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Posted by DHoffmeyer on Friday, November 21, 2008
11 comments on “Hey, let's ban something”
banjotef Says:
Friday, November 21, 2008 @12:59:19 PM
DOLTS with a capital D!!! They put BOTH the O's in STOOPID!
banjotef Says:
Friday, November 21, 2008 @1:00:15 PM
On second thought, give 'em a nice guitar, mando, fiddle, banjo, they will forget all about TV!
Koala_in_pjs Says:
Friday, November 21, 2008 @3:33:43 PM
For once Australia is ahead of America is stupid ideas.
They've already decided to do that here (not sure if the legislation actually went through or not) with the exception of McD's, Kentucky and Hungry Jacks which are the big boys who do most of the advertising anyway so it's pretty pointless as far as I can see.
Unfortunately it is just too easy to go and grab junk food instead of making something decent to eat for alot of people all through the world
DHoffmeyer Says:
Friday, November 21, 2008 @6:03:06 PM
Advertising does not make children fat, but abdication of parental authority might.
pete hobbie Says:
Friday, November 21, 2008 @7:45:28 PM
You need to remember that parenting is a verb,an word that describes an action. So you can count out most "parents".
Bongshang Says:
Saturday, November 22, 2008 @9:33:56 AM
Hi Dean, I would ban my kids from watching tv, but the BBC CBeebies channel is a godsend.- No Advertising, no stupid shows, just the kind of shows you'd want a 3 and 5 year old to watch. It's awesome too how much they learn from this. Viva BBC!!
DHoffmeyer Says:
Saturday, November 22, 2008 @10:19:47 AM
Good point. I know there are some fine programs out there, and my kids watch TV. What I despise is the notion that we are all powerless when faced with real choices. I have no problems saying no to my kids. That, after all, is part of my job.
quikcarl Says:
Saturday, November 22, 2008 @10:51:43 AM
Advertising doesn't make kids or adults obese, eating to much at the wrong time of day and never getting any exercise other than the remote for most of us is what makes us obese. If we don't buy it, we can't eat it. My little thought for the day.
Yard Onion Says:
Sunday, November 23, 2008 @4:32:54 AM
What is the problem with getting a lard-laden meal for $1-$2, especially when you get a FREE molded-plastic toy covered in lead paint?????
Furmans student Says:
Thursday, November 27, 2008 @4:51:40 PM
Aye, just don't take your kids to McD's or Jack in the Box etc etc. Limit their time on the X box, or better yet, don't buy them one to begin with. It's not the commercials that make them FAT........JMO
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