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Bye Bye Love (I'm leaving you if you play banjo that badly!)

Posted by Debs


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- Play count: 378

Size: 629kb, uploaded 1/16/2013 5:35:46 AM
Genre: Bluegrass / Playing Style: Bluegrass (Scruggs)

Yet another go at running before I can walk! I never learn!! This is from the Janet Davis Ultimate Banjo Songbook (sorry Janet, for making it sound nothing like it should).


Cripple Creek

Posted by Debs


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- Play count: 601

Size: 638kb, uploaded 1/16/2013 5:27:08 AM
Genre: Bluegrass / Playing Style: Bluegrass (Scruggs)

Here's my attempt at Cripple Creek after 9 months - I know there's lots of room for improvement! Apologies for the bad recording quality.

1 comment

Foggy Mountain Breakdown (nervous breakdown, more like!!)

Posted by Debs


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- Play count: 449

Size: 714kb, uploaded 1/16/2013 5:28:44 AM
Genre: Bluegrass / Playing Style: Bluegrass (Scruggs)

FMB - beginner style. Once again, sorry about the poor recording quality.


Kentucky Mandolin (almost!!!!)

Posted by Debs, written by Bill Monroe


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- Play count: 260

Size: 720kb, uploaded 10/28/2013 3:34:28 PM
Genre: Unknown/None Chosen / Playing Style: Unknown/None Chosen

I love this tune - this is an attempt at Sean Ray's version of it. I know there is a lot of work needed but I AM working on it. The up-the-neck break is really difficult for me, but I'll get there! Need a good ending to finish it off properly - any help would be much appreciated.


More Country Blues/Pretty Polly - with thanks to Terry McGill

Posted by Debs


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- Play count: 484

Size: 857kb, uploaded 5/26/2013 11:40:03 AM
Genre: Bluegrass / Playing Style: Bluegrass (Scruggs)

For those gluttons for punishment who wanted a bit more of this - here it is! Country Blues plus a bit of Pretty Polly, from the arrangements by Terry McGill.


Orange Blossom Special - the British Rail re-mix (i.e. very slow)

Posted by Debs


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- Play count: 295

Size: 1,404kb, uploaded 1/16/2013 5:32:05 AM
Genre: Bluegrass / Playing Style: Bluegrass (Scruggs)

I thought I'd have a go at something a bit more adventurous - probably trying to run before I can walk with only 9 months' playing experience, but for me this was a good exercise in 'keeping it going'. Poor recording quality down to my partner's aged laptop; poor playing quality entirely my own responsibility.


Tin Roof (first bit)

Posted by Debs, written by Steve Martin


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- Play count: 372

Size: 847kb, uploaded 6/5/2013 1:51:28 PM
Genre: Bluegrass / Playing Style: Bluegrass (Scruggs)

Met up with Hangout member Gradleyduck on Sunday who very kindly lent me the tab for this - it's very much a first attempt, but hopefully it sounds reasonably ok (it was recorded on my phone, so not the best quality). Jane C has already uploaded a nice version of this, and she's inspired me to have a go. I'm trying to work on the next bit which involves fast movements up and down the neck but I'm severely hampered by sending my improvised 5th string capo (the top off an old biro) whizzing across the room when I get a bit too enthusiastic!


Turkey in the Straw

Posted by Debs


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- Play count: 1326

Size: 801kb, uploaded 10/9/2013 8:15:21 AM
Genre: Bluegrass / Playing Style: Bluegrass (Scruggs)

First attempt at Turkey in the Straw for the great group Turkey-in-the-straw-athon at the Eagle Music/Deering event in Huddersfield later this month! I know it's a bit basic at the moment but I've got almost 2 weeks to work on it - hopefully it can only improve! Constructive criticism always welcome.


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