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The week of the fender

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Saturday night I decided it was time to change heads, the head I have had on for the last 3 years had streached so much that my tension hoop was underneath the top of the head. I really wanted another Huber head but decided to settle on a slightly used ludwig I had laying around.I figured that since I was gonna have the head off I might as well clean the ole 5 up a little before heading to TN in April, it had been a while since I last had it apart to clean.
    I get the reso off, start taking the neck off, get the fist rod out no problem, the second rod is stuck on the lag bolt and is unscrewing it from the neck. I figured no prob, musta cross threaded it last time I set it up, I'll just get it off the rod and screw it back in. 2 hours later plus a bunch of wd-40 and I as holding in my hand a mangled lag bolt that had been RUSTED into the 24k plated rod of my 5. :-O! I had to grab the bolt with pliers and only then would it come out. I am NOT a banjo tech, however I have doen all the set up and maitnence of this bano since I have had it...I bought it completly unsetup, and with the help of a few books and Hubers Killer Tone DVD I have made my way. Anyway, after some soothing words from my other half and a rather large taste of scotch, I finished taking the banjo apart and went on to bed.
    The next morning I get on FQMS web page and order a lag bolt, no big deal...2nd day air, it's on the way. I call up Huber, order a head, why not cuz thats what I wanted in the first place, my bolt will be a couple days works out great. I procede to clean every piece of that banjo, to the best of my ability, with the apropriate product.
    2 days later the UPS man shows up at around 9a.m.! and has my fqms package and my banjo head! YAY! I grab the bolt and it is too small for my co-rod..dang...Call fqms and ask somebody who knows better and sure enough I had ordered the wrong thing. There were 2 to chose from I shoulda got one of and learn, no big deal, it's on the way. So cool I have a head to put on, got that taken care of and man is the pot of my banjo pretty and shiny all polished up and with a new head, can't wait to get the neck back on! Anyway, all week I have been playing my #2, a Fender FB-54, that while sounding like a tuned up can of soup, holds a very special place in my heart. 3 comments

Howdy all

Thursday, March 6, 2008 2 comments

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Playing Style: Bluegrass (Scruggs)

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Playing Since: 2004
Experience Level: Purty Good

Occupation: picker

Gender: Male
Age: 45

My Instruments:
2001 NCR RB-5/
Fender FB-54 "Big Tuna"

Favorite Bands/Musicians:
Don Reno & Red Smiley, The Cherryholmes, Big Mon

Classified Rating: not rated
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Profile Info:
Visible to: Public
Created 3/4/2008
Last Visit 6/15/2009

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