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Gold Tone Cello Banjo

Posted by 10gauge on Monday, March 22, 2010

Hello All,

I guess I've been outed and can no longer stand behind my psuedonym "10Gauge".  I can hardly believe that I've won this banjo.  I saw that the new drawing was up and said out loud to my co-workers.  "Well I must not have won the Gold Tone since I haven't been notified and the new drawing is up."  It was then that I noticed my name on the screen which was a little surreal.  Then I read what it said, "Chad Taylor just won the Gold Tone Cello Banjo."  How odd I thought to my self, that there should be another fellow on the BHO with my same name.  Then I saw that this other Chad Taylor aslo went by 10Gauge and it hit me:)  A big thanks to Gold Tone and the BHO.  My current banjos are pretty Gold Tone intensive as Larry made my Helix with a Gold Tone neck and my Plucky is also a Gold Tone.  I can't believe it and I'll be sure to give this banjo the time and attention it deserves.


7 comments on “Gold Tone Cello Banjo”

f#dead Says:
Monday, March 22, 2010 @4:11:27 PM

Way to go Chad. I had my hopes but not to be. I'm glad for you and post a tune when you can.

10gauge Says:
Monday, March 22, 2010 @4:21:33 PM

It will take me a little while because I haven't been focusing on clawhammer, but I've been working on my own simple arrangement of Cluck Ol' Hen clawhammer style. Since I started playing I've focused on Scruggs, but really like clawhammer too. mwc725e is my favorite musician on the BHO. With such a nice instrument I'm sure that I'll take some time to really put it to use. Also, my vocal range is between baritone and bass so this should be the perfect instrument to accompany. I'll record it as soon as I can.

stanger Says:
Monday, March 22, 2010 @10:48:14 PM

Hi, 10G....
I find my cello works better for me played 3-finger, rather than clawhammer... I play both styles. Claw can be done on them, but most players who try 'em pick them close to the neck, which isn't the right place... they sound better clawed close to the bridge.

You may have to slow down your 3-finger, and/or simplify your rolls at first- they tend to really overload at fast speeds. I also suggest tightening the head a lot, especially if you are used to a loose setup. A tight head gives them better definition.

I'm hooked on mine- once I learned how to handle it, there's nothing else close to that sound.

jbrosser Says:
Tuesday, March 23, 2010 @5:03:40 AM

Congratulations. I'll look forward to hearing some reviews from you about your new Gold Tone Cello Banjo. Maybe you can post a tune or two.

10gauge Says:
Tuesday, March 23, 2010 @8:15:55 AM

Hey Stanger, I've been giving it a lot of thought and I bet your right. I've been working on a Christmas song since Christmas that I bet would work out great for this banjo. I'm going to try a lot of different stuff and see what sounds good on this banjo. If you look at my music files you'll see that I'm not all bluegrass all the time. I do like bluegrass and have focused on that, but I just figure I have to have some focus or I'll never going to learn how to play my instrument.

PruchaLegend Says:
Tuesday, March 23, 2010 @11:19:27 PM

I noticed you are in Mesa. I am in Sun City. If, after receiving the Cello, you decide it doesn't fit in with your life style, I'll be happy to drive over an take it off you hands.
I think this is as close as I've ever been to winning a drawing.
Oh!! Congratulations! I'm sure you are going to like your new banjo.

10gauge Says:
Thursday, March 25, 2010 @3:07:42 PM

I do live in Mesa. We are on opposite corners of our sprawling city. I have a feeling that when I get this thing anybody who wants it is going to have to stick around for a long time waiting for me to put it down. I do have to eat and sleep though;)

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