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mbanjo - Posted - 12/19/2012:  14:08:35

we can buy both but we still call it sauce

Alaina - Posted - 12/19/2012:  14:26:11

Well the last word calls it ketchup

mbanjo - Posted - 12/19/2012:  15:08:43

Is he never wrong?

ErikH - Posted - 12/19/2012:  15:23:53

If it's wrong, would it still be the last word?

Alaina - Posted - 12/19/2012:  15:25:24


mbanjo - Posted - 12/19/2012:  15:59:05

I missed that can you repeat it?

Alaina - Posted - 12/19/2012:  16:00:25

The last word will always be right, no matter what. And since I speak for the last word, I too will always be right big

mbanjo - Posted - 12/19/2012:  16:02:31

Is that absolute?

Alaina - Posted - 12/19/2012:  16:03:03


mbanjo - Posted - 12/19/2012:  16:06:44


Alaina - Posted - 12/19/2012:  16:08:13


mbanjo - Posted - 12/19/2012:  16:19:02

Really are you sure?

Alaina - Posted - 12/19/2012:  16:19:24

Darn skippy

mbanjo - Posted - 12/19/2012:  16:25:00

Undercover agents

ErikH - Posted - 12/19/2012:  17:58:16


mbanjo - Posted - 12/19/2012:  19:50:43

Don't Know..........they have excellent camouflage

janolov - Posted - 12/19/2012:  23:22:10

Here is another camouflaged word:


ErikH - Posted - 12/20/2012:  02:11:37

It looks like it got lost in a snowstorm.

Alaina - Posted - 12/20/2012:  08:53:58

We shall have to warm the last word up!

hexx - Posted - 12/20/2012:  11:09:56

last word is cool

Alaina - Posted - 12/20/2012:  11:20:38

more like freezing

mbanjo - Posted - 12/20/2012:  11:44:49

Snowing in Wichita

Alaina - Posted - 12/20/2012:  11:48:24

It needs to go farther east!

mbanjo - Posted - 12/20/2012:  12:11:09

Snowing in Missouri.........

Alaina - Posted - 12/20/2012:  12:17:50

Well then I guess I should be set, huh?

mbanjo - Posted - 12/20/2012:  12:36:44

Get your Skis packed

Alaina - Posted - 12/20/2012:  14:39:38

Nope, I'd hurt myself on them lol

mbanjo - Posted - 12/20/2012:  14:56:31

I thought you were a red headed Snow Bunny   big

Alaina - Posted - 12/20/2012:  14:58:03

I am when I am playing in the snow, making snow angels and such, but on anything mobile other than a sled, I am an accident waiting to happen

mbanjo - Posted - 12/20/2012:  15:12:58

Tractor Tire inner tubes are a lot of fun in the snow...

ErikH - Posted - 12/20/2012:  15:16:45

So are snowshoes, if the snow is deep enough.  They are alot of work, though.

Snow is just starting to stick here outside of Chicago.  I think they downgraded us to 2 inches though.disapprove

mbanjo - Posted - 12/20/2012:  15:20:43

Has the lake iced over yet?

ErikH - Posted - 12/20/2012:  15:25:08

No.  Up until a couple of hours ago it was almost 50 degrees outside.  I don't know that the lake ever freezes over completely, but the lakeshore usually isn't frozen over until late January.

mbanjo - Posted - 12/20/2012:  18:46:50

I was just thinking of some old pictures I saw of the frozen lake ......looked awesome

ErikH - Posted - 12/21/2012:  02:13:22

It does look pretty cool when the shoreline freezes.

It looks like our snow storm was a bust.  Still very windy and hte temperature is dropping (it's about 30F right now) but we only got about an inch of snow when it was all said and done.

OM45GE - Posted - 12/21/2012:  05:45:46

We're getting a heavy wind-driven rain today. I'm hoping they get snow up north. I want to go skiing this week.

janolov - Posted - 12/21/2012:  09:40:30

We have a lot of snow so it is skiing weather. The snow came early so the ice on the lakes are weak, so skating is not recommended here.

OM45GE - Posted - 12/21/2012:  12:19:19

It looks as though the ski areas an hour or two north of us got a couple of feet of snow and have been making it so we should be good to go next week.

janolov - Posted - 12/21/2012:  12:21:58

Usually people around here use to north to skiing, but just now we have more snow here around Stockholm than they have in the skiing places.

OM45GE - Posted - 12/21/2012:  12:28:48

I used to know a woman from Norway. She had two pictures mounted in one frame. One showed her standing in a grove of Christmas trees. The other showed her standing in a forest of tall fir trees. They were taken in exactly the same spot - summer and winter. The difference was 40 feet of snow.

janolov - Posted - 12/21/2012:  12:41:50

Ah, was she the famous Snow Woman?

mbanjo - Posted - 12/21/2012:  14:28:03

with the seven Dwarves?

TheLastWord - Posted - 12/21/2012:  14:53:12

It's another Last word.

mbanjo - Posted - 12/21/2012:  15:11:24

Where is it?

OM45GE - Posted - 12/21/2012:  15:40:10

Right here having a glass of Scotch with me.

ErikH - Posted - 12/21/2012:  16:47:26

A glass of Scotch sounds pretty good right about now.

mbanjo - Posted - 12/21/2012:  16:58:34

you talked me into it......and its only 12 noon here....what the hell......its Saturday

TheLastWord - Posted - 12/22/2012:  03:33:51

Coffee and a last word biscuit for me.

banjoscotty - Posted - 12/22/2012:  03:45:09

I'll have apple juice

ErikH - Posted - 12/22/2012:  04:18:23

Time for coffee now.

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