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Lighting Strikes.....

Posted by kyblugrass on Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I have been having trouble with the pull-offs and the hammer-ons.  I’m sure I am not the first newbie to experience this, so I won’t go into the particulars.  However, last night I was struck by lightning and they just fell into place.  It seemed like the blond was possessed.  The notes were clear, in rhythm, and the speed was not too bad.  The right hand seems to come quick for me, but the left hand has been giving me trouble.  It is stupid and won’t do what I tell it to do.  But for a short time last night, it was one with the right.  I am going to keep my fingers crossed that it does not get the stupids again tonight.

4 comments on “Lighting Strikes.....”

randyblair Says:
Tuesday, November 18, 2008 @3:16:24 PM

It's like riding a wild hose Scott...sometimes your ridin like the wind and other times your hoping you can just stay on the horse...keep it up and it will come together more often for ya.  Sure is fun when both hands are in tune with each other...Happy Pickin!

benself Says:
Wednesday, November 19, 2008 @10:54:57 AM

I've noticed the same type of thing with other instruments. You work really hard on a lick or melody, and just cannot seem to get it. Then you come back to it a day or two later, and everything falls into place. I think it has to do with your brain making new connections and stuff. Great to hear you had a victory!

DeanT Says:
Monday, November 24, 2008 @8:11:44 AM

Maybe you can recreate the lightening. I'm thinking sticking your finger in a light socket every night before playing! Actually... I noticed at about a year and a half that you get to a 50-50 point where it's like greased lightening about half the time... and beyond that it keeps getting better and better!!! 

hallomatic Says:
Saturday, November 29, 2008 @8:02:04 AM

same mess of trouble here, only the left is still retarded. took your advice and listened to that disc while I played, helped out a bit, took me bout an hour and i had that song down. I think Ive either inspired Angie, or drove her to madness, shes playin that guitar now every time I play, as opposed to running off and hiding...this house sounds interesting...not much in the way of skill here...My buddy D bought a 4 string bass last night, so weve just been sittin around "jamming" (if ya wanna call it that). its been fun, and I am learning pretty quick I guess, cant wait to come back home and play with you, hopefully I can kinda keep up. I think Im starting the hammer ons and what not today, so Ill let ya know how that goes. Oh yeah, bout that christmas list, we honestly cant think of anything. I could use that music stand, and probably some new pics, but other than that, nothing for me. Like I said bout the girlie, she NEEDS a KC shirt. Only other thing I can think of for her would maybe be some gift cards or something. I think im stuck getting her new tires, lol. shes pretty damn hard to shop for. Anyways, Im gonna take off here and get some practice in. love ya dad, talk to ya later. by the way, Im as computer stupid as they come, how do I put an avatar on this page?

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