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Russell Carson posted a classified ad 'Vintage Lifton Case' 1 hr
Russell Carson posted a classified ad 'Vintage Pittman Cam Tuners' 1 hr
Russell Carson posted a classified ad 'Vintage Gibson RB800 Neck (Sunburst Finish)' 1 hr
Russell Carson posted a classified ad 'Pre War 40 Hole Archtop Tone Ring (out of 1012-7)' 1 hr
Russell Carson replied to topic 'What's your job?' 42 days
Westvon replied to topic 'Larry McNeely Tune Dark Room' 51 days
Westvon replied to topic 'Larry McNeely Tune Dark Room' 60 days
Westvon posted a forum topic 'Larry McNeely Tune Dark Room' 61 days
Playing Since: 2004
Experience Level: Purty Good
Age: 32
My Instruments:
Gibson RB-250
Favorite Bands/Musicians:
Earl Scruggs, some Don Reno, Cherryholmes, Lonesome River Band, Constant Change, etc, etc....
Classified Rating: (+1)
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Profile Info:
Visible to: Public
Created 11/3/2007
Last Visit 6/19/2020