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Mooooo - Posted - 04/10/2018: 12:10:26
When I previously said Honey Pie, I meant Wild Honey Pie which over-features the tritone...many of them.
mmuussiiccaall - Posted - 04/10/2018: 13:43:08
for the theory lurkers
Mooooo - Posted - 04/10/2018: 14:14:56
Now I'm confused are we looking for a Beatles song featuring the Diminished Triad or the Tritone interval?
mmuussiiccaall - Posted - 04/10/2018: 14:36:35
That guy plays basicaly the first five notes of the beatle tune during that video
chuckv97 - Posted - 04/11/2018: 09:22:39
Penny Lane
I see an Eflat over an A note,,n’est-ce pas?
Edited by - chuckv97 on 04/11/2018 09:30:09
chuckv97 - Posted - 04/11/2018: 10:13:26
Wuts rong wit’ Penny Lane...it’s in LA ..,and has da tritone, no?
“We measure distance on the piano in intervals. A tritone is the distance between the root and the #4. So, C to F# is a tritone. Years ago you could get banned from the church for even playing a tritone due to its very “harsh” or dissonant sound. It used to be called the “devil's interval”.”
Edited by - chuckv97 on 04/11/2018 10:16:26
Mooooo - Posted - 04/11/2018: 10:30:56
Originally posted by chuckv97Wuts rong wit’ Penny Lane...it’s in LA ..,and has da tritone, no?
“We measure distance on the piano in intervals. A tritone is the distance between the root and the #4. So, C to F# is a tritone.
Where is the tritone in Penny Lane? I don't hear it in Blue Jay Way either. So we are probably both wrong.
Edited by - Mooooo on 04/11/2018 10:31:35
mmuussiiccaall - Posted - 04/11/2018: 10:36:52
Mike you have just won a trip to Haight Ashberry and like George see the drug attic's and just go home.
By the way the tritone is on the word fog and that interval is used many times in the verse and finally resolves to the natural five just before the chorus
chuckv97 - Posted - 04/11/2018: 10:43:57
Wait just a minute! An A to an Eflat is a tritone...as evidenced in my post of Penny Lane..if only for an 1/8 th note,,but SO WHAT. And Penny Lane is in LA. But I don’t want to visit hate-assbury, thnx anyhoo
Edited by - chuckv97 on 04/11/2018 10:52:20
Mooooo - Posted - 04/11/2018: 10:56:40
I'll take the win, but I believe for it to be a tritone it should be an interval (2 notes at once a #4 interval) and not just a note that is the #4 of a scale, maybe they can be played in succcession, but probably not with that b3 in between. I could be wrong. I would love to hear what George, Fink, Russ, and the others have to say about it.
I haven't been to Haight-Ashberry in about 3 years or so. I will probably shoot out to Yosemite and do a little hiking like I did last time.
Edited by - Mooooo on 04/11/2018 10:58:19
chuckv97 - Posted - 04/11/2018: 11:04:45
Originally posted by chuckv97Penny Lane
I see an Eflat over an A note,,n’est-ce pas?
A as a whole note in the left hand of the piano score, Eflat (sharped 4th) in the right hand, at the end of the measure
Edited by - chuckv97 on 04/11/2018 11:05:46
mmuussiiccaall - Posted - 04/11/2018: 11:10:22
notice the multiple F#s over the C tonic and as for PENNY LANE that Eb serves as the 5th of the Ab chord
Edited by - mmuussiiccaall on 04/11/2018 11:12:48
chuckv97 - Posted - 04/11/2018: 11:14:15
Originally posted by mmuussiiccaallnotice the multiple F#s over the C tonic and as for PENNY LANE that Eb serves as the 5th of the Ab chord
Negatory, my Cinci pal...that’s an am7b5
Edited by - chuckv97 on 04/11/2018 11:16:20
Mooooo - Posted - 04/11/2018: 11:14:49
I guess you're right, I never noticed that droning C note before. I thought after the intro the organ rested and then aped the melody in unison.
Edited by - Mooooo on 04/11/2018 11:16:04
FlyinEagle - Posted - 04/11/2018: 11:18:14
My theory knowledge is limited compared to the august posters in this april thread, but I was always taught that a tri-tone is 2 notes.
Mooooo - Posted - 04/11/2018: 11:20:31
Originally posted by chuckv97quote:
Originally posted by mmuussiiccaallnotice the multiple F#s over the C tonic and as for PENNY LANE that Eb serves as the 5th of the Ab chord
Negatory, my Cinci pal...that’s an am7b5
Just because the song you thought of may fit, it's not the one he chose. If he gives it away to any answer that fits, I guess my answer of Wild Honey Pie would have won. Sometimes you have to be a gracious loser.
Edited by - Mooooo on 04/11/2018 11:24:22
Mooooo - Posted - 04/11/2018: 11:23:25
Originally posted by FlyinEagleMy theory knowledge is limited compared to the august posters in this april thread, but I was always taught that a tri-tone is 2 notes.
I'm in the same boat as you are theroy-wise Jeff, as far as I know, I also think it's 2 notes.
chuckv97 - Posted - 04/11/2018: 11:28:03
It is two notes - the “tri” refers to three whole steps, n’est-ce pas?
chuckv97 - Posted - 04/11/2018: 11:29:20
Quote: “Sometimes you have to be a gracious loser.”
Bah...”nice guys finish last” - Leo “the Lip” Durocher
FlyinEagle - Posted - 04/11/2018: 11:31:39
Yes, I know, but I always thought it was only those 2 notes. A 2 note chord, with a full 3 steps between the 2 notes. That's what I always thought a tri-tone was.
That and a jazz bar on South Street.
chuckv97 - Posted - 04/11/2018: 11:35:49
One note ringing against another ,although not struck simultaneously ($50 word for “at the same time “) , can form the tritone interval, n’est-ce pas ($1 Quebecois phrase)?
Edited by - chuckv97 on 04/11/2018 11:36:48
Mooooo - Posted - 04/11/2018: 11:40:27
Originally posted by FlyinEagleOK, but I think this is an attack on theory.
Hilarious...you should start a thread see if it goes as long as the attack on Bluegrass thread.
chuckv97 - Posted - 04/11/2018: 11:47:10
Originally posted by FlyinEagleOK, but I think this is an attack on theory.
FlyinEagle - Posted - 04/11/2018: 11:50:12
Originally posted by chuckv97Tritone kaput...
Damn. When did that happen. Jeez.
Well, Bob and Barbara's is still going strong right across the street. Thursday night drag shows, and a jazz organ trio called the Crowd Pleasers plays 4 or 5 sets every Friday and Saturday night. And they offer the true Citywide Special (A can of PBR and a shot of Beam for 5 bucks). Love that place.
chuckv97 - Posted - 04/11/2018: 12:03:08
I’m suffering from tritone-itus.... a cousin malady of tinnitus
Mooooo - Posted - 04/11/2018: 12:16:44
The tune I am thinking of is a folk song. It is based on the Phrygian Dominant Scale and everyone knows this tune. The Phrygian Dominant Scale is: b2, b6, b7.
Mooooo - Posted - 04/11/2018: 12:23:39
That was the quickest guessed song yet. Did you know it, figure it out or google it?
Mooooo - Posted - 04/11/2018: 12:28:17
Rick, you have won an all expense paid trip to a wedding and a Bar Mitzvah in beautiful downtown Jerusalem!!! Bring your favorite yarmulke and have a blast.
Edited by - Mooooo on 04/11/2018 12:39:30
chuckv97 - Posted - 04/11/2018: 12:35:43
A Dutchman, a Scot, and an Arab walked into a Bar (Mitzvah)....
mmuussiiccaall - Posted - 04/11/2018: 12:41:34
Originally posted by MoooooThat was the quickest guessed song yet. Did you know it, figure it out or google it?
Heard the intervals in my head and I'll pass to give someone else a chance, maybe a newcomer to this thread or even a "PRO player"
Mooooo - Posted - 04/11/2018: 12:45:15
Sure we will wait the traditional 2 hours and if no one new or PRO posts, it's anyone's game.
Edited by - Mooooo on 04/11/2018 12:46:22
Mooooo - Posted - 04/11/2018: 13:19:17
They used this 10 hour version one time when the final Jeopardy clue was: "It is the meaning of life"
Mooooo - Posted - 04/11/2018: 15:49:36
Alright, it's been about 3 hours so anyone with a piece of music in mind may present it. Let's see how well you can describe a song so people can figure it out. Good luck.
FlyinEagle - Posted - 04/11/2018: 17:30:37
Name a classic rock song that heavily features suspended chords.
The famous intro is a just a rhythmically strummed Bsus4.
FlyinEagle - Posted - 04/11/2018: 17:47:52
Well that was easy.
You win a trip to the last penny arcade in Asbury Park, NJ.
It's in between the pawn shop and check cashing joint on the boardwalk (near 1st and Ocean).
mmuussiiccaall - Posted - 04/11/2018: 18:21:30
And a quick how to do it on 5 string
Edited by - mmuussiiccaall on 04/11/2018 18:22:04
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