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Haven't been around for a while.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Hello all,


I have not been playing as much as before.  I have still been picking up my banjo from time to time and don't think it would take long to get back to where I was, but would really like to be in a band.  I feel like learning one song and then the next is not pushing me like it did when I started.  If my social skills were a little better, I'm sure that I could be in a band now.  Of course I don't know where I would find the time either.




Upward and Onward?

Friday, June 25, 2010 2 comments

Gold Tone Cello Banjo

Monday, March 22, 2010 7 comments

Gum Tree Canoe

Sunday, February 21, 2010 1 comment

I'll Have To Come Back To It Later

Sunday, November 29, 2009 1 comment

In The Pines

Monday, November 9, 2009 1 comment

Too Much On My Plate

Saturday, September 26, 2009 3 comments

Tennessee Waltz

Saturday, June 6, 2009 1 comment

Clinch Mountain Backstep

Thursday, April 30, 2009 Add Comment

Spring Turkey 09

Sunday, April 19, 2009 Add Comment

Right of Passage FMB

Friday, February 20, 2009 Add Comment

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frailinPlayers Union Member


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Ks_5-picker posted a classified ad 'Nice Lange tenor.' 16 days

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maryzcox posted a classified ad 'Blue Sky Banjo Tab Book' 19 days

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maryzcox posted a classified ad 'Girl With the Banjo Tattoo cd' 19 days

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maryzcox posted a classified ad 'New--Carolina Banjo Tab book :)' 21 days

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maryzcox posted a classified ad 'Good Morning Banjo Tab Book' 23 days

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maryzcox posted a classified ad 'Drumming On the Edge Of Banjo Tab Book' 23 days

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banjobenjamen posted a classified ad '1970s Bradley banjo' 27 days

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frailin posted a classified ad 'Premium 11" Openback Banjo gigbag' 39 days

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Genre: Old Time
Playing Style: Clawhammer and Old-Time

Genre: Traditional
Playing Style: Bluegrass (Scruggs)

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Playing Style: Bluegrass (Scruggs)

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Playing Since: 2008
Experience Level: Novice

[Jamming] [Socializing]

Occupation: Customer Service Engineer

Gender: Male
Age: 53

My Instruments:
Helix Cherry Blossom #004. Gold Tone Plucky. Gold Tone 5-String Cello Banjo.

Favorite Bands/Musicians:
Larry Sparks, Ralph Stanley, Earl, Del McCoury, Dolly Parton, Cherryholmes, Blueridge. Some non bluegrass band that I like are Led Zepplin, The Who, Sublime, Creed, Paul Simon ...

Classified Rating: not rated
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Profile Info:
Visible to: Public
Created 3/4/2008
Last Visit 7/7/2020

My dad played the banjo when I was a kid and I remember loving it. I tried to play the guitar in high school, but started for the wrong reasons. I can still play "Wildwood Flower" on the guitar and it was the one song I really liked to play (hair band music was what I had aspired to). I had learned half a dozen songs on the guitar, but my heart was never really in it. I just wanted recognition for being a good player, which I never was, so it didn't go anywhere. Now I want to play music and have learned some disipline in the last 6 years or so. My latest goal is to learn basic chording and simple methods, so that I can jam and make music. So far I have learned how to play "Will the Circle be Unbroken", "Wildwood Flower" and "Mountain Dew" with the help of Patrick Costello on Youtube and the roll my dad taught me, this is the lame chording and rolling accompanied by my singing. I learned Amazing Grace from the tab on this site and it sounds really cool. I'm so excited, the more I do, the more realistic it seems that I'll be able to be accomplished on this instrument and I'm having more fun than I ought to be allowed with my clothes on. My long term goal is to be a well rounded player who can play cleanly and really express my emotion in the music. What a nice bunch this is on BH. Even when someone is trolling its fun to read the genuine responses from the forum members. If only I could read with my eyes closed, it wouldn't be a stretch to imagine myself in the pines chatting with my buddies and playing around the campfire. Update - 9/23/08 - I've found playing at the jam to be a bit more than I can handle. I still have the ultimate goal of being able to play with other people, but I feel like before I do that I should be able to play the song that I call. As it is I can only realistically play Cripple Creek and Amazing Grace consistantly enough to play it at a jam and even then I will have to play slower than the other folks there. I intend to start playing with Tableedit to get me used to recovering quickly when I stumble. My goal is to go back to the jam this time next year and have 20 or so standards under my belt that I can play consistantly and fast enough so that everyone can have fun playing the song that I call out. I've upped my banjo experience level to novice, though I realize that I have a long way to go before I'll be purty good.

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