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Posted by Granadakid on Friday, September 5, 2008
Hey All,
Just to let everyone know, I'm finished recording the all banjo instrumental bluegrass CD. We had a great time! Next week we go back for mixing.
Patrick McAvinue played some great fiddle and Russ Hooper played classic dobro in the style of Uncle Josh. I'm very proud of it. Mike Munford and myself did a "Double Banjo version" of Earl's Breakdown too! I cut some classic Earl stuff along with three songs I wrote just for this release!
We're looking at a Nationwide release in mid December, so stay tuned!
Steve Myers
The Banjo Demon
2 comments on “Recording Session Finished”
Bongshang Says:
Sunday, September 14, 2008 @1:36:27 PM
Sounds like an excellent cd. Keep us posted, JJ
Banjov1 Says:
Monday, September 22, 2008 @2:14:51 PM
Banjos in Baltimore!
I'll definitely pick up this CD
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