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Good sign, or a senior moment?

From Tim Sander on 1/13/2012 6:10:04 AM

I think this was a good sign...but maybe it just means I've lost my marbles.  Picked up my banjo to practice a few tunes while watching the news last night.  It was in open G.  Just started fooling around and before I knew it, I was playing a two part tune that sounded really familiar, but for the life of me, I could not begin to recall it's name or having learned it.  Since I've been learning from tabs....this is really weird.  I may have actually stumbled into a tune by picking it out by ear, but I really don't know yet.  I just wish I could identify it and figure out where I learned it.  Anyway, I practiced it for a while and it was like I was just playing it for the first time.  Not like I'd ever played it before.  I'm hoping it means I'm getting better and not that I'm just getting terribly forgetful.


Bob Buckingham says:
1/13/2012 6:21:48 AM

Sounds like the osmosis is kicking in. Once I thought I had made up a tune. Man I felt great about it. Later that day I put an LP on while I prepped supper and they stole my tune! Got to love it.

bearbear says:
1/13/2012 6:53:46 AM

I think you are getting better. You will find similarities in the "licks" that are in a tune. You will also find that a lot of the beginnings and ending are very similar. I say savor the moment.

welshman says:
1/13/2012 6:55:23 AM

I've never used tab too much (I think it goes back to a music teacher trying to make me read music!), but what you describe is kinda' the way it happens for me. It's kind of a familiar tune and then this chord that chord seem to sort of fit in the melody..and viola ...there's a song. A lotta' times I have to go find the tune somewhere to find the name of it. Your ear is opening. welshman

AlpacaLips says:
1/13/2012 7:30:59 AM

Just be glad you didn't pursue "your creation" through to arranging it for multiple instruments and then recording it before discovering that it wasn't yours. I've done that. A lot of professionals get sued over copyright infringement, and I suspect that a lot of the time it's an innocent mistake due to just this phenomenon.

Bob Buckingham says:
1/13/2012 7:38:35 AM

There is much to be said for backporch and kitchen picking.

Tim Sander says:
1/20/2012 6:34:14 AM

It turns out it was "Squirrel Heads and Gravy". I had learned it before, but hadn't played it in a while and forgot about it. Doh.

Bob Buckingham says:
1/20/2012 8:31:19 AM

So you do remember the tune, just not all of the time. Been there, represent that.

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