Posted by bevans on Monday, September 8, 2008
Fall is my favorite time of year and my busiest these days! I hope to see a lot of you at one of these upcoming concerts and workshops (visit the Schedule link at my homepage for all of the details):
September 12-13: Flagstaff, AZ: Pickin' In The Pines Bluegrass Festival, Pine Mountain Amphitheater, Coconino County Fairgrounds, performing as a special guest with Steve Smith and Hard Road. At 1 pm on September 12, Bill leads a workshop with Dick Brown on right hand techinque in bluegrass banjo.
September 14: Silver City, NM: Silver City Folk Festival, performing as a special guest with Steve Smith and Hard Road.
September 16: Chico, CA: Bill Evans and Megan Lynch open for IIIrd Tyme Out at the Sierra Nevada Brewery's Big Room, 1075 East 20th Street, doors open at 6 p.m. show begins at 7:30 p.m.
September 18: El Cerrito, CA: Bill Evans and Megan Lynch debut at the East Bay's newest music venue 33 Revolutions, a uniquely wonderful record shop & cafe, 10086 San Pablo Avenue (in the same block as the Cerrito Speakeasy Theater, across from Nations). Admission is free but donations are welcome. Performance is from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. The Mattresses (featuring Bill's daughter Corey Evans on drums) open. For additional info, phone 510-898-1836 or email
September 19: San Jose, CA: Bill Evans and Megan Lynch perform a house concert at the Antes Home at 8 p.m. in the Alamden section of San Jose. For more info, email Kerri at or phone 408-997-8253.
September 20: Willits, CA: Bill Evans and Megan Lynch host afternoon banjo backup and fiddle improvisation workshops from 2 to 4 p.m. and perform in concert at the Willits Center for the Arts, 71 East Commercial St. at 8 p.m. Workshop admission $30, concert admission $15. Contact Bruce Burton at 707-459-4549 for workshop location, details and registration. Tickets for the evening concert available at the Willits Center for the Arts or at the Leaves of Grass Bookstore. Concert sponsored by Willits Rotary. Bill's Banjo Workshop Play Great Backup Now! will be a hands-on, bring your banjo and lets play kind of session with practical and easy to understand tips that you can immediately use in your next jam session or band rehearsal. Topics to be covered include vamping, up- and down-the-neck backup, Scruggs great backup licks, using the capo, and playing in different keys. This workshop is open to all levels of students but is ideal for those who have one or more years of playing experience. Bills group teaching method keeps everyone involved. Tab examples are provided but it is not necessary to read tab to get a lot out of this session. Audio and/or video recording is encouraged.
September 28: Cambridge (Boston area), MA: Banjo Workshop: Earl Scruggs Essentials and Working Up Solos in Scruggs Style. 2 to 5 p.m., $55 for general public, $50 for Boston Bluegrass Union members. The New School of Music, 25 Lowell Street. This workshop is a "hand on - let's pick" kind of session designed for all students, but ideal for those with one or more years of playing experience. After a brief discussion of right and left hand mechanics and a quick review of roll patterns, Bill will move on to present Earl's favorite licks and techniques up and down the neck that you can use in both lead playing and in backup. You'll learn many of the things you've heard on recordings but perhaps had a difficult time figuring out for yourself. From there, Bill will move on to a systematic presentation that unlocks the secrets of working up effective and great sounding Scruggs-style solos to songs. You'll learn how to find melody notes on the banjo in different keys and how to include the melody in a roll-based break. You'll then learn how to integrate licks into your solo and how to get in and out of a solo in a band or jam session. Tab examples will be presented for everything that will be covered in the session but it's not necessary to read tab well to get a lot out of this workshop. Audio and/or video recording is encouraged. Co-sponsored by the Boston Bluegrass Union and American Made Banjo. Contact Bill directly at for more information. Advance registration is recommended by contacting Cameron Pforr of the BBU at
October 5: San Francisco, CA: Bill Evans String Summit with Megan Lynch (Bill, Megan, Scott Nygaard, Steve Smith, Bill Amatneek and Alex Hargreaves), Hardly Strictly Bluegrass, Golden Gate Park, Porch Stage. Set time 2:15 to 3 p.m. on the Porch Stage.
October 8: Berkeley, CA: Bill Evans and Megan Lynch return to the place where it all started, LeBateau Ivre, 2629 Telegraph Ave., 94704. Music is from 7 to 9 p.m. - come and enjoy dinner. Admission is free but the hat is aggressively passed. :) Phone 510-849-1100 for more info.
October 9: San Francisco , CA: Bill Evans and Megan Lynch, Amnesia, 853 Valencia St., 415-970-0012. Additional details TBA.
October 10: Alameda, CA: Bill Evans and Megan Lynch, McGrath's Pub, 1539 Lincoln Avenue, 8 p.m.
October 11: Sonora, CA: Bill Evans and Megan Lynch, The Old Stan, 177 South Washington Street. Info at 209-536-9598.
October 17-19: Joelton, TN: NashCamp Sonny Osborne Banjo Retreat at Hachland Village. Staff includes J. D. Crowe (Sat-Sun), Charlie Cushman (Sun), Alan Munde, Ned Luberecki, Frank Neat, Sonny Osborne and Bill Evans. Our camp is sold out for this year. Contact Cindy Sinclair at 888-798-5012 or to be placed on our waiting list and please consider joining us in 2009! Registration opens for the 2009 camp on January 2!
BILL EVANS and MEGAN LYNCH FALL UK TOUR, Oct. 23 to Nov. 2 (more dates TBA)
October 23: Islington, London and South East, England: Bill Evans and Megan Lynch at Magpie's Nest Folk Club at The Old Queenshead. Admission 6 pounds. For more info, phone 020 7354 9993.
October 25: Otley, Northwest, England: Bill Evans and Megan Lynch at the Otley Courthouse, Courthouse Street, LS21 3AN. For more info phone 01943 467466.
October 26: Clerkenwell, London and South East, England: Bill Evans and Megan Lynch, "Come Down and Meet The Folks" show at The Apple Tree, 45 Mt. Pleasant WCiX 0AE.
November 2: Galway, Ireland : Bill Evans and Megan Lynch at The Crane Bar, 2 Sea Road. For more info phone 353 91 587 419 or email
November 7: Springfield, IL: Bill teaches an all day banjo workshop as part of the Greater Downstate Indoor Bluegrass Festival, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Capital View Room, 12th floor, 3000 South Dirkson Parkway, 9 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. $120 for 5 1/2 hours of instruction includes food voucher! Designed for banjo players with one or more years of playing experience, this session will cover Scruggs, melodic and single-string styles, back-up, instrument set up and much more! Contact Terry Lease at 217-243-3159 or email to to reigster. For questions about workshop content, contact Bill directly at
November 8: Lawrence, KS: Bill Evans and Megan Lynch teach banjo, fiddle and intro to jamming workshops and present an evening concert at the Americana Music Academy, 1419 Mass Street, 66044. "The Banjo Workshop: Play Great Backup Now" is from 12 noon to 2 p.m., admission is $30. Bill and Megan teach "The Jamming Workshop: For All Instrumentalists and Singers" from 3 to 4:30 pm. Admission is $30. The concert is at 7:30 p.m., admission is $12. Advance registration advised for workshops. More info at 785-830-9640.
November 9: St. Louis, MO: Bill Evans and Megan Lynch teach workshops and present an afternoon concert at Music Folk, 8015 Big Bend. Banjo & fiddle workshops open to all levels, from noon to 2 p.m. $30. Concert from 3 to5 p.m., $15 admission. Phone 314-961-2838 or 800-892-2970 or email to for more info and reservations.
I hope to see a lot of you folks soon!
All the best,
1 comment
on “Fall concerts and workshops - all over the world!”
Janerothfield Says:
Tuesday, September 9, 2008 @3:39:49 AM
Wow Bill. That sounds like a whole lot of fun. Janie
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