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An hour a day got me the progress that I wanted. Most questions have been graciously answered by BHO members. Thanks to Eric for this entire community.
Slowly weaning off the tab for each tune. Maybe 6 that I can get through with few/no mistakes. The best tabs are those with no suggested fingering. The probable roll seems to come without thinking about it. Chord vamping practice is a bore but has to be done.
There were no jams to find. So, I'm about to be the "host" and start one. Slow/beginners/acoustic (all the good words). I'm hoping that people will come out, fumble around and go home determined to suck-it-up and try to be ready and better for the next one. If that's all I get done, I'll be pleased.
1 comment on “What a difference 5 months can make”
fixdent Says:
Monday, February 16, 2009 @6:37:36 PM
Hey Brian...how did your jam work out. I'm thinking of trying the same thing here...
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