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Hi, everybody.

Posted by banjowannabe on Sunday, July 13, 2008

I've been thinking about getting a banjo, did a search and found you folks online. What an incredible resource. Anyway, I used to play banjo in the 80's and would still occasionally pick mine up and noodle around with it (Martin-built Vega with Wonder Tone Ring). However, about a year ago I gave it to my nephew. I didn't play it that much, and he wanted to use it in his punk band. I thought that was a good cause. Well now it's a year later, and I miss having a banjo around. Wandered into a store the other day and found a used Gold Star GF-200. I don't really want a foreign-built banjo, but I picked this baby up and was amazed at how easily it played. Usually when I haven't played for awhile, I can't get my fingers to do much, but this banjo was smooth and fast. It had a good sound to it, but had a sort of overtone to it that kind of fuzzed up the bell-like quality ( I could hear the clear tone when plucked but then it got covered up, if that makes sense). Also the action was high. I was wondering: 1. can I lower the action without messing with the loudness (it's loud)? 2. Is there likely to be a way to clear up the tone? I might purchase it anyway. The tone was better than a lot of other banjos and the thing just "felt" right. Wish they wouldn't overdo the lacquer so much on the neck - but heck, the price was right. Thanks in advance, Brian

3 comments on “Hi, everybody.”

Gold Star GF-85 Says:
Sunday, July 13, 2008 @12:55:59 PM

I don't think you can go wrong with a Gold Star for the price, and if the finish is a problem on the neck you can have it sanded down to where they call it a "speed neck", my friend had his done and I can see why it is called a speed neck, although I wouldn't have it done to my Gisbon. If you get this Banjo make sure you take it to someone who knows what their doing when setting it up, it will amke a world of difference.

Big John/Gold Star GF-85

ditchavage Says:
Monday, July 14, 2008 @5:34:02 AM

I own a GF-200 and it is the best i've played! Believe me I've owned 8 banjos, from a johnson jb100 to a RK-R85-SN, (i've even played gibsons that weren't as pleasent to pick as the GF-200), and none compared to the GF-200 in sound and playability. you won't regret the purchase if you choose to do so.

PaulKirby Says:
Wednesday, November 19, 2008 @9:50:09 PM

Well, Brian, let me try to clear a couple of things up:

I am actually bullshitting about being 'purty good', but I did it for you. I notice that I am your only Hangout Friend, and well, wouldn't you rather have a purty good friend than a novice friend?  And yes, I do have stubble on my upper peninsula, but it's only to frighten off the bears.  In addition, I'll burn something to Odin that he'll send you some snow.

Takk for beskjed, og håper du har det dritt bra!

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