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The Ants go marching one by one,
hurrah, hurrah
The Ants go marching one by one,
hurrah! hurrah!
The student ants are fighting back,
they hide all their books
in a gunny sack
And they all go marching on....
Well, soon it will be time for the kiddies to return to school, and us educators wil have to return to the classrooms and teach 'em what they need to know... whether they want to know it or not.
Seems to me, back when I was a kid, we appreciated the knowledge a bit more. 'Course, we fought it just as hard, just so they'd think we were normal, but we loved it, and we stayed up at mnight wondering what new things we would learn tomorrow, and and *SCRIIIIEECCHH**(sound of needle scratching on LP)...
Yeah. Right. Lets just admit it, huh? no stuedent enjoys public school. They stopped enjoying it about five minutes after it was invented, OK? So, stop groaning, the kids dont like it any more than you do...
Just so We're clear on that.
Nuff said......
5 comments on “Back to School, Hurrah Hurrah...”
clio Says:
Wednesday, August 6, 2008 @3:35:15 AM
Admire your courage!
banjotef Says:
Wednesday, August 6, 2008 @7:25:27 AM
Sometimes I wish I could do those years over again. And not retain what I know now so much, but retain the appreciation for the opportunities I didn't pursue to the utmost! Your job is not easy!
twayneking Says:
Wednesday, August 6, 2008 @7:28:53 AM
I enjoyed school.
Not all students hate schools. When I was a teacher, those were the ones that were a breath of fresh air in the room. Of course, they always gave me all the ADHD kids. My last school I had better than half of my kids were diagnosable ADHD. I had to learn to teach on the fly with those kids, but I did it. My classroom was a moveable feast, but my kids improved an average of 3 grade levels (they were all behind). The parents loved me. The school board fired me.
You have my admiration and sympathy. It ain't all the kids, brother.
granada40 Says:
Wednesday, August 6, 2008 @7:36:07 AM
I'm kind of sad the school year's starting again. It's been nice being able to sleep in, wake up and play a little banjo.
granada40 Says:
Wednesday, August 6, 2008 @7:36:43 AM
I'm kind of sad the school year's starting again. It's been nice being able to sleep in, wake up and play a little banjo.
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