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OM45GE - Posted - 02/18/2013:  15:22:07

maybe an alligator got him.

mbanjo - Posted - 02/18/2013:  18:20:50

He may have got some money and gone back to ohio........are there banks in the ohio?

ErikH - Posted - 02/19/2013:  02:21:17

I imagine so.  The liquor stores are state-run, I know that much.

OM45GE - Posted - 02/19/2013:  03:06:08

New Hampshire does that too.

ErikH - Posted - 02/19/2013:  14:33:44

On the Kentucky side of the Ohio River, you'lll see signs advertising the last liquor store before the border.

OM45GE - Posted - 02/19/2013:  16:03:23

NH has them in the rest areas on the highways. I'm not sure how that jives with not drinking and driving.

ErikH - Posted - 02/19/2013:  16:08:54

There used to be a liquor store with a drive-thru window in Champaign, Il.

OM45GE - Posted - 02/19/2013:  16:13:26

Florida used to have them. I haven't been there for years other than in airports. I wonder if they still do.

mbanjo - Posted - 02/19/2013:  18:26:47

There are drive thru liquor stores all over the place here in australia.

ErikH - Posted - 02/20/2013:  02:30:36

That was the only one I've ever seen, but I've heard of others.  I guess I'd probably use one if they were available, assuming I knew exactly what I wanted when I got there.

OM45GE - Posted - 02/20/2013:  04:09:18

You can buy drinks from walk up windows in New Orleans.

mbanjo - Posted - 02/20/2013:  13:49:00

Where does the last word get his liquor from?

OM45GE - Posted - 02/20/2013:  14:18:50

It mooches off me when it's here.

ErikH - Posted - 02/20/2013:  14:50:59

Same here.  I usually leave the cheap stuff out and hide the good stuff when the last word comes over.

mbanjo - Posted - 02/20/2013:  16:23:01

Guess I'm lucky I don't get to see him much around here...

OM45GE - Posted - 02/20/2013:  17:10:42

Don't forget to hide the cigars. Jeesh....

mbanjo - Posted - 02/20/2013:  18:20:58

Anything else we gotta our women?:-)

ErikH - Posted - 02/21/2013:  02:10:26

Only if you run out of booze.

OM45GE - Posted - 02/21/2013:  03:03:45

Do you think it's the nomadic lifestyle that's lead to this behavior?

TheLastWord - Posted - 02/21/2013:  03:51:36

Just call me the last word.

OM45GE - Posted - 02/21/2013:  04:57:15

You are the last word. How do you like it here in Massachusetts?

mbanjo - Posted - 02/21/2013:  12:46:58

Good weather for ducks

OM45GE - Posted - 02/21/2013:  12:48:57

They would be frozen ducks right now.

ErikH - Posted - 02/21/2013:  15:39:16

We have a storm coming this way, too, but Kansas is supposed to get it much worse. 3-5 inches in the Chicago area.

OM45GE - Posted - 02/21/2013:  15:45:14

There saying one to two feet for our area but it's still a couple days out so I'll believe it when I see it.

I have a theory that they hype these storms (hurricanes too in the summer) to drive up their ratings so they get more ad revenue.

TheLastWord - Posted - 02/21/2013:  16:26:08

It's 70 degrees and the last word in Florida.

ErikH - Posted - 02/22/2013:  02:21:54

Looks like it's going to pan out to about 2 or 3 inches here, although we are supposed to get snow and freezing drizzle all day today.

OM45GE - Posted - 02/22/2013:  03:06:49

Our weather muppets are all over the map (pun intended) some are saying a few inches, others are saying up to a foot and a half. The panic shoppers will be out buying water they don't need, batteries in sizes that don't fit anything they own and enough food to feed an army for a month.

mbanjo - Posted - 02/22/2013:  13:12:42

Just as well that the last word joined me here to enjoy some decent weather

ErikH - Posted - 02/22/2013:  16:11:16

The school district my sister lives in, (about 20 miles west of where I live) cancelled all classes at 7:00 last night.  We wound up getting 3 inches of snow.  I bet the people in charge there feel pretty stupid today.  We've had a ridiculously mild winter, and as a result, I think everyone forgets what winter is like in northern Illinois.

janolov - Posted - 02/23/2013:  00:01:46

We get a lot of snow here but is is just natural. Usually people don't have to stay home and the schools do not close.

OM45GE - Posted - 02/23/2013:  05:34:34

My wife did our regular weekly shopping and said the store was a zoo. People were surly and they mobbed the stock clerk who brought the milk out. Last Word was not amused.

ErikH - Posted - 02/23/2013:  11:52:58

The last thing I would be thinking about if I was snowed in would be milk. 

OM45GE - Posted - 02/23/2013:  18:08:09

I just don't get it. If we got snowed in for a month we wouldn't starve to death. I might get sick of rice and pasta but we would survive just fine.

ErikH - Posted - 02/24/2013:  05:58:35

Yeah, we could make it a while on rice, pasta and canned food, too.  As long as I have water and coffee, my beverage needs are taken care of.  A little bourbon wouldn't hurt either, but I have enough of that stashed away to last me a couple of months.

ErikH - Posted - 02/24/2013:  05:59:49

Yeah, we could make it a while on rice, pasta and canned food, too.  As long as I have water and coffee, my beverage needs are taken care of.  A little bourbon wouldn't hurt either, but I have enough of that stashed away to last me a couple of months.

OM45GE - Posted - 02/24/2013:  12:53:54

I can understand the folks who have their disaster stash going, but they don't need to run out the day before a storm to replenish those. This is just panic buying. Craziness.

mbanjo - Posted - 02/24/2013:  20:41:44

I'll look after the last word for you all

ErikH - Posted - 02/25/2013:  02:17:37

The Weather is ok in Chicago.

OM45GE - Posted - 02/25/2013:  03:42:42

It's OK in Oklahoma too.

mbanjo - Posted - 02/25/2013:  11:53:31

Its raining here...

ErikH - Posted - 02/25/2013:  14:34:19

We're supposed to get another 4-7 inches on Tuesday.  I anticipate the gas stations will be busy this evening.

OM45GE - Posted - 02/26/2013:  02:25:29

Last Word likes it right here.

ErikH - Posted - 02/26/2013:  02:29:25

The timing is going to be lovely.  It won't start snowing until 8:00 or so this morning, and won't end until after rush-hour this evening.  Snow and idiots on the road this afternoon--what joy.

OM45GE - Posted - 02/26/2013:  02:40:08

We've got the same thing predicted for tomorrow. I wish I could work from home but I've got someone coming in from France to meet with me so I can't really no-show.

banjoscotty - Posted - 02/26/2013:  11:20:21

A strange thing,,,,It doesn't snow in Fort Pierce,Florida,,,???

OM45GE - Posted - 02/26/2013:  11:47:27

Has it ever?

mbanjo - Posted - 02/26/2013:  14:07:54

We had tornadoes here on the east coast of australia...........never heard of them here before

ErikH - Posted - 02/26/2013:  15:11:08

I think the heaviest stuff is done.  It started around 11:00, and we had about 4 inches by 3:00.  We're supposed to get another 2-4 inches overnight.  It's that lovely wet heavy stuff.

OM45GE - Posted - 02/26/2013:  16:00:38

Did Last Word help with the shoveling?


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