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lapso77 |
Christmas Eve is here again
Time to think of the year
I'm sat at home surrounded by friends
And the dogs I hold so dear
I know there's a banjo under the tree
I know the colour is black
The guy that bought it says it's not true
But I know that it's a fact
I can play those Steve Martin tunes up to speed
I really don't sound so deranged
I've played in G and D and A
Oh yeh - I also got engaged
To all my friends who are having not the best yr - I say please hang on in there & things really will improve - best wishes to everyone x lorraine x
4 commentslapso77 has 28 friends. View entire friends list.
fitch5string |
Old Man |
revdmike |
frailin |
TMarshall1 |
fisher |
joemac |
muntjac |
Texasbanjo replied to topic 'Good Tuesday Morning' 5 hrs
Texasbanjo replied to topic 'just posted this Fairbanks A Scale if anyone interested' 5 hrs
Texasbanjo replied to topic 'Interesting scam call this morning!' 22 hrs
Texasbanjo replied to topic 'IMPORTANT ?? re. jam jars...' 22 hrs
Texasbanjo replied to topic 'Good Monday Morning' 1 day
Texasbanjo replied to topic '3 Finger Instructional Material' 1 day
Texasbanjo replied to topic 'Vintage Vega Little Wonder conversion listed' 1 day
Texasbanjo replied to topic 'Trouble Among the Yearlings Emerson and Waldron' 1 day
Texasbanjo replied to topic 'Reading Tab' 1 day
Texasbanjo replied to topic 'New Car question' 1 day
Texasbanjo replied to topic 'Dudley Connell injured?' 1 day
Texasbanjo replied to topic 'New Car question' 2 days
Texasbanjo replied to topic 'Giving Banjo Thanks' 2 days
Texasbanjo replied to topic 'Good Sunday Morning' 2 days
Texasbanjo commented on a blog entry 'Yellow Cedar Tone Ring' 2 days
Playing Since: 2006
Experience Level: Novice
[Jamming] [Socializing]
Occupation: Music Teacher
Gender: Female
Age: 56
My Instruments:
Stelling Master's Cross - awesome !!
Clareen Special - ( Irish tenor) - loud & plunky !!
Barnes & Mullins 5 string - bit tinny
Favorite Bands/Musicians:
The Pogues
The Dubliners - Barney McKenna
Flatt & Scruggs .......Johnny Cash
Classified Rating: not rated
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Profile Info:
Visible to: Public
Created 7/27/2008
Last Visit 7/21/2012
I been playing Irish tenor banjo for a couple yrs - I'm not bad and play sessions in the UK & Ireland, and as a duo with a bouzouki player. Recently been trying out some frailing banjo which is fun and since acoustic music camp in Texas this Aug been picking some bluegrass which is fast takin over everything else !