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Domestos |
Day 5 .
Right, me fingers hurt and it seems that my right hand and left hand won't operate independantly. But even with three chords, my Kid thinks I'm brilliant.... so on we go.
Thanks for all your comments, you're really nice people.
5 commentsDomestos has 4 friends.
tripey |
oldwoodchuckb |
maryzcox |
banjukebox |
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banjukebox replied to topic '"Jerusalem Ridge" - Clawhammer banjo TOTW 12/6/2024' 5 days
banjukebox posted a forum topic '"Jerusalem Ridge" - Clawhammer banjo TOTW 12/6/2024' 7 days
banjukebox replied to topic 'Red Strings' 62 days
banjukebox replied to topic '"John Riley the Shepherd" TOTW for Friday, Sept 13th 2024' 66 days
maryzcox replied to topic 'Cedar Mountain Banjo - Does My Second Hand Banjo Sound Good or Not?' 76 days
maryzcox replied to topic 'Went to a group jam thing' 84 days
banjukebox replied to topic '"John Riley the Shepherd" TOTW for Friday, Sept 13th 2024' 84 days
banjukebox replied to topic '"John Riley the Shepherd" TOTW for Friday, Sept 13th 2024' 84 days
banjukebox replied to topic 'Help Identifying Vintage Unmarked Banjo (mugwanp?)' 85 days
banjukebox replied to topic 'Help Identifying Vintage Unmarked Banjo (mugwanp?)' 85 days
banjukebox replied to topic 'Tiny Pillow Banjo Stuffing' 87 days
Playing Since: 2008
Experience Level: Just Startin'
Occupation: Cameraman\VideoJournalist
Gender: Male
Age: 61
My Instruments:
GoldTone WL150
Ca 1880 'Dulcet' Zither Banjo
Classified Rating: not rated
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Visible to: Public
Created 6/12/2008
Last Visit 12/28/2021
bought a Tenor about fifteen years ago, but never got started, then it fell to bits. This time, it's serious...... I have instructed my family (who I didn't have fifteen years ago ) to mock me if I give up. All the other vices I used to pursue are now thought to cause death, obesity or psychosis.