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Aint No Sunshine When She's Gone

Posted by Banjophobic, written by Bill Withers


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- Play count: 1752

Size: 5,742kb, uploaded 2/7/2011 11:15:07 PM
Genre: Other / Playing Style: Other

Another great tune from the 70's. Bill is a great singer,songwriter and this is one of his best I think. I'm on comping banjo, guitar,baritone and tenor banjo parts and the lead banjo is played with bare fingers and a mute. Some reverbs, volume edits,panning and EQing. Done on Audition.

3 comments on “Aint No Sunshine When She's Gone”

BanjoFlyboy Says:
Tuesday, February 8, 2011 @6:22:37 AM

John, How about we come up with a USB connection to download your knowledge and skill from your brain to mine? That sure would save me a lot of time and effort! Another great one from the past by the Phobic.

croceater Says:
Monday, January 13, 2014 @1:41:00 AM

i wonted one i could pulg into my self then to my wife , then i would not have trouble explaining myself.

Banjophobic Says:
Monday, January 13, 2014 @7:52:51 AM

Be careful guys..when you plug in the USB you'll get more than music stuff, haha

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