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Anybody Seen My Gal

Posted by Banjo23055, written by Jack Mahoney


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- Play count: 1048

Size: 3,394kb, uploaded 4/6/2007 2:52:22 PM
Genre: Unknown/None Chosen / Playing Style: Bluegrass (Scruggs)

This is a short version that I first starting playing on the keyboard. Then I heard it done by Don Reno and Arthur Smith, so I decided to give it a try. Some of my history students will wonder where in the world this song came from. Remember, we have been studying the Roaring Twenties and this song came out of that era. I thank everyone for listening and offering an opinion


Armed Forces Hymn Medley

Posted by Banjo23055, written by Marines: unknown, Army: Edmund Louis Gruber, Navy: Alfred Miles & George Lottman, Air Force: Robert Crawford


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- Play count: 2132

Size: 8,801kb, uploaded 3/13/2007 11:26:28 PM
Genre: Unknown/None Chosen / Playing Style: Bluegrass (Scruggs)

This song is dedicated to the men and women who fight and serve to keep us free. This song definitely has that human feel. I wish I had played it better, but after the 3rd or 4th time, I decided to let it go. Thanks again for listening and giving me your feedback. God Bless America!


Bile dem Cabbages - an experiment

Posted by Banjo23055


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- Play count: 675

Size: 2,956kb, uploaded 8/2/2008 2:25:53 PM
Genre: Unknown/None Chosen / Playing Style: Other

This one is a little different. About a year ago I heard some claw hammer that I thought was fantastic. I started working on it but never could get the hang of it. Then I wondered if I could play some type of claw hammer with my picks where I could switch back and forth from one style to another. On Jason Skinners instructional DVD, he talked about Don Renos clicking and that gave me the idea. About 2 weeks ago, I seemed to get a little breakthrough. This piece is a little experiment in that regard. I know I need to get a little more slap in this offset claw hammer as I call it. I know there are a lot of real banjo innovators out there on the hangout that could make this thing really work. I would be interested to know if anyone else has really given this type of thing a try. Thanks for listening and not being too hard on my first try. As far as the cabbages go, if you are not making slaw, just keep bilin em.


Christmas Medley I

Posted by Banjo23055


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- Play count: 653

Size: 14,364kb, uploaded 12/24/2008 5:44:24 PM
Genre: Unknown/None Chosen / Playing Style: Bluegrass (Scruggs)

I have always wanted to try my hand at Christmas songs. Here is an attempt at O Little Town of Bethlehem, Angels We Have Heard on High, Hark the Herald Angels Sing, and O Come All Ye Faithful. Thanks be to God for the gift of Jesus Christ and thank you for listening to the music about Him.


Dixie Hoedown - Modified

Posted by Banjo23055


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- Play count: 1172

Size: 3,846kb, uploaded 4/7/2007 8:38:31 PM
Genre: Unknown/None Chosen / Playing Style: Bluegrass (Scruggs)

I heard Dixie Hoedown years ago played by a band probably 50 feet from where I was, just out in a field. I listened to the tune and found out its name from someone after it was over. Since I did not get to talk with anyone in the band after they finished, I tried to keep it in my head. What you hear in this tune is what I thought I heard them play. I heard it played correctly here on Banjo Hangout. But the people I play with from time to time had gotten so used to this, so we just kept on playing it. I think it is a great song regardless. Thanks for listening to this modified version and offering an opinion.


Gospel Medley I

Posted by Banjo23055


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- Play count: 507

Size: 12,615kb, uploaded 12/22/2009 11:02:16 AM
Genre: Bluegrass / Playing Style: Bluegrass (Scruggs)

Medley of Stand Up Stand Up for Jesus, Onward Christian Soldiers, and Are You Washed in the Blood - check out my blog: Gospel Roots. Thank you for listening.


Old Spinning Wheel

Posted by Banjo23055


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- Play count: 1784

Size: 1,721kb, uploaded 3/29/2008 12:46:23 PM
Genre: Unknown/None Chosen / Playing Style: Bluegrass (Scruggs)

This was probably the first song I really tried to play in C chord because it was one that Ron Stokes played so well. He began teaching me this song at our place on the Rappahannock River, Waterview, VA on Point Breeze. Some of those notes should still be over the water heading for the Chesapeake Bay. It is certainly a song that brings back fond memories. Jason Skinner sent me a Don Reno version playing it slow. I had never heard that before and I want to incorporate in sometime into my version. As always, thanks for listening.


Remington Ride

Posted by Banjo23055


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- Play count: 374

Size: 6,982kb, uploaded 10/25/2008 5:12:02 PM
Genre: Unknown/None Chosen / Playing Style: Other

I have always liked this song. The melody opens up so many opportunities to do some unusual things with the strings. I will probably be experimenting all my life with this song as I hear others working on the same thing. Thanks for listening.


Stars & Stripes Forever

Posted by Banjo23055, written by John Philip Sousa


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- Play count: 1850

Size: 6,845kb, uploaded 2/24/2007 11:01:39 PM
Genre: Unknown/None Chosen / Playing Style: Bluegrass (Scruggs)

This is my first attempt at this. It is a home recording in front of an old high impedence Sure mic on a table. I did a rhythm track on a Yamaha keyboard. The drummer is just getting used to bluegrass - so he did not exactly stop on time! It is not the best quality, but I wanted to give it a shot. Please check out my blogs - particularly the one on my philosophy of picking. Thanks for listening.


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