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Old Hickory replied to topic 'Learning a new lick on Banjo' 3 hrs
Old Hickory replied to topic 'Learning a new lick on Banjo' 8 hrs
BanjoLink replied to topic 'Latest gun build..Steven's 44..' 12 hrs
BanjoLink replied to topic 'Help identifying this Banjo' 12 hrs
BanjoLink replied to topic 'Latest gun build..Steven's 44..' 13 hrs
eagleisland replied to topic 'Ex-Bruins coach Don Cherry fired, & other sports highlites/lowlites' 14 hrs
mike gregory replied to topic 'Signs, Signs, Everywhere a Sign' 1 day
Old Hickory replied to topic 'making a three finger pinch sound like a triplet' 1 day
Old Hickory replied to topic 'Which of Four (or More) Names to Call This Dim7 Chord: G Bb Db Fb/E ' 1 day
eagleisland replied to topic 'Ex-Bruins coach Don Cherry fired, & other sports highlites/lowlites' 1 day
Old Hickory replied to topic 'Which of Four (or More) Names to Call This Dim7 Chord: G Bb Db Fb/E ' 1 day
Old Hickory replied to topic 'Dudley Connell injured?' 1 day
Old Hickory replied to topic 'Is Jim Mills' estate active?' 1 day
Old Hickory replied to topic 'New pre-owned RK-36, does this look right?' 1 day
Old Hickory posted a forum topic 'Which of Four (or More) Names to Call This Dim7 Chord: G Bb Db Fb/E ' 1 day
Playing Since: 2013
Experience Level: Novice
Occupation: retired
Gender: Male
Age: 86
My Instruments:
Deering Goodtime Classic II -sold
Deering Goodtime Classic Special
Yamaha 2009 Road Star Silverado, 1670 cc's; w/74,800 miles --SOLD
Martin 0018-G nylon string guitar, bought 1963-never really played it at all. In pristine condition.
Deering Calico 5 string-2013 brand new.
2012 Road Star Silverado bought with 800 miles, now at 8,100, Black (Midnight)
Favorite Bands/Musicians:
Steve Martin
Sleepy Man Banjo Boys
Andy Rau band
Classified Rating: not rated
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Profile Info:
Visible to: Public
Created 9/14/2013
Last Visit 4/1/2020
Now have been taking lessons for almost 3 years, with a few signs of improvement in speed and control, but a long way to go to get a bit smoother. Ride a motorcycle and a banjo just seemed like the next thing to do even at my somewhat senior age. Located in N. Orange County. Member Sons of Angioplasty. "It's better to have a banjo and not need it, than need a banjo and not have it." If your right hand doesn't know what your left hand it doing, you might be playing a banjo.