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Nov 15, 2022 - 3:23:49 AM
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4861 posts since 4/22/2018

Originally posted by rinemb
Originally posted by Wet Spaniel

I wanted something with lots of gravy to go with mashed potato last night. I made braised short ribs for the first time (usually bbq them) and a chunky mushroom Bourgignon (sp?) for my daughter. Both were excellent and it looks like leftover beef with bubble & squeak tonight.

I love indoor Dutch oven short ribs, usually hacking some French sauce and slowww braise.  And, don't ask me spell those Fr. Words. ;-).  Your meals look great. Brad

Thamks Brad, we eat plenty of braised food over the winter, shin beef and oxtail are two of my favourites.

Nov 15, 2022 - 3:33:20 PM
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Players Union Member



16855 posts since 5/24/2005

I like to use both beer based pot liquors and red wine based broths. Along with all the base veggies. Yum! I like to call it good with near an inch of bone protruding on both ends.  I don't mind a bit of chew. Wife wants it falling off the bone.  That inch of bone usually gets me there.   I think I read that the meat should not be fully submerged, rather it should about 3/4 under liquid.  Brad

Edited by - rinemb on 11/15/2022 15:37:47

Nov 15, 2022 - 3:39:44 PM
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Players Union Member



16855 posts since 5/24/2005

Also, I have done on the stovetop braising, and in the oven braising. I kind of prefer stovetop, because I can peek and adjust easier. Brad

Nov 15, 2022 - 3:52:57 PM
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Brian T


19632 posts since 6/5/2008

I'm still trying to buy a rack of pork side ribs in this town.
If I could, I'll rig them in the oven for 3 hrs with a good rub.
I bought a Breville "smoke pistol" that runs on apple sawdust,
crack the door for a few squirts evey now and again. Stinks up the oven but it's my oven.
Must get the battery out of the smoke alarm.

Nov 15, 2022 - 4:02:28 PM
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42628 posts since 3/5/2008

Short ribs n red wine in the broth..

Instant MEGA HEART BURN ! :0(

Nov 15, 2022 - 4:44:02 PM
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2691 posts since 7/2/2006

A little real snow tonite, so I decided on 'Hunkie Fried Cabbage' warm and good. Unlike most of the fried cabbage, bacon and onion deals out there. I toss some white wine vinegar into the cabbage after it cooks a bit, then make a roux in the bacon grease, and then mix it all together and cook for five minutes or so until it thickens a bit.

Great with potatoes, but bread and butter works just fine, too.


Nov 15, 2022 - 4:53:53 PM
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42628 posts since 3/5/2008

Homemade salami grinders and an olive/feta cheese medley. Can you tell Al REALLY likes his crushed red pepper?!

Nov 15, 2022 - 5:32:45 PM
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4739 posts since 12/30/2008

No pics, but had fall off the bone braised rabbit tonight with taters, carrots, some root vegetables, and onion. First seasoned and browned the rabbit good , then in the pot with some chicken stock and red wine and a splash of sweet vermouth. Threw a brown sugar and butter acorn squash in the oven and when all was done made a silky thick gravy with the pot liquid !!! Only thing missing was some of Jonty’s Yorkshire puddings, so settled for some Parker house rolls for moppin !!!
The smell that came from that big Dutch oven pot goodness was, well……….I think I had a come to Jesus moment !!!
No pics, because Slammer was a piggy again, and not gonna share my leftovers tomorrow at lunch either!!! This was a real treat………to me !!!
My neighbor down the road cut a bunch of trees on his property and has some dandy brush piles, so ol Slammer being the opportunist hunter noticed a few cottontails hanging around when I drove by, so the other day I put the ol .25 cal PCP air rifle to work and had 2 waskilly wabbits in about 15 minutes!!! Both headshots!!!
I haven’t had rabbit in a long time and damn I forgot just how good it is !!!
I’m thinking where there were 2, there are probably more and gonna have to go pay those brush piles a visit after deer season is over and do a little tracking in da snow!!!

Nov 15, 2022 - 6:25:36 PM
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Brian T


19632 posts since 6/5/2008

Did it. The Thursday night Chinese take out 7 dishes finished tonight, Tuesday.
I ate a lot every night. The key thing was that I got the veg. The broccoli/carrot/onion/cauliflower dominated a couple of the dishes but that was OK.

Nov 16, 2022 - 5:58:59 AM
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Players Union Member



16855 posts since 5/24/2005

Originally posted by slammer

No pics, but had fall off the bone braised rabbit tonight with taters, carrots, some root vegetables, and onion. First seasoned and browned the rabbit good , then in the pot with some chicken stock and red wine and a splash of sweet vermouth. Threw a brown sugar and butter acorn squash in the oven and when all was done made a silky thick gravy with the pot liquid !!! Only thing missing was some of Jonty’s Yorkshire puddings, so settled for some Parker house rolls for moppin !!!
The smell that came from that big Dutch oven pot goodness was, well……….I think I had a come to Jesus moment !!!
No pics, because Slammer was a piggy again, and not gonna share my leftovers tomorrow at lunch either!!! This was a real treat………to me !!!
My neighbor down the road cut a bunch of trees on his property and has some dandy brush piles, so ol Slammer being the opportunist hunter noticed a few cottontails hanging around when I drove by, so the other day I put the ol .25 cal PCP air rifle to work and had 2 waskilly wabbits in about 15 minutes!!! Both headshots!!!
I haven’t had rabbit in a long time and damn I forgot just how good it is !!!
I’m thinking where there were 2, there are probably more and gonna have to go pay those brush piles a visit after deer season is over and do a little tracking in da snow!!!

It has been too long since I had some cottontails.  For me, they taste just like, rabbit!  ;-)   brad

Nov 16, 2022 - 6:52:57 AM
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42628 posts since 3/5/2008

To me rabbit tastes like playin yard foot a kid...

Yep a face fullah ..grass ..ground inta yer mouth...

Cotten tail mmight be differnt ..tho.. ;0)

Nov 16, 2022 - 2:10:09 PM
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4861 posts since 4/22/2018

Originally posted by slammer

No pics, but had fall off the bone braised rabbit tonight with taters, carrots, some root vegetables, and onion. First seasoned and browned the rabbit good , then in the pot with some chicken stock and red wine and a splash of sweet vermouth. Threw a brown sugar and butter acorn squash in the oven and when all was done made a silky thick gravy with the pot liquid !!! Only thing missing was some of Jonty’s Yorkshire puddings, so settled for some Parker house rolls for moppin !!!
The smell that came from that big Dutch oven pot goodness was, well……….I think I had a come to Jesus moment !!!
No pics, because Slammer was a piggy again, and not gonna share my leftovers tomorrow at lunch either!!! This was a real treat………to me !!!
My neighbor down the road cut a bunch of trees on his property and has some dandy brush piles, so ol Slammer being the opportunist hunter noticed a few cottontails hanging around when I drove by, so the other day I put the ol .25 cal PCP air rifle to work and had 2 waskilly wabbits in about 15 minutes!!! Both headshots!!!
I haven’t had rabbit in a long time and damn I forgot just how good it is !!!
I’m thinking where there were 2, there are probably more and gonna have to go pay those brush piles a visit after deer season is over and do a little tracking in da snow!!!

That wabbit sounds gweat !  And yes, I reckon a couple of large Yorkshire puddings filled with stew and gravy would be the way to go.  I wish you were closer Dale as we have a LOT of rabbits here, I bump quite a few off with the 22lr (silenced subsonics) but this weekend we will be taking the ferrets out for a wander - first of the year..... you need to wait til winter so there's no young in the burrows otherwise you spend a long time digging.  

sounds like you've got yourself a little winter project - keep us posted !

Nov 16, 2022 - 3:32:28 PM
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Brian T


19632 posts since 6/5/2008

After days of diverse Chinese take-out dishes, time for something simple:
Pan-fried Swiss & corned beef on light rye sandwiches. Dark ale? Rye & soda?

Nov 16, 2022 - 3:52:44 PM
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42628 posts since 3/5/2008

Meatballs and sauce on, shall we say, interestingly shaped pasta. They aren't sheets, but could certainly be used between them...


Nov 16, 2022 - 5:44:44 PM
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4739 posts since 12/30/2008

I don’t know about between the sheets Al, Your Noodle(s) looks a little limp!!!
Tonight was spaghetti and meatballs at my house too…….love them meatballs!!!

Nov 16, 2022 - 10:22:19 PM
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Paul R


17106 posts since 1/28/2010
Online Now

Goin' back to the same old same old for Wednesday brunch. But, why not? (Challah bread, by the way.)

Edited by - Paul R on 11/16/2022 22:23:21

Nov 17, 2022 - 5:00:31 AM
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42628 posts since 3/5/2008

Originally posted by slammer

I don’t know about between the sheets Al, Your Noodle(s) looks a little limp!!!
Tonight was spaghetti and meatballs at my house too…….love them meatballs!!!

Only look that way ..after..all the ..heat..


Balls are good size ..tho... ;0)

Nov 17, 2022 - 2:31:58 PM
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2109 posts since 11/29/2012

After a cold windy day, we had tortellini soup with hot sausage, broccoli rabe and Locatelli cheese and a side of butternut squash.


Nov 18, 2022 - 4:32 PM
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42628 posts since 3/5/2008

Liz to the rescue! Every so often, mistakes are made. Like the day before yesterday, when Al and I went grocery shopping, and he grabbed what he thought was regular cottage cheese. We got home to discover it was in fact low-fat and small curd, which he REALLY dislikes. So I came up with a solution: cream it with a stick blender, and use it in lieu of ricotta in some lasagna. So I blended it up, added a bag of frozen spinach, 2 eggs, some garlic, and a shake of nutmeg. The rest - normal. A. couple jars of marinara sauce, sausage, onions, peppers, and mushrooms ??. No-boil noodles/sheets, so sue me. The result:


Nov 18, 2022 - 4:42:54 PM
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1551 posts since 9/14/2008

Originally posted by STUD
Originally posted by slammer

I don’t know about between the sheets Al, Your Noodle(s) looks a little limp!!!
Tonight was spaghetti and meatballs at my house too…….love them meatballs!!!

Only look that way ..after..all the of..heat..


Balls are good size ..tho... ;0)

Holy Waa ... 

You & Slammer should get a room!!

Nov 18, 2022 - 5:03:48 PM

2678 posts since 11/17/2018

Originally posted by csrat

Holy Waa ... 

You & Slammer should get a room!!

You should get a bigger motorcycle.

Looks like the frame might be bent.

Nov 18, 2022 - 5:07:46 PM
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2678 posts since 11/17/2018

Originally posted by STUD


No-boil noodles/sheets, so sue me. The result:

Liz for the win...looks good.

Nov 19, 2022 - 3:55:08 AM
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1551 posts since 9/14/2008

My boy bagged a buck last weekend and called me this morning to let me know he's headed out this minute to get another one. I've been invited by my DIL, who is "puttin' on da lard an' onions" for a venison supper tonight. I've been asked to make Fried Corn and a soup starter. I'm thinking Cheese & Broccoli or Onion.

Is Cheese Soup too heavy for a venison entree'? She's making Asparagus and Red Skin Smashed Potatoes. It is a proper winter's morning here, currently snowing, so a hearty soup sounds good, but maybe Roasted Onion would be a better starter. Let me know what you think.

Nov 19, 2022 - 4:02:44 AM
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42628 posts since 3/5/2008

Cheese soup should work just fine...

Nov 19, 2022 - 4:11:25 AM
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42628 posts since 3/5/2008

Originally posted by csrat
Originally posted by STUD
Originally posted by slammer

I don’t know about between the sheets Al, Your Noodle(s) looks a little limp!!!
Tonight was spaghetti and meatballs at my house too…….love them meatballs!!!

Only look that way ..after..all the of..heat..


Balls are good size ..tho... ;0)

Holy Waa ... 

You & Slammer should get a room!!

I might git talked inta a little shack on the ..with a hole in the floor.. , ;0)

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