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this pre-loved BC-350+ now has a new home! 

Posted 1/12/2012 5:31:14 AM

arrived safely today, all the way from WV USA to NSW Australia in just 12 days!!

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30 comments on “this pre-loved BC-350+ now has a new home!”

bbrat Says:
Thursday, January 12, 2012 @5:49:50 AM

Sweet banjo Sid. Can't wait to hear it. Cheers

erikforgod Says:
Thursday, January 12, 2012 @5:59:46 AM

very sweet...let her rip! This is one of the niects GT banjos I think!

pluckyfingers Says:
Thursday, January 12, 2012 @5:28:22 PM

Glad it arrived safely from across the ditch, have fun

robmac07 Says:
Thursday, January 12, 2012 @7:15:50 PM


robmac07 Says:
Thursday, January 12, 2012 @7:15:57 PM


SidBarone Says:
Thursday, January 12, 2012 @9:46:53 PM

thanks for your comments, friends!!.. yeah still gettin' used to it & playin' around w/ some minor adjustments & what-not.. but all-in-all, i'm Over The Moon!!.. :O)

SidBarone Says:
Friday, January 13, 2012 @7:33:42 PM

the BC has a couple minor issues..
1. * the 5th string nut sits unusually low, so low in fact, the string actually sits below the fret line.. "how can this be possible?.. i hear you ask", well..on this fretboard, the nut sits alongside the fret, not behind it, as i'm accustomed.. i think i prefer it sit behind the fret.
2. * the 5th tuner is a slipper!.. not in the neck recess, but the gear itself.. i have a temp one in for now.. & Bob Smakula of "Smakula Fretted Instruments" WV, (place of purchase) has kindly offered to mail replacements for both peg & nut..
oh.. & one other curio.. i've only just noticed when the strings are slackened off.. the natural stringline (path of least resistance) pulls the bridge sideways toward the 1st string about 5mm.. Does this mean the "neck to body" angle is slightly off true plumb??..

pluckyfingers Says:
Friday, January 13, 2012 @9:29:12 PM

Good to see an overseas online store offering such good customer service, that's a plus. I must look up Bob's site if he has one. The bridge sounds like it was in the wrong place in the first place or the head could be too saggy. I'm no expert. Try another bridge if you have one to compare but then again that could be a problem if the fret board is wider than standard as I believe.

SidBarone Says:
Friday, January 13, 2012 @10:51:10 PM

Hi Bill.. looks to me like i'm gonna' have to shim the right side of the neck to centre up the stringline.. all else seems fine eg. the tailpiece is centred at the tail end of tension hoop.. So i guess this makes it issue #3.. but this one is not so minor.. with string tension at G its ok.. but lately i been drawn more to the lower key of F & at this tension the bridge wants to creep down in the direction of the 1st string.. & its further enabled by the ren head being more slippy than a frosty.. I'll check in with Bob 1st before i do anything .. not sure if his store is "online only".. here's the website:

SidBarone Says:
Sunday, January 15, 2012 @9:53:08 PM

False alarm on the neck issue, i'm happy to say!!.. it turns out.. the neck was not actually plumb with the neck well of the tension eg. it sat a little higher on the 1st string edge & once i corrected this, the no longer wanted to pull in that direction.. Whew!!! :0) so now i'm just waiting on the 5th peg & 5th string nut replacement & my BC will be as good as gold!!

pluckyfingers Says:
Monday, January 16, 2012 @11:25:07 AM

Good news Sid. I keep one banjo in F tuning just to play last Chance etc. That ren head will take a while to settle down, they are quite stretchy at first but once they do you'll probbaly find yourself slacking it off a bit.

SidBarone Says:
Monday, January 16, 2012 @11:49:20 AM

Exactly Bill.. have already begun to slacken it off a little..

victor furtado Says:
Tuesday, January 17, 2012 @10:59:38 AM

i have one i love it i put a cloth in mine i like better with one. it looks like the tale peice is difrent mine is smaller. o and how tall is your bridge. i realy like the moon bridges i think im going to get one from eldarly instruments its 24 bucks so please tell me if thats a good deal thanks. victor.

victor furtado Says:
Tuesday, January 17, 2012 @11:01:43 AM

i use ome medium strings i think it sounds good with them on

SidBarone Says:
Tuesday, January 17, 2012 @11:25:55 AM

Hi Victor.. yes, i know you have one & you play it sooo well man!.. I changed No-Knot tailpiece to a "Fielding" & the moon bridge is a 5/8 crowe spacing, but i have an 11/16 on the way, hand carved by BHO member Scot Martin.. check 'em out!.. $24 is 'bout average.. would you mind listing your string gauges for me & whether the 4th is nickel or phosphor bronze?..

victor furtado Says:
Tuesday, January 17, 2012 @11:31:07 AM

mine is medium gauge and i think it is nickel. but adam hurt likes the bronze

victor furtado Says:
Tuesday, January 17, 2012 @11:32:10 AM

sorry that i was late on your comment i did not no you were on

victor furtado Says:
Tuesday, January 17, 2012 @11:33:10 AM

o and do you put a cloth in th back

SidBarone Says:
Tuesday, January 17, 2012 @11:42:12 AM

Thanks.. can i ask you to list each string gauge for me please.. & do you know if Adam Hurt's is bronze or phosphor bronze?

SidBarone Says:
Tuesday, January 17, 2012 @11:45:04 AM

sorry i forgot.. no i haven't tried the cloth in it yet.. i like the ring it has now..

victor furtado Says:
Tuesday, January 17, 2012 @11:48:05 AM

im not sure bronze or phosphor bronze my gauges al tell you in a second

victor furtado Says:
Tuesday, January 17, 2012 @11:51:37 AM

5th is .o10 4th is .o22 third is .o14 2nd is .o12 1st is.o10

victor furtado Says:
Tuesday, January 17, 2012 @11:57:56 AM

o i found out what adam hurts are there phosphor bronze

SidBarone Says:
Tuesday, January 17, 2012 @12:01:06 PM

Thanks man, appreciated!.. do you know if OME offer a Heavy gauge pack?

victor furtado Says:
Tuesday, January 17, 2012 @12:02:16 PM

i have mine tuned in d without a capeO it sounds grate sorry i cant spell very well

victor furtado Says:
Tuesday, January 17, 2012 @12:14:03 PM

o sorry ome dose have a hevy pack and i like that to

victor furtado Says:
Tuesday, January 17, 2012 @12:15:26 PM

but omes are like 9 bucks so kinda spendy but i love them

SidBarone Says:
Tuesday, January 17, 2012 @12:22:25 PM

Thanks Victor.. gonna' take a look at ome website for their heavy gauges!.. its 7.22am here & time to go ta' work now.. bye 4 now man!

victor furtado Says:
Tuesday, January 17, 2012 @12:27:59 PM

but omes are like 9 bucks so kinda spendy but i love them

victor furtado Says:
Tuesday, January 17, 2012 @12:28:48 PM

sorry i sed the same thing twice but bye

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