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Nellie the Elephant

Posted by g3zdm, written by Butler / Hart 1957


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- Play count: 70

Size: 609kb, uploaded 7/30/2011 8:02:47 AM
Genre: Other / Playing Style: Other

Nellie the Eelphant. Just decided to mess around with what I consider to be a fun tune whilst trying Audacity with just the laptop microphone (some way away in its docking bay) for audio pickup; it does pick up some noise but not bad for a minimal set up with virtually no bother in terms of having to connect up any hardware. I was also surprised not to find any existing versions of Nellie the Elephant amongst the existing MP3s and videos on BHO. Picking style is my self developed 3 finger technique, same as I use for some Celtic and English morris tunes. Can't really classify it either as BG or OT per se.

2 comments on “Nellie the Elephant”

tom elder Says:
Saturday, July 30, 2011 @8:23:26 AM

nice jig chris,sounds like something in the signal path is a little hot but still nice

dgill Says:
Sunday, July 31, 2011 @7:18:21 AM

Nice Chris. I have not had the chance to listen to you pick much in the Chat Room lately, so this was a nice recolection of your skills.

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