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jwold |
jwold replied to topic 'Salvation Army find?' 1 day
jwold posted a forum topic 'Ebay MasterBone banjo for sale' 4 days
jwold replied to topic 'Portland, OR OT jams?' 10 days
jwold replied to topic 'Please Share Your Memories & Stories about Reed Martin' 10 days
jwold replied to topic 'Portland, OR OT jams?' 13 days
jwold replied to topic 'Removing banjo spikes safely' 13 days
jwold replied to topic 'M-Style Tenor Banjo String Set Recommendation for a Beginner' 13 days
jwold replied to topic 'Portland, OR OT jams?' 17 days
jwold replied to topic 'Portland, OR OT jams?' 17 days
jwold replied to topic 'Portland, OR OT jams?' 17 days
jwold has 10 friends. View entire friends list.
mercedes |
frailin |
irasmith |
princeszoey |
Weitzel |
wilsonHSpkr |
maryzcox |
eljimb0 |
maryzcox replied to topic 'Cedar Mountain Banjo - Does My Second Hand Banjo Sound Good or Not?' 15 days
maryzcox replied to topic 'Went to a group jam thing' 22 days
maryzcox replied to topic 'Busking advice' 48 days
Playing Since: 1984
Experience Level: Purty Good
jwold has made 24 recent additions to Banjo Hangout
[Teaching] [Jamming] [Socializing] [Helping]
Occupation: Audio Engineer
Gender: Male
Age: 59
My Instruments:
33 TB-2 conversion, Sullivan Tonering. Radiused fingerboard by John Sullivan.
1890's SS Stewart Universal Favorite
Homemade Minstrel nylon strung
1920's 6 string banjo of unknown origin
Classified Rating: not rated
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Profile Info:
Visible to: Public
Created 7/21/2004
Last Visit 10/11/2024
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