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Black Mt Blues

Posted by Banjophobic


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- Play count: 1024

Size: 4,334kb, uploaded 7/8/2012 12:23:18 PM
Genre: Bluegrass / Playing Style: Other

My funky blues version of the classic fiddle tune. This is for my contribution to the thread about this tune on the Sound-off forum. This ain't your mama's version, so be The tune is also known as Black Mt Blues and my version definitely has the blues oozing in it. But it wouldn't have funked nearly as much without John Kuhn (AKA the 'Kidd') adding his percussion and bass lines! He also did all the mixing.

9 comments on “Black Mt Blues”

joemac Says:
Sunday, July 8, 2012 @5:00:11 PM

Man thats right up there with Bela's "Cosmic Hippo" loved it man, have you added it to the thread?

ronhan Says:
Sunday, July 8, 2012 @6:58:04 PM

Can't wait to try that!!!! :)

banjogal12 Says:
Monday, July 9, 2012 @2:55:18 PM

I really liked this funky version. You made it yours and it sounds great. It's sure nuff this mama's likings. Thanks.s

picKen Says:
Tuesday, July 10, 2012 @1:53:28 PM

FUNKY! I coulda swore I heard a doorbell in there...? Cool

Banjophobic Says:
Tuesday, July 10, 2012 @2:07:58 PM

Thanks folks-I appreciate the listen. It was fun to 'mess around' with this melody.

John Kuhn Says:
Tuesday, July 10, 2012 @8:13:12 PM

Doorbell?.. Man those went out with the 70's..LOL.. Tellin your age KennY!..Most youngins woulda said "hmm" funky bell" in there for some reason? Wonder where it came from?..LOL.. Yeah, this certainly be AINT your granddaddys record...It was a blast for sure puttin all this together. As "Wild Cherry"would say "Funkin out in every WAAAAAY!..

picKen Says:
Wednesday, July 11, 2012 @2:20:18 AM

So where did you find that 70's doorbell? lol. Can't fool me. I know who put down the funky banjo but who was it on the bass that fed the funk?

Banjophobic Says:
Wednesday, July 11, 2012 @7:16:47 AM

Yeah Ken..what doorbell? Haha, I had a deep 70's moment too when I first heard that in there. The Kidd didn't tell me he was slipping that in but it was worth
Oh I forgot to put the Kidds contributions on the info...dang! That was really slack, but i corrected it. I put it on the BMR thread but forgot to here.

Colleen Carter Says:
Thursday, November 3, 2016 @9:04:07 PM


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