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Posted by banjo~gal on Monday, September 22, 2008

Back from Borneo now...been back for ages it seems(about 2 months i think) and i'm only just getting back into playing the banjo. I'm also playing the guitar quite a lot now and am planning on getting mandolin lessons, or some kind of lessons, playing something anyway!

I had a great time on Saturday. I went to workshops all day (rudiments of jamming, intermediate bluegrass, and intermediate frailing). They were fab and i really enjoyed myself as i've never played with anyone properly before, i also joined in on some jamming!! :-) The bluegrass banjo workshops were with Pete and Joan Wernick, they're so nice!! They made sure i was ok during the day, since i was the youngest there (everyone else was at least 50, and usually male, not that theres anything wrong with old people of course!! I love them all :P). So they were really nice, Joan also really loved my shoes (my flowery DMs) lol. I'm going to start going to the jam session that happens in the same place that the workshops were every other week and the slow jam one friday every month (it was in Rainham old oast and the club is called ROOTS, so contact me if you go there too :-D). I really enjoyed my first time and i am going to start getting my practice back up to scratch as i seem to have lost some of my ability in borneo :P There was also a concert in the evening which was awesome! Pete and Joan played loads of songs and they were all great! Pete also played FMB which was sooo amazing, hes awesome, and Joan is an awesome singer :-D I have their new CD with Flexigrass, called What The...its really good, they also signed it for me!! Good times :-)

So anyway, thats where i'm at at the moment, i'm also really liking school at the moment, which is surprising after 5 years of absolutely loathing shool :-)

keep picking!!

lots of love to everyone in the whole world :-D


5 comments on “OKayyy”

Banjo Island Says:
Monday, September 22, 2008 @6:41:51 AM

Come to Sore Fingers week!!

Ks_5-picker Says:
Monday, September 22, 2008 @8:21:11 AM

Hey,I'm glad you're gettin back into the pickin. Pete used to belong to a group called Hot's still one of my favorites.

ragitty Says:
Wednesday, September 24, 2008 @4:06:11 PM

Welcome home Hannah, it sounds like your going to be busy lol

banjomikey Says:
Saturday, September 27, 2008 @5:45:50 PM

i started going to jams a couple of months ago, and it was the best thing that I ever did for my playing. I still get nervous now and again, but my ear is much better now, and I don't rely on tab very much anymore. I'm usually the youngest by about 20 years, but my jam group has accepted me with open arms! Now if I skip a week, the next time they say "Where wear you?? We missed ya man!"

David M Says:
Wednesday, October 22, 2008 @8:43:41 PM

Spooky Hannah, I just happened to stumble over your blog and didn't see UK under your name. I live near Rochester and used to play with Graham now and again in my house. I contact him now and again to find out how he is and only last week pointed out this forum and some of it's plectrum players as I know he's getting into tenor banjo. I've been working nights this past 10 years so ROOTS is out of my grasp at the moment sadly.

Best wishes to you both, good to read you're having a good time.

David Martin

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