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well, I have been a banjo hongout member for about two years and trying to learn the banjo for 2 1/2 years.
Until now I saw no reason to start this blog, and still see no reason, except I feel like doing it now. I do not expect anyone will ever bother to read this , but who knows.
My on line name is ken61 because this is how old I was when I decided to take an interest in the banjo. Many years before, I had seen George Seagal on the Johnny Carson show and he said he was learning to play the banjo and he did play a bit. He was 62, I believe , at the time. I decided when I was 62 I would learn to play.
So , at 61, nearly 62, I said to my wife, "Dear, its time for me to learn to play the banjo!" She replied, "Good, there is a banjo in the back closet!" I did not know there was a banjo in the back closet. Says I, "Good thing I did not say I was going to play the fiddle!" Says she, " well, there is a fiddle next to the banjo"! Sure enough , there was a fiddle and a banjo in the back bedroom closet.
I mention the above to indicate the fact that untill that day , I had no interest in music whatsoever. Not even enough to know there were musical instruments in my home. When I say "NO INTEREST, I really mean no interest. I listened to music, mostly folk music of the 60s and 70s, but nothing else. I never attended a music concert or music event in my life, and never bought qa CD. In my college days , I did buy a few classical LPs which I never listened to. NO interest at all. I was a Science guy, pure and simple. Taught chemistry and did things technical, not musical.
Well any way, the presence of a banjo in the closet, albeit a cheap Korean, old, beat-up job, was a sign that this might have been a good decision.
While out for coffee that week with a friend, I mentioned to him my desire to learn to play the banjo. He said that the week before he had been at a Garage sale and the lady had a banjo for sale. We left our coffee and drove to the house where my friend remembered the garage sale with the banjo. He knocked on the door and the lady answered. He asked about the banjo, and was told the garage sale he remembered was not a week ago, but over a year ago. However, she still had the banjo and would sell it. I bought the banjo for $75 . A cheap Korean banjo which likely sold for $150 when new. BUT, I took this as another sign that this decision of mine to play the banjo might have been a good decision. The BANJO GODS were looking down on me.
5 comments on “After three years! 6-18-08”
clio Says:
Wednesday, June 18, 2008 @8:10:12 AM
Go get it Ken. I started at 66 and still enjoying it at 71.
fourover Says:
Monday, March 29, 2010 @9:44:57 AM
Just started learning myself at 62,really enjoying it but sometimes wonder if I will ever be able to master it.
ken61 Says:
Monday, March 29, 2010 @9:50:13 AM
Believe me it is possible. I learned to play and to read music. Everyone can do it. Get some help (teacher) , if possible. Most important be persistent-learn the basics forst and don't worry about becoming fantastic. it will grow slowly! Let me know if I can help.
ken61 Says:
Monday, March 29, 2010 @9:50:25 AM
Believe me it is possible. I learned to play and to read music. Everyone can do it. Get some help (teacher) , if possible. Most important be persistent-learn the basics forst and don't worry about becoming fantastic. it will grow slowly! Let me know if I can help.
ken61 Says:
Monday, March 29, 2010 @9:50:40 AM
Believe me it is possible. I learned to play and to read music. Everyone can do it. Get some help (teacher) , if possible. Most important be persistent-learn the basics forst and don't worry about becoming fantastic. it will grow slowly! Let me know if I can help.
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