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Nancy and Such (CH)

Posted by LyleK


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- Play count: 906

Size: 2,208kb, uploaded 12/8/2008 6:09:41 PM
Genre: Unknown/None Chosen / Playing Style: Clawhammer and Old-Time

Nancy / Fair Morning Hornpipe / Morning Fair Hornpipe/ Morpeth Rant (aDADE on a tubaphone)

2 comments on “Nancy and Such (CH)”

abousall Says:
Saturday, April 11, 2009 @2:58:39 PM

You dont happen to have found or written down tab for Nancy? I am having a tough time with B part.

thanks! and very nice playing


BrittDLD1 Says:
Friday, May 29, 2009 @8:37:06 AM

Hi Lyle --

Great set of tunes. 

"Morpeth" is an absolute favorite, that I learned about 35 years ago.  I always had a hard time with a few notes, in the first line.  They just didn't "flow" in my style.  So, I simplified the first line -- and just kept going. 

I never even heard of "Fair Morning" until I saw the OLD topic that led me here. But THAT is basically what my version of Morpeth turned into, some 30 years ago...  (Very weird to even hear it played by someone else...) 

It could be that I hear someone play "Fair Morning"years ago -- and I subliminally absorbed it, and combined its DNA with Morpeth.

I finally learned "Nancy" about 5 or 6 years ago, after hearing my friend, Linda Abrams do it.  She's a student, and mutual friend, of Ken Perlman.  (The three of us have matching OME banjos!)

Ken once commented that I was corrupting Morpeth -- and mixing pieces of Nancy with it. 

So... here -- you present a wonderfully prepared and carefully seasoned 4-course dinner of the tunes. 

And apparently... I just took a few spoonfuls of each tune -- and and slowly simmered them (for 30-some years) into a tasty stew, of the various themes.  ;-)

Bon appetit!

PS: I've been meaning to get Don to record us doing my version -- but he's out of practice on it...

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