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Drivingforce |
I hear of several brands that are considered the best, but who really is the best at the production of finely made tone rings?
Right now, I have a Kullesh that is a stock item on my Granada. It sounds good and clean, above average. However, I am considering an upgrade, I have read up on some of the tone rings available, I figure word of mouth is best, those of you that have experience care to comment?
7 commentsDrivingforce has 36 friends. View entire friends list.
![]() Terry Baucom |
![]() TheChief |
![]() Cia Cherryholmes |
![]() alan munde |
![]() RonBlock |
![]() Ron Stewart |
![]() Tony Trischka |
![]() acutab |
caseyhenry commented on a video 'Chinese elderly man playing and singing a Chinese folk song' 9 days
Pete Wernick replied to topic 'Dr Banjo on United Airlines 232' 18 days
Pete Wernick replied to topic 'Dr Banjo on United Airlines 232' 20 days
Pete Wernick replied to topic 'Dr Banjo on United Airlines 232' 20 days
Arthur Hatfield replied to topic 'Fire At Hatfield Banjos ' 25 days
Arthur Hatfield posted a forum topic 'Fire At Hatfield Banjos ' 32 days
Arthur Hatfield replied to topic 'Hatfield Banjos No Longer Taking Deposits ' 44 days
RonBlock replied to topic 'Fiddle fine tuners for 5-string bluegrass banjo? Other tuning solutions?' 50 days
Arthur Hatfield posted a forum topic 'Hatfield Banjos No Longer Taking Deposits ' 51 days
RonBlock replied to topic 'Fiddle fine tuners for 5-string bluegrass banjo? Other tuning solutions?' 51 days
Pete Wernick replied to topic 'I'm on a plateau, in a slump , any tricks?' 53 days
Arthur Hatfield replied to topic 'StewMac:-The Future?.' 58 days
caseyhenry uploaded a video 'Jolly Old St. Nicholas [DEMO] - Excerpt from the Custom Banjo Lesson from The Murphy Method' 72 days
Playing Since: 1998
Experience Level: Purty Good
[Teaching] [Jamming] [Socializing] [Helping]
Occupation: Precision Wood Products of the Carolinas (owner)
Gender: Male
Age: 59
My Instruments:
2000 Gibson Granada
1992 Deering Golden Era
1939 Kay M2 Bass
2008 Blueridge BR-280 Guitar
Kentucky KM 1000 Mandolin
Hade made blonde fiddle by local luthier Clarence W, Crooke
Favorite Bands/Musicians:
Earl Schruggs
Ron Block
Terry Baucom
Tony Trischka
Alan Munde
Jim Mills
Sammy Shelor
Sonny Osborne
Bill Kieth
Tony Rice
Brian Sutton
Adam Steffey
Serria Hull
Ricky Scaggs & Kentucky Thunder
Kenny & Amanda Smith
Doyle Lawson & Quick Silver
Lonesome River Band
Primative Quartet
Blue Highway
To many to name...
Classified Rating: not rated
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Profile Info:
Visible to: Public
Created 5/26/2009
Last Visit 11/12/2013
There's nothing I appreciate and enjoy more than my personal friendship with Jesus Christ and the time I spend with my wonderful family of Ten! Yes, TEN, a sweet and supportive wife of 21 years (who secretly bought me a Granada for my birthday in July of 2000 -you gotta love a woman that will buy you a banjo!), 6 beautiful girls and two handsome boys. My days are usually filled with smiles, hugs and a lot of noise! Outside of them, banjo, guitar, bluegrass and good home cooking is pretty much a close tie for second. I started singing in church at an early age. Thanks to Mom and her, highly detailed ear and her consistency in teaching us to sing lead and all the harmony parts- also Dad and his abilities that influenced my desire to learn guitar and banjo. I come from a lineage of several generations that influenced both sides of the family to music. Now, I'm blessed to hear my family sing some of the best harmony ever heard. I am not being partial, the girls are blessed with real talent. I am their #1 fan and continually encourage them to perfect their talent. I have been playing for approximately 10 years, semi-professionally for about 6 years now. I play banjo -guitar (occasionally mandolin) for our group.-"The Saunders Family" . I also play for a group that gets together often. As a family, we normally play at various churches, homecomings, cookouts and parties that are scattered all across the state of North Carolina. Our plans are to begin scheduling dates at local festivals in the area this year. I consider myself to be an intermediate-advanced picker. I am serious about my practice regiment and have the desire to be the best picker possible. I also thoroughly enjoy a light hearted," lay your ears back and hang on" Friday night, good driving jam. I am thankful for The Banjo Hangout, Jack and the guys that make this website possible. I'm sure there are many pickers out there who are better today, who have broken bad playing habits, to learn proper roll, chord and lick structure and it's solely due to the forums and tablature "The Hangout" has made available. To those of you, who willingly share your time and talents with us, who together, share the same mutual passion for banjo, thank you, your efforts have opened up endless possibilities to beginners and "seasoned" pickers alike.