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Tony Trischka's show

Posted by cnsayer on Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Last night I went to see my old friend Tony Trischka in concert in NYC at Joe's Pub, a good room.  Needless to say, he was superb.  And his musicians were also great.  Additionally, Andy Statman came by to sit in on mandolin for the last part of the show.  What a night!  Afterwards I emailed to Tony my congratulations, plus mentioned that I"ll be at  the Rodeo Bar in NYC on Dec 21 and I'll have some great players who are also longtime musician friends of  his: violinst Kenny Kosek and guitarist Jon Sholle, along with string bass player Mike Weatherly.  I invited Tony to come by and sit in if the spirit moves him.  He replied that he will try to make it  and wrote it in his date book as a reminder. 

I was just thinking about how rare it is for 4-string and 5-string banjoists to play together, and how lucky I am that every now and then I get to have this opportunity, plus with some top players to boot.  I think that in many ways we feel time differently, but there is certainly a meeting place if one is sensitive to find it.   And Tony's jazz connection makes it easy for me.   I"m already expecting a particularly fun and satisfying gig with such wonderful players, and if he shows up that will be the icing on the cake.  It's not for a few weeks yet, but looking forward.    

Just some of my thoughts this evening....


3 comments on “Tony Trischka's show”

banjopaolo Says:
Friday, November 28, 2008 @7:50:06 AM

Hi Cynthia Usually I think that one banjo is enough in a band but to hear you and Tony trischka together..... I'm sure it will be an exiting session!!! I would really like to be there an listen, only if there wasn't an ocean between us...... Anyway I agree that four and five string banjo worlds are closer then many of us think, I play some 5 string and of course there differences in techniques and fingerings but the sound is the same. By the way: I've been told that Bob Gillette (banjoist with Bix) used to play five string banjo, it's true? best fron your number 1 italian fan! ciao I

Ks_5-picker Says:
Friday, April 24, 2009 @6:04:36 AM

So how did the gig turn out?
 I used to pick with a friend who played tenor while I'm a 5 picker. We made some pretty good music,I thought with just the two of us.It's a challenge to play good backup in a situation like that.I had entertained thoughts of recording some tunes but his hands gave out on him soon after and he couldn't play it any more.

cnsayer Says:
Friday, April 24, 2009 @7:29:56 AM

Hi KS,
The gig was nice, but Tony ended up not coming, which frankly didn't surprise me as it ended up to be really bad weather that night.   Oh well.  It was still a good gig, though, as the musicians not only swing but also have a western feel to their playing, which for me was different and fun to work with.

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