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Playing Since: 2012
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Occupation: Luthier/Mechanical Contractor Technician

Gender: Male
Age: 52

My Instruments:
In order of proficiency: Saxophone, Banjo, Piano (But none well!)

Favorite Bands/Musicians:
Krüger Brothers, Bill Frisell, Johnny Cash, Philip Glass, Paul Simon, Bach, Tchaikovsky, John Coltrane, Stan Getz, Kristin Scott Benson, Hüsker Dü, Fauré, Ralph Stanley, Tony Trischka, Béla Fleck, Oingo Boingo (in no particular order!)

Classified Rating: not rated
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Profile Info:
Visible to: Public
Created 6/14/2012
Last Visit 12/14/2021

I am a luthier who is fascinated by the body that my Creator put me in. I believe that looking at this creation is the best way to learn how to better build things that mimic it. Most stringed instruments are modeled, somewhat crudely, on the our vocal chords. The banjo has that aspect, but more closely resembles our eardrums. I am working on design ideas that will more directly imitate the design of the eardrum in hopes of improving not just the tone, but the music it makes. A banjo does not only speak, but it listens; and this is the quality that I aim to bring out. Guitars and violins are usually extroverted instruments who like to speak for the sake of hearing their voice. When the introverted banjo speaks, it is because it has something to say. Introverts are never as "popular" as extroverts, and this is why the banjo has never enjoyed the fame of these other friends that it often hangs out with. But to those who have gotten to know it, it is an instrument of incredible depth. I hope, through my lutherie, to be able to share my love of our creator through those things that He created. Imitation is the highest form of flattery, and there is only one Being worth imitating or flattering. In prior attempts at finding my path in life I have been a successful bronze artist, doing public and private commissions nationally and internationally, an arts administrator (what, no actual object making?), a bronze foundry manager and a copper-working studio manager. Basically, I build things and I am good at it. Wood, metal, you name it, I can probably find a way to make it happen. Playing, on the other hand....I wish I had been forced (well maybe encouraged) to take music lessons from a young age. I've got the ear, but the fingers don't do what they're supposed to! I do enjoy trying, and now that I've got a son who is VERY musical, I've found it necessary to try to stay one step ahead of him. At 6 years old I'm doing OK at this, but give him another couple years and all bets are off - but boy it is fun having that musical energy in the house. It has definitely been a motivation for me to make lutherie my career. (Update: OK, so he is now 14 and is waaay beyond my abilities, on banjo, piano, drums and pipe organ!) Oh, and I enjoy listening to good music, whatever the instrument or genre.

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