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 ARCHIVED TOPIC: Practical use of Music Theory presented in a fun way

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rfink1913 - Posted - 03/14/2018:  11:27:27

Yes - all notes are the same length. And, to avoid confusion, this is not rock or pop. It is a "classical" piece.

Edited by - rfink1913 on 03/14/2018 11:29:03

Mooooo - Posted - 03/14/2018:  11:29:11

Thanks, I am not immediately familiar with this one, but don't make it too easy for us. I think if someone knows the tune, your information should be enough. If I know it, it will come to me.

Edited by - Mooooo on 03/14/2018 11:29:55

G Edward Porgie - Posted - 03/14/2018:  13:10:56


Originally posted by Mooooo


Originally posted by G Edward Porgie

I don't think your sarcasm is going to help win friends. Just because I may not like a tune is no reason to be so critical of my tastes, and I do not believe I have complained about what others should or shouldn't be listening to. It happens to be my right, as it is anybody's, to form opinions about what music I wish to pay attention to, and I am only citing what I don't like, as others have also done. I do not accept your "billion apologies," for the obvious reason that with so many, not very many could possibly be sincere.

I have clearly stated my reasons for my own non-participation. I have not once said that others shouldn't continue to be interested. As I said, I feel I have better things to do. I hope that you and others are learning from these exercises. I am not. It's as simple as that.

      You are missing the entire point here George. It's not about anyone's opinion of any song or tune, it's about explaining a piece of music so that others can figure out how it goes. But every time you can't figure out what that piece of music is, you come up with some excuse why you can't do it. And all of these reasons so far have been....either that I didn't explain it well enough for you or things like " I've always considered this particular movement of this particular sonata to be a bit of a pot boiler, not one of Mozart's greats, and I avoid it whenever possible" or "Well, Mike, I looked this over and it's one I haven't heard (unless, perhaps, you've mis-remembered it slightly)." or "I must admit to not caring a lot for J.S, although I do find some of his stuff more interesting than any of his offspring's compositions." or  " I've always detested that "dead horse" circus tune that was further beaten earlier in this thread."

     Maybe instead of pointing your finger outwards when giving us reasons you can't figure out different pieces of music when others clearly can do it, you can try to see where the problem really lies. 

     Additionally, I wasn't being critical of your tastes. I couldn't care less who you listen to or not. The point is to read the clues and try to figure out songs. Not to tell us that you don't like this one or that one. Either play along, or don't. 

This is the last time I'll respond to your insults. I do not believe that this is doing either of us any good.

It may be true that some of these things I may not like, and it is definitely true that your first clue was anything but clear with its overly complicated insertion of modal sequences that were basically just scale passages (combined with the fact that you gave no iindication of what notes those scale passages started and stopped on). You have improved since. That second one you take issue with was merely a statement of fact, I hadn't heard it, and included the "mis-remembered" because you yourself had indicated that you couldn't guarantee that you knew it that well. 

Just because I have not responded to many of these does not mean I don't know them; it's simply that I don't always have the wherewithal to respond. I am amused by some of them, and I have followed along at times because I am curious as to what people will post and how they'll give hints, and also by the "prizes."  I am not missing the so-called point simply because I have lately chosen not to participate. I've said more than once that I simply don't have time, and yet you seem to be reading into my statement that I think the entire exercise is hooey. (Now that's missing the point!) 

For what it's worth, I think this is a fine game, but it is a game, and people are being offended for no real reason. If I called the Monopoly race car a piece of crap, I wouldn't be subjected to such abuse or such questioning of my motives in doing so.

I suggest you keep at your game. I won't say anything more; it'd be misinterpreted, anyway. If I see something I feel like commenting on, I'll try not to. 

Don't bother me again, and don't drop that theory book on your foot.


Mooooo - Posted - 03/14/2018:  13:34:35


Originally posted by G Edward Porgie


Originally posted by Mooooo


Originally posted by G Edward Porgie

I don't think your sarcasm is going to help win friends. Just because I may not like a tune is no reason to be so critical of my tastes, and I do not believe I have complained about what others should or shouldn't be listening to. It happens to be my right, as it is anybody's, to form opinions about what music I wish to pay attention to, and I am only citing what I don't like, as others have also done. I do not accept your "billion apologies," for the obvious reason that with so many, not very many could possibly be sincere.

I have clearly stated my reasons for my own non-participation. I have not once said that others shouldn't continue to be interested. As I said, I feel I have better things to do. I hope that you and others are learning from these exercises. I am not. It's as simple as that.

      You are missing the entire point here George. It's not about anyone's opinion of any song or tune, it's about explaining a piece of music so that others can figure out how it goes. But every time you can't figure out what that piece of music is, you come up with some excuse why you can't do it. And all of these reasons so far have been....either that I didn't explain it well enough for you or things like " I've always considered this particular movement of this particular sonata to be a bit of a pot boiler, not one of Mozart's greats, and I avoid it whenever possible" or "Well, Mike, I looked this over and it's one I haven't heard (unless, perhaps, you've mis-remembered it slightly)." or "I must admit to not caring a lot for J.S, although I do find some of his stuff more interesting than any of his offspring's compositions." or  " I've always detested that "dead horse" circus tune that was further beaten earlier in this thread."

     Maybe instead of pointing your finger outwards when giving us reasons you can't figure out different pieces of music when others clearly can do it, you can try to see where the problem really lies. 

     Additionally, I wasn't being critical of your tastes. I couldn't care less who you listen to or not. The point is to read the clues and try to figure out songs. Not to tell us that you don't like this one or that one. Either play along, or don't. 

This is the last time I'll respond to your insults. I do not believe that this is doing either of us any good.

If you can find a single insult please show me. Some might conclude that you are the insulting one. I can't say that I am sad at your departure.

Edited by - Mooooo on 03/14/2018 13:49:46

chuckv97 - Posted - 03/14/2018:  13:59:30

Please stay George.... laughter is the best medicine. (but you’ll likely contradict me and tell me in a long harangue that something else is the best

Mooooo - Posted - 03/14/2018:  14:13:32


Originally posted by rfink1913

OK, I've got a good one. It may not work on banjo, but I trust there are a few guitar players on this forum as well.

Finger the following chord (standard tuning):


– – – – – –

– – – – – –

– – – – – –

– – – – – –

– – – – x –

– – x – – –

– x – x – –

– – – – – –

(Yes, the 6th string is open; you can mute the 1st string if you like.)

Play 32 palm-muted downstrokes, sharply accenting the 10th, the 12th, the 18th, the 21st, the 25th, and the 30th.

all notes are the same length. And, to avoid confusion, this is not rock or pop. It is a "classical" piece.

Just in case anyone got lost inside the drama here is the current question on "Name That Tune"

Mooooo - Posted - 03/14/2018:  17:55:03

This music seems like part of the soundtrack of a film where someone is knocking on a door for a ridiculously long time. I thought it was Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid, but I can't find it there.

FlyinEagle - Posted - 03/14/2018:  18:48:08

I would say something by Phillip Glass but it is not repetitive enough.

Rawhide Creek - Posted - 03/14/2018:  21:19:01


Originally posted by FlyinEagle

I would say something by Phillip Glass but it is not repetitive enough.

Not only that, it’s not redundant enough . . .

chuckv97 - Posted - 03/14/2018:  21:55:31


Originally posted by Rawhide Creek


Originally posted by FlyinEagle

I would say something by Phillip Glass but it is not repetitive enough.

Not only that, it’s not redundant enough . . .

Not to heat a bead dorse , but it’s not monotonous enough.....

FlyinEagle - Posted - 03/15/2018:  04:09:42

It's not repetitive enough either, so it must be something else.

Mooooo - Posted - 03/15/2018:  09:59:38

This sure is a tough one....maybe a clue would help us out.

Mooooo - Posted - 03/16/2018:  10:41:15


chuckv97 - Posted - 03/16/2018:  11:07:45

Merle Travis used that chord a lot,,but he’s in the “classic” thumbpicking category

FlyinEagle - Posted - 03/16/2018:  11:07:47

What chord is it? I've just been working off of the rhythm. Maybe it will help me if I have a pitch to go on too.

chuckv97 - Posted - 03/16/2018:  11:08:25


Mooooo - Posted - 03/16/2018:  11:25:49

When I play this on my on my guitar, I see an image of a guy knocking on a door to this exact rhythm and then adds 17 more knocks in 16th notes if the original 32 are 8th notes. Maybe it was used in some retro comedy.

chuckv97 - Posted - 03/16/2018:  12:46:35

My Mother the Car? with Jerry (no relation) Van Dyke?

Edited by - chuckv97 on 03/16/2018 12:47:59

Mooooo - Posted - 03/16/2018:  12:50:01

I am amused with your preoccupation with your uncle Jerry. I get a good laugh each time you mention him.

chuckv97 - Posted - 03/16/2018:  12:51:51

..he be wun o’ mah heerows

rfink1913 - Posted - 03/16/2018:  20:01:55

Chord should be a quite dissonant Eb7/E. Hint: this modern-classical ballet will be very appropriate on March 20.

Edited by - rfink1913 on 03/16/2018 20:02:43

Rawhide Creek - Posted - 03/16/2018:  20:51:20

“The Rite of Spring”, Stravinsky

chuckv97 - Posted - 03/16/2018:  21:09:08

Eb..?? I must’ve read the fret lines wrong. Remind me to go get spectacles.

Mooooo - Posted - 03/16/2018:  21:24:13

I read them wrong too, but that's no excuse, we should have known this one.

I wonder what Russ Won?

FlyinEagle - Posted - 03/16/2018:  21:54:15

Oh man. Stravinsky. you keep him. modernism ain't my bag.

chuckv97 - Posted - 03/16/2018:  22:07:20

Ditto, Jeff. Too far removed from ol’ J.S.

chuckv97 - Posted - 03/16/2018:  22:09:55


Originally posted by Mooooo

I read them wrong too, but that's no excuse, we should have known this one.

I wonder what Russ Won?

What the hey you mean Mooooo, that’s no excuse??!  Why d’ya think I brought it up, fcol ?! 

Well, that does it, I might have to exit from this august thread.....

Edited by - chuckv97 on 03/16/2018 22:11:11

Mooooo - Posted - 03/16/2018:  22:17:19


Originally posted by chuckv97


Originally posted by Mooooo

I read them wrong too, but that's no excuse, we should have known this one.

I wonder what Russ Won?

What the hey you mean Mooooo, that’s no excuse??!  Why d’ya think I brought it up, fcol ?! 

Well, that does it, I might have to exit from this august thread.....

We should have known it because it's a classic. I wouldn't have gotten it because I haven't really listened to this piece, but I have heard of it. That's why I think we should have gotten it. I figure if I have heard of it, I should recognize it. I really mean that I wish I was more familiar with the classics. I am definitely not angry that I am learning though, I am happy to learn about one I haven't listened to.

p.s what does fcol mean?

Edited by - Mooooo on 03/16/2018 22:22:12

rfink1913 - Posted - 03/16/2018:  22:19:36


Originally posted by Rawhide Creek

“The Rite of Spring”, Stravinsky

Just so.

Your prize:  an all-expenses paid trip to Los Angeles to visit Stravinsky’s West Hollywood home above the Sunset Strip.

(All expenses paid by you, of course.)

And the next example, maestro, pleez?

Edited by - rfink1913 on 03/16/2018 22:20:58

mmuussiiccaall - Posted - 03/16/2018:  22:29:21


Originally posted by Mooooo

p.s what does fcol mean?

chuckv97 - Posted - 03/16/2018:  22:37:54


Mooooo - Posted - 03/16/2018:  22:41:47

Don't cry Chuck...sooner or later it will turn from Classic(al) to Classic Country.

chuckv97 - Posted - 03/16/2018:  22:43:10

There’s no crying in bluegrass

mmuussiiccaall - Posted - 03/17/2018:  09:40:45

originally by Moooo:

Don't cry Chuck...sooner or later it will turn from Classic(al) to Classic Country.

Here's a classic country song        =     chromatic 1 to 2 and back down droning 5ths in between.

Edited by - mmuussiiccaall on 03/17/2018 09:42:34

Rawhide Creek - Posted - 03/17/2018:  10:36:15

Here’s my candidate:

Technically in a minor key but doesn’t sound like it.  (Extra credit:  Why not?)

6 3 6  |  5 6 7 6  |  5 6 7 3 4 5  |  6 1  | . . .

Edited by - Rawhide Creek on 03/17/2018 10:37:49

Mooooo - Posted - 03/17/2018:  11:23:07


Originally posted by mmuussiiccaall

originally by Moooo:

Don't cry Chuck...sooner or later it will turn from Classic(al) to Classic Country.

Here's a classic country song        =     chromatic 1 to 2 and back down droning 5ths in between.


Mooooo - Posted - 03/17/2018:  11:27:15


Originally posted by Rawhide Creek

Here’s my candidate:

Technically in a minor key but doesn’t sound like it.  (Extra credit:  Why not?)

6 3 6  |  5 6 7 6  |  5 6 7 3 4 5  |  6 1  | . . .

Are these intervals all major? I mean 6 to major 3 or flat 6 to minor 3,...etc, and is it a major or flat 7th? 

Rawhide Creek - Posted - 03/17/2018:  11:35:03


Originally posted by Mooooo


Originally posted by Rawhide Creek

Here’s my candidate:

Technically in a minor key but doesn’t sound like it.  (Extra credit:  Why not?)

6 3 6  |  5 6 7 6  |  5 6 7 3 4 5  |  6 1  | . . .

Are these intervals all major? I mean 6 to major 3 or flat 6 to minor 3,...etc, and is it a major or flat 7th? 

What you see is what you get, except for my error in the last bar shown.  It should be 6  3  . . .

 6 3 6  |  5 6 7 6  |  5 6 7 3 4 5  |  6 3  | . . .

No accidentals.

Edited by - Rawhide Creek on 03/17/2018 11:37:53

Mooooo - Posted - 03/17/2018:  11:35:54

Hahahaha....alright Russ. Will be more fun this way.

chuckv97 - Posted - 03/17/2018:  11:40:17

Twilight zone.....didn’t check, just throwing out there to ‘propel’ this august thread forward

mmuussiiccaall - Posted - 03/17/2018:  13:25:40


Originally posted by Mooooo


Originally posted by mmuussiiccaall

originally by Moooo:

Don't cry Chuck...sooner or later it will turn from Classic(al) to Classic Country.

Here's a classic country song        =     chromatic 1 to 2 and back down droning 5ths in between.


Nope, that's kind of a mirror universe of mine. It is chromatic between the 5 & 4 and drones the 1 and BTW is not classic country. BOP! POW! BOOM!

chuckv97 - Posted - 03/17/2018:  14:32:41

Not sure,Rick, if I get your description,,,hows about this, if not, it’s just another horseshoe toss

mmuussiiccaall - Posted - 03/17/2018:  14:53:43

That's not it Chuck but it is a classic country song and has a lot of nice chromaticism

my song is only chromatic in the intro and the rest Is a straight country song

mmuussiiccaall - Posted - 03/17/2018:  23:16:53

my song is by B.B. about a city,,,,,,, not King BTW

Mooooo - Posted - 03/18/2018:  00:15:13

You had me at has to be Detroit City by Bobby Bare.

Detroit City

mmuussiiccaall - Posted - 03/18/2018:  06:21:00

You've won a brand new car!


chuckv97 - Posted - 03/18/2018:  08:18:13

Rats,,I missed a BB , classic country song query. That was a sly one, cuz the intro (I’ll bet it was Chet Atkins’ idea) is different from the actual song melody.

Korean GM?.....comes with a rocket launcher?

Congrats to Mooooo and his wise Seoul.

some background info, for you classic(al) C&W buffs:

“His military stint over, Bare recorded for Fraternity until Chet Atkins signed him to RCA in early 1962. Bare's moving rendition of "Detroit City" became his first Top Ten Country hit and climbed to #16 on the pop charts in 1963. It also earned him a Grammy for Best Country & Western Recording.”

Edited by - chuckv97 on 03/18/2018 08:29:16

Mooooo - Posted - 03/18/2018:  09:23:31

I am really going to love my Car-ish prize...I had a Subaru when I was a young punk and enjoyed getting around in it. I put in a new stereo (with a cassette deck) and speakers.

Before I put out another question (which will also be a classic country hit) I think we should return to Russ' topic which I will repeat:

"Technically in a minor key but doesn’t sound like it. (Extra credit: Why not?)

6 3 6 | 5 6 7 6 | 5 6 7 3 4 5 | 6 3 | . . .

No accidentals."

time to get back to scratching our heads and squinting our eyes

chuckv97 - Posted - 03/18/2018:  10:41:17

I’ve played that over and ringing bell yet

Mooooo - Posted - 03/18/2018:  10:51:50

Me too, hopefully someone will recognize it soon. If it sounds familiar and I have some idea of what it is, I will google a bit to see if I'm on the right track, but when I have no idea, I'm not going to scour the internet. Hopefully it's something we have all heard.

Edited by - Mooooo on 03/18/2018 10:52:44

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