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Other people and your music playing

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Don't let people or personal relationships get in the way of playing music or practicing.  Anyone who would put a crimp in your practicing, playing or jamming time is someone that you don't need or want in your life.

Of course that philosophy works well until you have offspring, then the demanding little rascals eat up a lot of your time.  My solution would be to withhold food and other essentials until they themselves have practiced; that would keep them in line and teach them discipline.  I can't do that with my children because that troublesome female in my life doesn't agree with me and she insists on their being fed regardless.  You had better iron out issues like this with any prospective spouse before you take the marital plunge, or it's sure to cause you grief. 5 comments

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Genre: Unknown/None Chosen
Playing Style: Clawhammer and Old-Time

Genre: Unknown/None Chosen
Playing Style: Clawhammer and Old-Time

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Playing Since: 2006
Experience Level: Just Startin'

[Jamming] [Socializing] [Helping]

Occupation: Software Support Engineer

Gender: Male
Age: 62

My Instruments:
Franciscan - a real cheapie that I borrowed, but the owner had the sense enough to give it to me after realizing that he wasn't going to play it anymore (thou shalt not look a gift horse in the mouth); Banjovie mini by Nechville.

Favorite Bands/Musicians:
Dan Levenson; Mary Cox; Julie Duggan; Dan Gellert; John Bullard; Ken Perlman and Alan Jabbour (together and individually); Riley Baugus; Brad Leftwich; Jane Rothfield; Isaac Enloe, Bosco Takaki.

Classified Rating: not rated
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Profile Info:
Visible to: Public
Created 12/5/2007
Last Visit 8/23/2010

I'm a late-blooming multi-instrumentalist that was captivated by bluegrass and utterly smitten by old-time. The banjo players at the Banjo Hangout have seduced me, especially the ones that play fretless banjos with gut or nylon strings (I love their sound). I took 3-finger-style lessons in 2006, but I had to stop because of my travel-for-work schedule being excessive. Now I'm fixin' to learn how to frail, since I'm into old-time. There are some note progressions that I have in mind that I can't imagine how they could be done clawhammer style, so I might end up with a mutant frailing technique. See my website (my Fiddle Hangout profile) for more biographical details.

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