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Posted by Jaminbanjo on Sunday, July 27, 2008
2 comments on “Saw the Kruger Brothers!”
DandyRandy Says:
Sunday, July 27, 2008 @9:07:25 PM
They're great aren't they? Their merchandise person, very nice lady, stayed with us when they were here. There was a beautiful monarch butterfly that flew around in front of the stage for most of their show. I almost decided it was remote control, but it wasn't. One thing that Jens mentioned in his workshop is that we're responsible for how we make people feel with our music. That's a good point.
joemac Says:
Monday, July 28, 2008 @3:09:40 AM
wonderful music, i find myself trying to play more and more of Jens tunes.inpirational....i was lucky enough to catch them here in the UK...........hope it won't be too long till next time.
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