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Going to Borneo

Posted by banjo~gal on Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Hey guys

As some of you know i'll be going to Borneo in just under 5 weeks....not long to go!!!!!!!!! and for those who didn't do now!! :-)

I'll just give you a quick overview of what i'll be doing::

Well to start with there was 20 girls who were chosen out of about 300 to go on a World Challenge to Borneo. We had to write in a small paragraph  why we thought we should be chosen to go and stuff like that. I was one of the lucky 20 :-) (unfortunately 3 girls dropped out so only 17 of us are going now). We had to raise about £4000 each which is about $8000, that is a lot of money !!!!!!!! We'll be out there for 4 weeks doing different things in country (i will not be able to take my banjo, no banjo for 4 weeks!!! :-(  We go with 2 teachers from school (they both suck :P) and one world challenge leader (hes gorgeous! only 22 ;-))

We leave on 13th July.

The first phase is called the acclimatisation trek, which is where i'll be going to Miri, the Lambir Hills and the Niah Caves. The Caves are awesome apparently and hugemungus!! We'll be walking around those places to work ourselves into the culture and climate (much too hot :P)

The second phase is the project where we get to help out in one of the local villages, helping to build a school room or paint or build a bridge or whatever they need us to do!

The third phase is the main trekking. We will be trekking through the jungle with local guides and we will be cooking on open fires and sleeping in hammocks in the jungle (very exciting!). The we will climb the highest mountain in borneo (Mount Kinabalu (3100m)) and we will reach the summit to see the sunrise :-)

The last phase is where we can do anything we like!! We can go and see the orang-utans being fed, go white water rafting, look around the towns or whatever we choose!

We arrive back in the UK on 12th August :D

Well there you have it, I won't go on about it anymore but now you know why i will be dissappearing for 4 weeks!!! :P Annnddd if there are any internet cafes i could e-mail people or keep you updated!!


If you want to know more or anything e-mail me or and me on msn :

thanks for wheres my banjo ;-)

lots of love to all !!!!!!!!!

11 comments on “Going to Borneo”

frailin Says:
Tuesday, June 10, 2008 @6:05:11 AM

Hannah!  What a fabulous trip!  Congrats not only on being accepted to go, but wanting to go (and change the world) in the first place!!  This is excellent!

Now, why can't you bring your banjo?  It would seem to me you will be experiencing culture BOTH ways (the Borneo folks will also be learning from you).  I would think you could assemble a rather compelling argument that the BANJO would make an excellent cultural exchange medium. 

Good luck!  Take lots of pictures and I would hope you would assemble another blog documenting your journey upon your return.

Craig (frailin)

Jeepster Says:
Tuesday, June 10, 2008 @7:05:35 AM

What a fantastic opportunity Hannah!  congratulations...we'll be looking forward to reports and photos. Hope to see you in the chatroom before you of luck and safe journey.

twayneking Says:
Tuesday, June 10, 2008 @7:59:41 AM

Good luck and be safe!

My uncle worked in that part of the word for 20 years as a missionary.  Just keep your eyes open and be careful to follow your group leaders' instructions.

There are some unhappy people over there you have to be wary of.

Ks_5-picker Says:
Tuesday, June 10, 2008 @3:09:58 PM

That sounds like an awesome trip except for one thing,no banjo...but you'll survive,I know you will........;-))

Joanchek Says:
Tuesday, June 10, 2008 @4:34:12 PM

Hannah, have a wonderful, safe trip!  Remember that those "sucky" teachers are volunteering part of their summer to keep an eye on you girls;  maybe they're not quite so bad after all?

Take lots of pictures, and I can't wait to hear all about your trip!

banjo~gal Says:
Wednesday, June 11, 2008 @1:57:24 AM

thanks a lot for your support guys, i will try to keep you updated and when i get back i'll have lots of photos to show you :-) ..... the teachers dont really do much to be honest, they're a bit useless, but i wont go into that its a long story :-P .... yeah i'll survive without my banjo hopefuly :-D


Jody Hughes Says:
Thursday, June 19, 2008 @1:25:23 PM your physics :)

banjo~gal Says:
Thursday, June 19, 2008 @1:27:23 PM

Jody!!! corrr thats tomorrow, dont ruin everything

blackshirtbacker Says:
Thursday, June 26, 2008 @4:09:24 PM

Sounds like a fun time Hannah! Enjoy every moment rock star!!!

flange5st Says:
Sunday, July 13, 2008 @8:09:34 AM safe and when you get back you'll have to write an instrumental called the " Borneo Breakdown"....................peace 

Jack Baker Says:
Monday, July 14, 2008 @7:19:44 AM

Hi Hannah,

Have fun!! Take care of your Dad; especially when he's jumping his bike :-))...Jack

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