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5 comments on “Untitled Photo”
Loo P. Says:
Tuesday, October 21, 2008 @1:14:09 PM
That's a real beauty! I'm glad to see makers adding some colors to the skin. It really looks great!
J-Walk Says:
Tuesday, October 21, 2008 @1:24:11 PM
Yeah, i really like that banjo. It's not nearly as red as it appears in the photos. It's a nice brown, and it's aging very well.
Graham!! Says:
Wednesday, January 7, 2009 @5:01:29 PM
Please forgive my ignorance but what brand of banjo is this? I acquired an old banjo with a very similar spun over pot, mixed hardware but alot of pieces just like this one and remarkably similar inside. I recognize this as havign a new neck (possibly all new banjo) but the old one that I have has the same neck shoe. I've been trying to find out what kide of banjo it is. This one looks beautiful.
thank you for your assistance.
Eric Morgan Says:
Wednesday, January 14, 2009 @10:15:20 AM
That's a really unique look. I dig the darker color on the head.
Very nice. Cheers.
shannonhearne Says:
Tuesday, December 20, 2011 @5:32:33 PM
Brook's banjos are terrific.
Thanks for posting the photo of this one.
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