 09/27/2014:  04:05:35

I've often thought about taking up the bagpipes for the benefit of my neighbors..........

OM45GE - Posted - 09/27/2014:  04:26:14

Is it any worse than banjo?

ErikH - Posted - 09/27/2014:  07:27:16

Probably not.  But I think the sound might carry a bit farther.

OM45GE - Posted - 09/27/2014:  07:33:09

I used to live in a huge old mill building converted to apartments. There was a bagpiper who used to practice at the back of the parking lot overlooking a river that ran behind us. He was quite good and I loved hearing him play.

TheLastWord - Posted - 09/27/2014:  11:08:35

Key word is "back" of the parking lot.  



Luckily, I've never heard a beginner practicing.  

OM45GE - Posted - 09/27/2014:  11:30:51

LOL, I think you're right.

I used to know a guy who had been the lead piper for the US Army bagpipe corps. He was incredible, even up close!

chuckv97 - Posted - 09/27/2014:  19:41:39

LW just told me bagpipes are an easy instrument to play badly

banjoscotty - Posted - 09/28/2014:  03:14:47

Bagpipes don't sound to bad if there is also a banjo plucking some backup

ErikH - Posted - 09/28/2014:  03:53:05

At one of the summer camps we were at when my son was a younger boy scout, there was a leader from another troop who used to wake his boys up every morning at 7:00 by playing the highland pipes.  He was quite good, and I used to look forward to hearing the pipes each morning while I was having my first cup of coffee.  He did a lovely rendition of Amazing Grace at one of the closing campfires as well.

OM45GE - Posted - 09/28/2014:  05:39:41

 I like the bagpipes. My son's marching band coach plays them and is quite good too.

TheLastWord - Posted - 09/28/2014:  14:16:53

The LW is rolling in with the thunder.

OM45GE - Posted - 09/28/2014:  16:18:25

Send it this way. We need the rain very much.

banjoscotty - Posted - 09/29/2014:  02:09:44

He didn't say there was rain,,he said thunder.

ErikH - Posted - 09/29/2014:  02:14:49

We've had a dry spell for the last 8 days or so, but honestly, we've had enough rain this summer to last us until spring.

OM45GE - Posted - 09/29/2014:  03:52:40

Good point Scotty. Maybe Erik can send some rain. 

TheLastWord - Posted - 09/29/2014:  03:57:43

It rained most of the night and from what I have heard, it will continue for a few days.

OM45GE - Posted - 09/29/2014:  04:01:47

Morning Richard. 

They were pr dieting rain later this week but now it's supposed to be dry at least until the weekend. 

chuckv97 - Posted - 09/29/2014:  16:29:27

LW is so dry he says he can start a forest fire

Scaggs7 - Posted - 09/29/2014:  17:12:47

who is he

OM45GE - Posted - 09/29/2014:  17:46:38

Who is who?

ErikH - Posted - 09/30/2014:  02:17:26

We're supposed to get some rain Thursday into Friday.

banjoscotty - Posted - 09/30/2014:  03:31:39

Getting rain in Ft.Pierce every day

TheLastWord - Posted - 09/30/2014:  04:08:44

Pretty much the same here Scotty. Either all day or the typical afternoon thunderstorm.

OM45GE - Posted - 09/30/2014:  06:24:18

It's just cloudy and gray here. LW is not impressed.

banjoscotty - Posted - 09/30/2014:  13:14:48

Richard,We used to live about half way between Sparr and Ft. McCoy.I have never in my
life see thunderstorms like that area can produce.They are very low to the ground and very
scary.Give me a hurricain any day,,,,

Scaggs7 - Posted - 09/30/2014:  15:17:15

no rain here

TheLastWord - Posted - 09/30/2014:  15:44:12

Scotty, I remember you living near Ft McCoy. For some reason, we've had more thunderstorms this summer than usual.

LW and I are heading to Lowes, we'll be back soon.

OM45GE - Posted - 09/30/2014:  17:57:40

Did you find what you were looking for?

ErikH - Posted - 10/01/2014:  02:16:54

I used to like going to Lowes, but they closed up all of the stores near me a couple of years ago.  I'd have to pass two Home Depots to get to the nearest one now.

banjoscotty - Posted - 10/01/2014:  02:41:03

I go there just to smell the store,,,,Tractor Supply smells better.
Rubber,leather,all the animal feed combined together. YEP!! THAT"S COUNTRY!!

OM45GE - Posted - 10/01/2014:  03:39:40

They closed the Lowes near here too. I sort of like H D better anyway, but that's not saying much. 

Scaggs7 - Posted - 10/01/2014:  14:30:17

are you writing a book about Lowes

OM45GE - Posted - 10/01/2014:  17:35:47

No, but Last Word is researching his next major move in the stock market.

ErikH - Posted - 10/02/2014:  02:16:58

I like going to Farm and Fleet stores, too.  The nearest one is around an hour away, so my wife and I only go there a couple of times a year.

banjoscotty - Posted - 10/02/2014:  02:30:01

Just take the truck so you can bring back
all kinds of good stuff.

OM45GE - Posted - 10/02/2014:  03:17:03

Sounds like a lot of work is coming your way.

Scaggs7 - Posted - 10/02/2014:  14:16:04

I don't like it

OM45GE - Posted - 10/02/2014:  14:46:08

I'm right there with you. Last Word and I prefer relaxing.

MWBailey - Posted - 10/02/2014:  16:14:30

I'm kidnapping the LW and taking it back to Constantinople...

TheLastWord - Posted - 10/02/2014:  16:57:39

You are? Are we flying first class?

MWBailey - Posted - 10/02/2014:  17:53:25

Yes, but only to Istanbul. Not Constantinople, for some reason.

ErikH - Posted - 10/03/2014:  02:39:42

Interesting choice for a destination.

banjoscotty - Posted - 10/03/2014:  04:00:21

I flew destination once upon a time ago. I didn't
like it either.

OM45GE - Posted - 10/03/2014:  06:05:12

Nice day for Last Word and me to take a motorcycle ride.

chuckv97 - Posted - 10/03/2014:  08:31:19

Have you got a side car?- LW doesn't like close contact with humans.

OM45GE - Posted - 10/03/2014:  11:11:27

I've bungee corded him to the headlight.

oliver james - Posted - 10/03/2014:  12:36:22

you buggered him where?

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