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 ARCHIVED TOPIC: Practical use of Music Theory presented in a fun way

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Mooooo - Posted - 04/09/2018:  09:19:06

I will be very surprised if I have ever heard of this composer, I hope he writes better music than Simple Gifts...

I always thought that JS Bach was the first composer ever, I never knew they made music before him.

chuckv97 - Posted - 04/09/2018:  09:35:28

There are three Praetorius’s ,,Jacob died in 1586... don’t think he’s the one ...Hieronymus and Michael came later

Rawhide Creek - Posted - 04/09/2018:  09:40:28

Okay, this is almost a giveaway, but after you identify the composer, you still have to come up with the piece of music:

He was composer and organist to, in order, the courts of Henry VIII, Edward VI, Mary, and Elizabeth I.

chuckv97 - Posted - 04/09/2018:  09:49:22

Thomas Tallis

The set of nine vernacular psalm settings referred to as the nine tunes for Archbishop Parker's Psalter

Man Blest No Doubt (Psalm 1)

Let God Arise In Majesty Psalm 68

Why Fum'th In Fight (Psalm 2, tune known as the third mode melody, see also Fantasia on a Theme of Thomas Tallis)

O Come In One To Praise The Lord (Psalm 95)

E'en Like The Hunted Hind (Psalm 42)

Expend, O Lord, My Plaint (Psalm 5)

Why Brag'st In Malice High (Psalm 52)

God Grant With Grace (Psalm 67, tune known as Tallis' Canon)

Ordinal (Veni Creator)

which one,,dunno yet

Edited by - chuckv97 on 04/09/2018 09:49:46

Mooooo - Posted - 04/09/2018:  09:58:33


Originally posted by Rawhide Creek

Okay, this is almost a giveaway, but after you identify the composer, you still have to come up with the piece of music:

He was composer and organist to, in order, the courts of Henry VIII, Edward VI, Mary, and Elizabeth I.

Come on Russ, you are making it so easy on us as if we never studied at Julliard...this is too easy for me to even tell you guys what it is. Everybody knows the composer and organist to the courts of Henry VIII, Edward VI, Mary and Elizabeth I....what do you think we are - a bunch of country bumpkins? - he said jokingly.

chuckv97 - Posted - 04/09/2018:  09:59:40

Veni Creator
at 6:55

Rawhide Creek - Posted - 04/09/2018:  10:14:14


Originally posted by chuckv97

Thomas Tallis

The set of nine vernacular psalm settings referred to as the nine tunes for Archbishop Parker's Psalter

Man Blest No Doubt (Psalm 1)

Let God Arise In Majesty Psalm 68

Why Fum'th In Fight (Psalm 2, tune known as the third mode melody, see also Fantasia on a Theme of Thomas Tallis)

O Come In One To Praise The Lord (Psalm 95)

E'en Like The Hunted Hind (Psalm 42)

Expend, O Lord, My Plaint (Psalm 5)

Why Brag'st In Malice High (Psalm 52)

God Grant With Grace (Psalm 67, tune known as Tallis' Canon)

Ordinal (Veni Creator)

which one,,dunno yet

Chuck, I’m going to give it to you despite being one off.

Notice, in the list you posted, the next to last is “Psalm 67, tune known as Tallis’ Canon”.

It is the Tallis Canon!

Here’s a nice treatment that even works in “Old Hundredth”:

Your prize is  Herman’s Hermits: Greatest Hits.

Edited by - Rawhide Creek on 04/09/2018 10:23:42

Mooooo - Posted - 04/09/2018:  10:19:29

Thank God.

chuckv97 - Posted - 04/09/2018:  10:42:45

God had nothing to do with it.... the devil got me picking the wrong one....!

oh, hermin the hermit - he of Henerry the 8th I yam.......   wonderful, Russ....can’t wait to hang it on my bathroom wall and throw darts at it

Edited by - chuckv97 on 04/09/2018 10:44:44

chuckv97 - Posted - 04/09/2018:  10:54:05

Name the reel that has a flatted 6th section in the B part

Rawhide Creek - Posted - 04/09/2018:  10:59:47


Originally posted by chuckv97

God had nothing to do with it.... the devil got me picking the wrong one....!

oh, hermin the hermit - he of Henerry the 8th I yam.......   wonderful, Russ....can’t wait to hang it on my bathroom wall and throw darts at it

You throw darts in the bathroom?  Too much information, Chuck; too much information!

By the way, Mike, it’s Juilliard, not Julliard . . .  devil

Edited by - Rawhide Creek on 04/09/2018 11:02:39

chuckv97 - Posted - 04/09/2018:  11:03:36

Yes, yes Russ....I spend most of my advancing years lately in the bathroom....saves me money on Depends

FlyinEagle - Posted - 04/09/2018:  11:09:19

That was real golden oldie, Russ.

Rawhide Creek - Posted - 04/09/2018:  11:14:40


Originally posted by chuckv97

Yes, yes Russ....I spend most of my advancing years lately in the bathroom....saves me money on Depends

I know what you mean—I’m taking tamsulosin and finasteride.  I can no longer safely postpone nor successfully outwait Nature’s call . . .

Jeff:  457+ years, to be precise!  (We don’t know excatly when it was written, but we do know when the psalter/hymnal was published.)

Edited by - Rawhide Creek on 04/09/2018 11:20:54

Mooooo - Posted - 04/09/2018:  11:19:27


Originally posted by Rawhide Creek

By the way, Mike, it’s Juilliard, not Julliard . . .  devil

Thanks Prof. Russ.

chuckv97 - Posted - 04/09/2018:  11:21:53

It’s always nice to tune into the Renaissance Oldies Station on my Stromberg-Carlson floor model console radio.

Edited by - chuckv97 on 04/09/2018 11:25:24

Mooooo - Posted - 04/09/2018:  11:23:53


Originally posted by chuckv97

Name the reel that has a flatted 6th section in the B part

Was "Come and Get It" a reel? Come and Get It - Badfinger

chuckv97 - Posted - 04/09/2018:  11:26:00

Only if performed in 1946 style

FlyinEagle - Posted - 04/09/2018:  11:34:30


Originally posted by chuckv97

It’s always nice to tune into the Renaissance Oldies Station on my Stromberg-Carlson floor model console radio.

Woah, that's nice Chuck.

I've got one of these (Federal  Ortho-Sonic) with a big ol' horn, but my wife won't let me display it :( 

Doesn't fit our decor or some nonsense like that.

chuckv97 - Posted - 04/09/2018:  11:41:30

Nice, Jeff.. decor - wuzzat?
Actually we had a Stromberg-Carlson table model when I was a kid. That photo is off a website...wish it was mine, tho

Rawhide Creek - Posted - 04/09/2018:  11:46:20

I prefer my Atwater-Kent with the batteries and the magnetic headphones, and a long wire out the window..

One of the things retirement has brought me is many opportunities to restore vintage/antique radios.  It’s especially nice that I can afford to do it at a reasonable cost to others.

Edited by - Rawhide Creek on 04/09/2018 11:54:22

Mooooo - Posted - 04/09/2018:  11:57:56

Russ, I am continually amazed at the things you do/have done. I would love to know how to restore old radios.

Mooooo - Posted - 04/09/2018:  12:01:13

This is off topic, but I know how much you guys like theory. Check out what Eddy Davis has been doing over in the Jazz Advice section, he's pretty amazing and the things he talks about are applicable to any instrument. Here's a link to his latest gem: Eddy's tutorial on the Flat 5, check it out, you won't be sorry.

chuckv97 - Posted - 04/09/2018:  12:18:52

Quote: “I know how much you guys like theory.” Smile when you say that, partner.

mmuussiiccaall - Posted - 04/09/2018:  12:44:23

quote:Originally posted by MoooooThis is off topic, but I know how much you guys like theory. Check out what Eddy Davis has been doing over in the Jazz Advice section, he's pretty amazing and the things he talks about are applicable to any instrument. Here's a link to his latest gem: Eddy's tutorial on the Flat 5, check it out, you won't be sorry

.Your recommending the devil's tri-tone

Edited by - mmuussiiccaall on 04/09/2018 12:46:21


Rawhide Creek - Posted - 04/09/2018:  12:56:59

Shades of Danse Macabre!

Rawhide Creek - Posted - 04/09/2018:  13:02:01


Originally posted by Mooooo

Russ, I am continually amazed at the things you do/have done. I would love to know how to restore old radios.

Thanks, Mike.  I (and my children) are even more amazed at the things I’ve survived doing . . .


mmuussiiccaall - Posted - 04/09/2018:  13:31:30

While we wait, what Beatles song featured the tritone?

chuckv97 - Posted - 04/09/2018:  13:44:32

Just to clarify,,,that reel you’se are tailing goes to a flatted sixth chord in the B does not modulate to the flatted sixth key, comprendez?

Mooooo - Posted - 04/09/2018:  18:15:30

This is reely hard since I don't know many reels and I don't play any reels, as far as I know.

Rawhide Creek - Posted - 04/09/2018:  18:47:15


Originally posted by chuckv97

Just to clarify,,,that reel you’se are tailing goes to a flatted sixth chord in the B does not modulate to the flatted sixth key, comprendez?

Is that the difference between reel tail and whole sail, which would be a hornpipe?

chuckv97 - Posted - 04/09/2018:  21:51:52

Argh,,,hav u evr bin to sea, Billy

chuckv97 - Posted - 04/09/2018:  21:59:35


Originally posted by Mooooo

This is reely hard since I don't know many reels and I don't play any reels, as far as I know.

I first heard this reel on an old budget Starday album of fiddlers - Tommy Jackson, Chubby Anthony, Chubby Wise,etc.- some with banjo, including the great Alan Shelton. Hint: it has a word in the title that is related to hiver (Fr.)..... the title is all in English, however (just having fun with yooz baffled guys)

Edited by - chuckv97 on 04/09/2018 22:01:37

Mooooo - Posted - 04/09/2018:  22:56:56

From my French class Freshman year of High School, I know that Hiver is Winter, and something that has to do with winter is snow, and a song about snow that has to do with fiddlers is Snowflake Reel....that's all I got. Could it be Snowflake Reel? I never heard Alan Shelton do that one, but there's a lot of things I haven't heard.

I just listened to it now and I think I'm on to something here. I knew it sounded familiar, It's on the Pickaway LP by Vic Jordan.

Edited by - Mooooo on 04/09/2018 23:06:49

chuckv97 - Posted - 04/09/2018:  23:17:23

YESSIREE BOB! err, Mooooo. Snowflake Reel it is. No, Allen Shelton was not on the cut on the album I had. Key of D, goes to Bflat in the B part for two measures.

Your prize, Mike, is a fabulous pair of genuine Arctic sealskin mukluks from the souvenir craft shops of southern China.

Edited by - chuckv97 on 04/09/2018 23:21:15

Mooooo - Posted - 04/09/2018:  23:28:21

ooooh sealskin, nice. I hope it's baby sealskin for that extra warmth. I will use them on my next polar expedition!

That's an interesting tune, you don't hear many tunes in the old time/fiddle/bluegrass genres that have a flatted 6th chord. Kind of cool.

I'm almost too tired to think of a new tune....give me a bit, let me think.

Edited by - Mooooo on 04/09/2018 23:29:52

chuckv97 - Posted - 04/09/2018:  23:42:22


Originally posted by chuckv97

YESSIREE BOB! err, Mooooo. Snowflake Reel it is. No, Allen Shelton was not on the cut on the album I had. Key of D, goes to Bflat in the B part for two measures.

Your prize, Mike, is a fabulous pair of genuine Arctic sealskin mukluks from the souvenir craft shops of southern China.

btw, Wally Traugott was a champion Canadian fiddler,, although not all sources list him as the composer


Edited by - chuckv97 on 04/09/2018 23:44:28

Mooooo - Posted - 04/09/2018:  23:43:11

In honor of the Flatted 6 and the thread about the attack on Bluegrass, this song has lots of chords in it and here is the progression:
I bVI I VI II V I vi ii V

Mooooo - Posted - 04/09/2018:  23:47:10


Originally posted by chuckv97

btw, Wally Traugott was a champion Canadian fiddler,, although not all sources list him as the composer


Do you play that one Chuck?

mmuussiiccaall - Posted - 04/10/2018:  04:54:30

Bye Bye Blues

chuckv97 - Posted - 04/10/2018:  06:16:26


Originally posted by Mooooo


Originally posted by chuckv97

btw, Wally Traugott was a champion Canadian fiddler,, although not all sources list him as the composer


Do you play that one Chuck?

No, not yet,,,on my bucket list, Mike

Mooooo - Posted - 04/10/2018:  08:39:39

Rick, you won again!!! You can say Bye Bye Blues because you're going to Disneyworld!!!

mmuussiiccaall - Posted - 04/10/2018:  08:58:53


Originally posted by Mooooo

Rick, you won again!!! You can say Bye Bye Blues because you're going to Disneyworld!!!

Thanks Mike I went there last year, six of us in total, by the second day three had rented wheelchairs.laugh

BTW here's BBB with great turnarounds

For the next question I'll refer back to:

While we wait, what Beatles song featured the tritone?

Edited by - mmuussiiccaall on 04/10/2018 09:05:13


Mooooo - Posted - 04/10/2018:  09:05:13

Helter Skelter?

mmuussiiccaall - Posted - 04/10/2018:  09:09:04


Originally posted by Mooooo

Helter Skelter?

nope chromatic b7 6 b6 5

Mooooo - Posted - 04/10/2018:  09:20:46

I'll guess once more then give the others a chance to guess. Honey Pie?

mmuussiiccaall - Posted - 04/10/2018:  09:24:47


Originally posted by Mooooo

I'll guess once more then give the others a chance to guess. Honey Pie?

nope it's the b6 again


chuckv97 - Posted - 04/10/2018:  09:29:08

Michelle. - intro

Mooooo - Posted - 04/10/2018:  09:37:08

we already did Michelle #14 guessed by me.

chuckv97 - Posted - 04/10/2018:  10:16:03

One he later “acid” ones maybe.....Across the Universe

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