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My first jam

Posted by tombrien on Monday, August 25, 2008

I had my first jam session last weekend. I was up visiting my wifes family in Tobermory - Canada, they had a small reunion going on, and as usual her uncle got out his guitar and started playing. One of the guys there had a tenor banjo, and the uncle's daughter got her guitar out as well as another guy. I was a bit reluctant to get out my banjo at first because I didn't know any of the tunes they were playing. I finally took the plunge and was so glad I did. I had one of the best times of my life. I was scared to death at first, but soon settled in and just watched the guitars for the chord changes and really didn't hit too many sour notes. I mainly vamped the chords, and every now and then picked a few rolls. I also had a few chances  to pick a tune or two that I knew well. It really sounded great to me. I wanted to pick all night .... but at one point they all took a break to watch some fireworks, and we didn't play any further. It was a tremendous confidence builder for me. I know I still have much to learn, but next time I won't hesitate to pull out my banjo to pick a bit with other people.

3 comments on “My first jam”

joemac Says:
Monday, August 25, 2008 @7:59:21 PM

Nice one Tom, great to dip your toes in the water.....joe

DandyRandy Says:
Monday, August 25, 2008 @8:33:31 PM

Congratulations! Jams get better and better. Maybe there are some around where you live.

CrustyOldWoman Says:
Tuesday, August 26, 2008 @1:41:30 PM

You did great honey!
I knew you would once you got over
the initial
"jumpin' in and hangin' on".

I love you.  xoxox

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