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Posted by randal morton on Friday, October 17, 2008
Hey Banjo Playing Friends,
I have been here since March and have finally posted (4 tunes) on BHO. "I hope you will like them."
Your Friend, Randal
4 comments on “newly posted tunes”
Wes Lassiter Says:
Thursday, March 5, 2009 @4:59:22 PM
You are the most famous un-famous banjo player I know. You really should be very famous. You are one hell of a banjo player Randal. They really don't come much better than you. The best part is you are one of the nicest people I know as well.
randal morton Says:
Thursday, March 5, 2009 @7:20:13 PM
Thank you Wes! I love to play.To me, more than having "fame" is having "friends" like you to share the music & laughter. Again, Thank you so much for the very nice comments!
Your friend, Randal
Ozarkian DL Says:
Sunday, April 5, 2009 @6:13:38 AM
Well I shore ca'nt add much ta wes's comment, cept....
awesomely, Intimadating. You should be famous.
randal morton Says:
Monday, April 6, 2009 @7:33:23 PM
Hey Thank you so much! I really appreciate the nice comment Ozarkian D.L. !!! I probably never will get Famous, By now, it really doesn't matter anymore, been playing since '69. Several of my students, or studied from me in the past, I quess are considered "Famous". Mike Snyder & Richard Bailey come to mind. Thank you, Your Friend, Randal
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